What you guys using for 2 stroke oil? -A fallers perspective-

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******** Timber Expert
Jul 21, 2009
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Hardwood Country
I don't want to post this in the saw forum, because I'm looking for answers from guys who count their annual saw running time in the hundreds or thousands of hours rather than tens. Basically I'm trying to tighten up expenses and I know there are cheaper alternatives to what I'm using. I'm currently running Husky brand 2 stroke oil and it comes out to about $1.50 per gallon of gas. I've looked into some cheaper stuff for about 50 cents per gallon. I'd hate to risk wrecking a saw, but I'd save several hundred bucks a year on the cheap crap. All I have ever run is the most expensive Stihl or Husky brand 2 stroke. I'd probably mix it a little richer just for insurance. You've probably gathered that I've already made my decision, just curious what you guys run.
We use husky oil
at work, lots of saws, buy it by the case. I use Amsoil
in my personal saws, I use my own saws and don't share. We have Sthils and huskys. The guy I know that puts the most time on saws uses Cheveron oil and only cheveron with cheveron premium gas. I, we have never had a bearing failure due to oil starvation. upload_2013-12-5_17-42-0.jpeg
Our company has been using oil from the husky dealer for as long as we be been using husky saws. A little over 32 years. If you buy it by the gallon its a little cheaper.
Stihl full synthetic. Buy it by the gallon, fill saved 5 gallon juggettes. expensive ****
Been running Amsoil Dominator for the past year or so. No issues. Somewhere around $32 a gallon. Saws run great, no issues with fumes. 50:1......miracle my saws haven't all grenaded yet, according to the cs forum experts lol.

Hope you're busy and all's well Bob - Sam
There are lots of threads about "no oil killed my saw", or "this ratio is bad," but I've never seen a "I ran brand x in a standard ratio and it killed my saw". I am not sure there is a brand of oil that if you run it 40:1 will kill your saws.
Been running Amsoil Dominator for the past year or so. No issues. Somewhere around $32 a gallon. Saws run great, no issues with fumes. 50:1......miracle my saws haven't all grenaded yet, according to the cs forum experts lol.

Hope you're busy and all's well Bob - Sam
There will be a lot of BelRay Hr1 purchased tomorrow and a lot of stock saws tuned to 32:1. I'd make fun of them, but that's what I run. My saw's porter says run this and basically I'll fix it if it breaks, so that's what I run. Just so y'all know, none of the saw manufacturers or chainsaw stores "make" their own oil, and likely much of it is the same. Bitz asked a serious question for which I have no answer, so a few posts too late, I am out
Like Bob, I've been using the stuff from Bailey's. But if I run out I don't hesitate to pick up the Stihl synthetic at the local dealer. Or if they aren't open when I get to town I have been known to stop at that tractor store and pick up the Husky Synthetic. My saw's aren't all that picky.
The Baily's stuff is the cheapest and in my opinion is just as good.

Having torn down quite a few saws with bearing failures I would go with a good synthetic. Woodland pro seems to work fine for guys milling and Andy and Bob. I've seen a few blue cranks on husky 372 and 390s along with big end bearings killed. Burvol sent me one of his that grenades the big end in a month of run time and it needed a new crank and all the bearings. He said he was running 50:1 in it Stihl ultra. Just my .02 worth. You might save on the oil but if you lose a crank in your saw you're out $250 plus labor and maybe a top end.
Just so y'all know, none of the saw manufacturers or chainsaw stores "make" their own oil, and likely much of it is the same.

Heresy! You better watch out...all of the guys who preach the "my oil is better than any other oil in the known universe and if you don't use it you're an idiot and your saw will immediately melt into slag and very probably give you a nasty burn in the process" dogma might have to rethink their brand loyalty. Rabble rouser.

Like mdavlee and redprospector said...any good synthetic. One reason I use Bailey's is because every once in awhile I'm in Woodland and I can grab a couple of cases and save on shipping. And, like I said, it's treated my saws pretty good.
I don't post a lot but this is one subject I'm keen on. 2-stroke-oil. I have run a lot of engines over my years and a pile of 2 strokers too.
For 2 stroke I will only use synthetic, Valvoline is good and not too expensive. No synthetics are cheap but they are awesome and near smokeless.
I run at 50:1 for ALL of my two strokers, that range from very old Solos to very new Makitas, and a bunch of Macs, Echos and Homy's in the middle.
They all love it. :)

It may not be the cheapest or what the OP was looking for but one thing is for sure: One mix works in them all !!
We sell Quaker State two cycle oil in my wife's convenience store and I have run it at 32:1 in all my saws and string trimmers. Several of our local cutters also run it and have been using it for years with no problems. Personally I've been running it for over 20 years, I have a 272 and a 670 that run every weekend and have for what seems like forever, 272 cut on the landing for 6 years before retiring to the firewood pile.
Stihl oil...(2) 2.5's in 4 gallons of 93NE. I've run my Son's VP114 and Maxim high rev full sythetic....it runs the best through a saw for me but waaaay to expensive at $14 a gallon! I mix it at 32:1 due to his little 90 turns 19,200 rpms with 7,800 stall and has had zero issue with the fuel I use.

I have stayed away from bean oils...give me a headache and I used to foul alot of plugs in race bikes with it.

Hey Sam (Rounder) you like that Dominator? I know alot of guys who use it in race gas.
We use husky oil
at work, lots of saws, buy it by the case. I use Amsoil
in my personal saws, I use my own saws and don't share. We have Sthils and huskys. The guy I know that puts the most time on saws uses Cheveron oil and only cheveron with cheveron premium gas. I, we have never had a bearing failure due to oil starvation. View attachment 321108

That Saber 100:1 is probably the most debated pre mix in the racing world. It seems to thin for me. Even though I know people who use it, I can't make myself try it. I guess AMSoil got all upset about people doubting their product all over race forums that they started claiming they would replace your motor if you ran their product and burnt up your rod bearings or crank bearings. I've hear too many debates from from the top mechanics from Factory race teams spanning the enitre "Big 5" and KTM, Husky, Beta...tons and tons of arguing back and forth.
Used to run blendzall in my MX and flattrack bikes back in the day and in the saws sometimes, loved the smell.

I used to race abunch of indoor stuff in the late 90's...by the end of the night the bean oil would just wreck my sinus and whop a big head ache. Have you seen the scents you can add to your naturals now? Heck they have cherry and vanilla....I don't mind the vanilla so bad.