whadja do today?

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You guys are out of control. Can't anyone do a little treework without getting all arrogant, insulting and obnoxious?? I mean really, even I get sick of it sometimes!! :angel:

I'm hoping to get the chipper slammed back together today and finally get back cutting... hopefully I don't turn into an ####### on account of it! Lol. :laugh:

More proof that the Mayan Calender predicting the end of time in 2012 is probably right.
Notch the limb to the left hand side.


Pull it up and send it 90 degrees from its lean


Its the big oak on the left


Sits atop a hill and leans over a house.


We put a few straps on the bottom


A guy line on the trunk


Yeah, I guess that one was about to go on its own. I put everything on the SL or ZL or what have you. Loading big limbs onto a SP doesn't have near the shock as when dumping on a block. There are lots of other subtle naunces with the SL. Sometimes its almost like cheating.

It worked well here as we were able to keep the debris up on the hill and pull the limbs out of the other trees. I tied my end of the SL to the trunk then went out the limbs to redirect the line. At some points we were beyond 90 degrees, maybe like 120.

The green line is for the other ground anchor set a few more degrees opposite the lean. This helped induce the right line of pull force on the SL to direct the limbs I was notching up and out. Not only is the SP used for running limbs down, its also a pull line for the limbs being cut.

I sent the very last bit of top down it, it was much smoother than drop it on a block.
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The green line is for the other ground anchor set a few more degrees opposite the lean. This helped induce the right line of pull force on the SL to direct the limbs I was notching up and out. Not only is the SP used for running limbs down, its also a pull line for the limbs being cut.

I sent the very last bit of top down it, it was much smoother than drop it on a block.

From one guy to another, I used to guy a lot of trees good job, only thing is; hard hats don't work on the ground by boats lol :)
I won't mention chaps because I'm guilty of leaving in truck when it gets hot and of hard hat abuse on occasion too.
The hard hat in the yard was the home owners. He had it on when he was out watching us zip the limbs down. I didnt have my hard hat on when I cut the last part of the trunk. Took it off to clean up and didnt feel like getting it to make that last cut. I own a set of chaps, but I only wore them once when I was wearing shorts cause it was so dam hot out. Maybe the ones I have dont fit right or something because I feel all constricted in them.
Well, I have not done any actual tree work this week, between the rain, the machine stuck and then the dentist mutilating my teeth. Went to have a tooth pulled, idiot slips and break 2 others off, has to cut my gums open to get the rest of them. I have not felt like doing crap. Mouth full of stitches, eating vicoden like they are sweet tarts! But...........I have sold my a s s off! I have to stop and take a good look, but I am guessing I am about 4-5 weeks out as of right now. Going to 4 more today. Then it starts, back to 50 hour weeks. Time to make some money again, been coasting, need to start pedaling again.

Going to ask one more time guys. Stay away from the wife stuff, that goes for kids and parents as well. Brothers on the other hand are fair game. To bait someone into a argument is no different than the actual statements that deeply offend. ALL will be dealt with equally. Some may not care, I do and so do many others. So again, last time. KNOCK IT OFF. I am not thin skinned, but some stuff is just off limits

Yeah this thread is turning nasty. I was going to post something about playing in some oaks as of late, but I'd rather see the thread closed from what I read here.
The hard hat in the yard was the home owners. He had it on when he was out watching us zip the limbs down. I didnt have my hard hat on when I cut the last part of the trunk. Took it off to clean up and didnt feel like getting it to make that last cut. I own a set of chaps, but I only wore them once when I was wearing shorts cause it was so dam hot out. Maybe the ones I have dont fit right or something because I feel all constricted in them.

Dude, were's your second TIP??...back at you my friend...lol...yep, it happends to all of us at times, forgetting or chosen not to use PPE sometimes, Ive been guilty of it
Notch the limb to the left hand side.


Pull it up and send it 90 degrees from its lean


Its the big oak on the left


Sits atop a hill and leans over a house.


We put a few straps on the bottom


A guy line on the trunk


THE DAN very nice work...its good to see you back at it again,
your a good climber man, stay safe!
Dude, were's your second TIP??...back at you my friend...lol...yep, it happends to all of us at times, forgetting or chosen not to use PPE sometimes, Ive been guilty of it

Very true. I just had to bust your balls just like you did mine. All in fun.

Seems like this forum and the world for a matter of fact is turning into a bunch of thin skinned cry babys. Wtf.
Yeah this thread is turning nasty. I was going to post something about playing in some oaks as of late, but I'd rather see the thread closed from what I read here.

I will agree with JPS, the trash talk garb. about familly has got to go!....Scott could you clean up this thread a bit??...its a good thread about what we do, gives us a chance to see others work, I hope this thread stays, just needs to be cleaned up and mabey some warnings?

There's alot of cool talented people on here, some just get out of hand and go bit to far, lets get back to "whadja do today" with pics and story's....
Very true. I just had to bust your balls just like you did mine. All in fun.

Seems like this forum and the world for a matter of fact is turning into a bunch of thin skinned cry babys. Wtf.

No prob. 2tree, I left myself wide open on that one..lol...If I didnt own my own business, and worked for a company they probably would have fired me for that.....its easy to get to relaxed sometimes, or just want to get it done, without taking the extra time to do it book safe.
Started a row of about 48 ficus topiary's ..did over half of them...one hand on the pistol grip ,one handed pole hedger set at a 45 degree angle flat topping, flip it over and round off the edge..leaning over the bucket, need a leather bucket edge for leaning on..much better than fiberglass but it was a cool job. It was in Santa Fe Springs, CA ..at a big steel yard.. The other pic is trimming this big nasty Catalina Island Pine at a golf course..the trimmer is Abel. He is like 52 , has no lanyard on his saw and no lanyard for climbing. just a rope and belt. This dude can shape an ornamental tree like you wouldnt believe and climbs like a squirell he's about 5'2 130lbs. I've seen him do some sick #### climbing out of buckets, jumping limb to limb and hammering out huge dead Euc branches 2 1/2 ' around 80' long TONNES of weight.no spikes..he's a underappriecated, underpaid legend, drives a little toyota car, used to have a peice of #### chevy breaking down in the yard. Been working for the same guy for 18 yrs..
THis is an awesome thread and everyones getting crazy. AA is gone, lets all have fun and work safe, if you have time on the job, take some pics and post. Really enjoy but have a few beers, burn one, run one off, whatever you need to do to relax before posting:cheers:
Nice work, Danno and 2fat2climb! lol As far as this thread, goes, I think Scott's doing well, no need for formal warnings, etc. If tree guys can't get together and rip on other tree guys w/out crying to papa moderator about it there wouldn't be much of a point to this thread.
Put Eric up a fun maple today, hung his first two tops of any significance. He was all sorts of pumped about it. Tops were cut just before this pic.

Then this happened. We only had the one ton with us so we dropped the chipper and barely got that truck out.

Drove back to town and grabbed the yota. Wanna make fun of my winch now, Mr. Sparkles?
Nice work, Danno and 2fat2climb! lol As far as this thread, goes, I think Scott's doing well, no need for formal warnings, etc. If tree guys can't get together and rip on other tree guys w/out crying to papa moderator about it there wouldn't be much of a point to this thread.

It's pretty peaceful. That other guy was a black hole who sucked the energy out of everything.