Whats best tool to split By hand ?

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replace the wedge on your hydraulic splitter, with a head from a Fiskars Super Splitter....and you will only need a 2" cylinder.....:clap:
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I gotta agree on both points on the Monster Maul. Used a friends a few years ago for about 4 hours. It will split some wood for sure. But it is brutal on the body. The Fiskars is on my short list. I've been told it's as good or better than my 8lb maul with the plastic handle.

Fiskars Super Splitting Axe. (not the Fiskars Pro Splitting Axe)

I have the pro splitting axe as the super was not available locally.

The pro splitting axe is a nice tool and I have split many a tough round with one, it has taken the place of my 8lb maul (I went through too many handles). I would still recommend the pro version, but I would love to try the supper splitting axe!

I find the fiscars handle does send out more vibes though, just wear some good anti vibe gloves as stated earlier.
As was mentioned before, the MM is one mean piece of material, but at least for me--I don't want to (or couldn't) use it very long any more. My splitting is probably 75% hydraulic, 23% Fiskars, 1% MM, and 1% the heck with it---I'll cut something else easier to handle. If I just had one hand tool, it would be the Fiskars. Have used sledge and wedges, Chopper 1, 8 lb. maul, splitting axe--just don't pick them up anymore. Age 58
You need to get a device that you can swing fast its simple physics.

For the average man the max I would recommend would be 6 lbs. Those heavy suckers dont do the damage of a nice light properly designed maul. All you will get is tired prematurely...

With my 2.25 lb fiscars splitting axe I can bust up rounds for at least a half hour straight of going hard and produce alot more splits than if I was using my 8lb honker or with a hydraulic splitter. Mind you I cannot go as long as a hydro can!

Last night I was splitting 15 inch beach rounds that were semi knotty and I was breaking a round into 5 or 6 splits in about 30 seconds. My left wrist hurts today...
I have bone chips in my right shoulder and I have no issues with the fiskars Super splitter.... if it won't split it, that piece gets noodled.
My MM has done no damage to me

I'm 56 and 160lbs, and inherited a MM from a neighbor who gave up hand splitting. I've used it for years with no ill effects. I can swing it all day if I pace myself. But, I cut and split mostly red oak, so the MM busts it up pretty well without getting twisted in fibers. The MM even does a pretty good job on crotches and knots, as it strikes with authority. It just rules on those big rounds that are too heavy to lift onto a splitter.