What I did with a root ball today.

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Becareful jerking stumps with a cummins...

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Originally Posted by StihlyinEly
Realistically speaking, that's bullpuckey. As long as you don't cut off the shaft of the trunk to separate it from the rootball, with all the weight of the trunk/branches bearing down toward the ground, nothing short of a combination earthquake/tornado will get it to stand back up. By the time the branches/trunk have rotted enough to separate from the ball (decades), the cavity beneath the ball has filled in.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.

He already cut the tree before he stood it back up... Just depends on how much he leaves. This way he could cut the rest for firewood or whatever instead of leaving 10ft attached to the stump. To me it makes no sense not to stand it back up. Although on that particular tree it doesn't look like it would have been a problem with it coming back up.
He already cut the tree before he stood it back up... Just depends on how much he leaves. This way he could cut the rest for firewood or whatever instead of leaving 10ft attached to the stump. To me it makes no sense not to stand it back up. Although on that particular tree it doesn't look like it would have been a problem with it coming back up.

I'd do it just to fill the hole. Why wouldn't ya?