Widow maker and a snapped chain sucks! "Graphic photos---enter at own risk"

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With all the safety talk, figure my timing was pretty good.
Plus with as busy the past 2-3 months have been, I figure some R+R were needed. Also am now going to the full pant style chap!

Climbing boots I was wearing (my day job boots) were the only thing that saved my arse with the tall leather uppers that pretty much bunched up and took some of the gnawing!
Oh ya, I did finish cutting up the tree!

Start with my field dressing. (the ripped jeans were a no brain-er as they were pretty much just hanging by a thread, and the electrical tape is my form of duct tape!)

I felt nothing! and had it taped in 2-3 after cutting it (at least 5min.) Made sure I had good pressure. got to the ER about 3 hours after it happened as I was back of my grandparents cleaning up storm trees. The wife came right out as I assumed it would be awhile in the ER. Here are pics seconds after the pressure was removed.


Here is a VIDEO! Ya, why not!!!! Of it being cleaned up and trimming the un-needed pieces out. LINK

Pic of it before stitches.

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Your lucky to even be walking. Glad it was a minor injury. This why chaps are so good. Hope you fully heal.
Long story short, under cutting a butt to roll out the top and as I was leaving the cut a smaller branch speared darn near straight out of the tree that the leaner was in. Pinched the bar into the collapsing under cut, and forced the saw into my lap down my leg and into my ankle. the chain must have bound in the under cut as it was wrapped around what was left of a small piece of denim and my boot leather. It did not start to hurt till a good day later. A little drain tube was installed, and yesterday trying to get the mail, I popped the top cut stitches. That didn't hurt as much as the re-stitching (which they only gave me a topical pain killer, would have been better of with a tumble glass of Wild Turkey!).
All in all I got lucky, just need to let it scab a bit before I move around a bit.
NOTE: the power head was in my lap and the bar and business end, ended up fighting my shin.

Hind sight is 20/20, so were PPE!
It doesn't hurt (you don't feel it) when you play with the business end of the saw, just the post days are the killer!!!!!!!!!!
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Dangit Teddy, don't do that!

Glad to see it wasn't as bad as it coulda been. Stuff happens both ways I reckon.

Re-stitching always sucks, and it seems like the Doc is always angry when they see ya fouled up thier work, and they make it hurt on purpose. Like ya put a mustache on the Mona Lisa or something...sheesh!

Full length wrap chaps are a PITA. Thanks for the reminder as to why
we all should tolerate the things, and why it is Duct tape is in fact half of a first aid Kit.:D

Heal fast!!!
The re-suture is a real beachum for sure. This one reason I wear 12" leather boots during logging season they provide some mild extra protection. Do not make the the mistake my BIL did and wear thin rubber boots they are worthless for foot protection.Hope you heal well.
WOW Teddy, Not good at all.
At least it's not as bad as it could have been.
Hope ya heal up fast and well.
I will definately wear my chaps all the time.

glad your ok, and torn stitches definitely are not fun. I just got new chaps in yesterday, first pair I will have owned but definitely think they are worth wearing now more then ever.
Oh wow, that was a close call - you gotta love that protective gear. Maybe I can send you one of Angelo's 017's from down under so you don't hurt yourself again.:msp_biggrin:
Good luck to you healing up Matt. I only cut fire wood but I do wear my safety pants 90% of the time.
Thanks for posting the pics. Pictures are worth a thousand words! Gives everyone a chance to see what can happen and demand a new respect for the saws. Take care man.
Glad you are OK and thanks for the reminder. There is the temptation to skip the chaps when it gets hot. Your pictures are the perfect reason why not to.