Wood 'Shed' ideas... I'll apologize in advance...

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One popular style here is a longer but not too wide shed so you have access to all your wood. My friends have their shed filled to bursting. He has nailed boards across the front to hold it all in. My last place had two ends open so it was easy access.
You could go 2 down, 2 up, attach w/2x4's and then add on sections as necessary. I use the 2x4's as I can't drive a stake straight for the life of me! :) Here's a pic I've posted before, really should get something more current to show my progress:


For winter I am adding pallets to the tops supported by 2x4 runners and then will add tarps to the top pallets. By doing it this way I don't have to deal with sagging, snow & ice filled tarps

I have a couple of rows going like this with space between the rows. Having the space between rows like this I don't have to walk on the pallets to retrieve wood as I can access either side of the stack.


You gotta love that,will have to use this next time I need to expand. Great use of what you have.:clap:
I like that alot Alan, one of the simplest most logical OWB setups I've seen.
Snap On Pallets

If you can get in with the local Snap On tool guy their pallets rock! Super heavy duty for the floor at least. Nice design and I am going to build some.