Where to complain about the sticky threads?

Arborist Forum

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I understand the ads - site revenue
I understand the need for a couple of "look here first" stickies.

Who decides to make it a sticky?

Why don't the sub forums (Chain sharpening, GTG, Saw Building) show up more easily? Three of the stickies should belong down there.

Three stickies for what I consider second tier saws. Why not a subforum for name brands?

That would take care of 6 stickies immediately.

I agree with real estate comments. I prefer reading the forums on a 24" monitor in portrait mode. But right now I'm laid up with a back injury and have to surf on a 10" netbook.

But my OP was - is there a place to complain about this?
Is there some place on arboristsite to complain about the sticky threads?

There's now a full dozen here, and it is starting to take up a lot of screen real estate.

I think we should have a sticky thread to complain about stickies. :hmm3grin2orange: :yoyo:

I really don't know where to go about this?
this might seem like a dumb azz question...but what is a sticky?:stupid:

Sticky threads are threads in a sub forum that stay at the top of the page and cannot be bumped down to the bottom. If you look at the chainsaw sub forum, the first sticky will be ' IL, IN, MI, WI, gtg... ' and the last sticky being ' Chainsaw FAQ ' theres about 12 sticky threads in the chainsaw sub forum. Does that answer your question?
No kidding....think about the guys with dial up. I'm not one of them but they have to all be bald.

I'm on satellite with limited bandwidth and it sucks. The flashing banners eat up some bandwidth. And some of you folks need to learn to resize photos :dizzy:
You know, down to 700-800 wide and less than 100kb, 50kb would be better yet.

I can't get DSL, cable, or wireless where I live, but I have 400 acres of trees, hardwood :D

Oh yeah, I'm bald also :cheers:
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