Worst Tree to Climb

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yes it sucks depending n other people to take care of your stuff i do my best to do a last walk around especially if it res cust house and weve been workin the whole yard seems like you turn your back for one second then some men get ate up with stupid!!!
Genus is:Colubrina It seems a drink is made from its bark! It is a member of the buckthorn family still searching for specific epithet!
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Here is my best effort Colubrina elliptica (Sw.)
Going by mabi or mavi but seems rare and not much info I can find about bark and such.
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The Mabi looks more like mabi NOT.

I've been up plenty of black locust, mean, nasty stuff.

Been up more osage orange trees than I'd prefer. Those things are like branches full of little pissed off tigers. By the time you hit the ground, you feel like something in between a human pincushion and hamburger.

But the honey locust, those are downright dangerous. I don't know if you've noticed, but those giant thorns have eyes too. They're always watching you, and they're always pointing at you, just waiting for a chance to jump out and stick you. If you fell on one just wrong, you could puncture a lung or worse.
I have a buddy who was in danger of losing his index finger from a honey locust puncture. He was on some mean antibiotics for a while. A couple years ago I stuck myself in the hand early on in whitetail season, and within a few days the infection hurt so much I couldn't handle the concussion from my 30/06. I had to go on antibiotics too.
The Mabi looks more like mabi NOT.

I've been up plenty of black locust, mean, nasty stuff.

Been up more osage orange trees than I'd prefer. Those things are like branches full of little pissed off tigers. By the time you hit the ground, you feel like something in between a human pincushion and hamburger.

But the honey locust, those are downright dangerous. I don't know if you've noticed, but those giant thorns have eyes too. They're always watching you, and they're always pointing at you, just waiting for a chance to jump out and stick you. If you fell on one just wrong, you could puncture a lung or worse.
I have a buddy who was in danger of losing his index finger from a honey locust puncture. He was on some mean antibiotics for a while. A couple years ago I stuck myself in the hand early on in whitetail season, and within a few days the infection hurt so much I couldn't handle the concussion from my 30/06. I had to go on antibiotics too.

I always put snuff on the puncture or rub it on a catfish belly heals right up for me!

Here is the info I found on Mabi

Deciduous or evergreen , often thorny trees , shrubs , woody climbers , or lianas, rarely herbs. Leaves simple , petiolate , alternate or opposite, pinnately veined or 3-5-veined, entire to serrate, sometimes much reduced; stipules small, caducous or persistent , sometimes transformed into spines. Flowers yellowish to greenish, rarely brightly colored , small, bisexual or unisexual , rarely polygamous, (4 or) 5-merous, hypogynous to epigynous , in mostly axillary , sessile or pedunculate cymes, or reduced to few in fascicles. Calyx tube patelliform or hemispherical to tubular , sometimes absent, at rim with calyx, corolla, and stamens; sepals 4 or 5, valvate in bud, triangular, erect or ± recurved during anthesis , adaxially often distinctly keeled , alternate with petals. Petals 4 or 5, rarely absent, usually smaller than sepals, concave or hooded , rarely nearly flat, often shortly clawed. Stamens 4 or 5, antepetalous and often ± enclosed by petals; filaments thin, adnate to bases of petals; anthers minute, versatile or not, 2(or 4) -celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, usually introrse . Disk intrastaminal , nectariferous , thin to ± fleshy , entire or lobed , glabrous or rarely pubescent , free from ovary or tightly surrounding it, or adnate to calyx tube. Ovary superior to inferior, (1 or) 2-4-loculed, with 1(or 2) ovules per locule; ovules anatropous , basal and erect; styles simple or ± deeply 3-lobed or 3-cleft. Fruit either an indehiscent, rarely explosively dehiscent , sometimes winged , schizocarpic capsule, or a ± fleshy drupe with 1-4 indehiscent, rarely dehiscent, pyrenes (stones ) . Seeds with thin, oily albumen, sometimes exalbuminous ; embryo large, oily, straight or rarely bent.
That is the most evil thing I have ever seen! That would make a very nice weapon! Could u imagine smakin someone in the back with a chunk of that, it would stick.
ceiba pentandra

Member of the kapok family.

There are at least a couple dozen of them in Bradenton.

These trees are absolutley horrible to climb,handle,load ,lean on ,bump into.

I have removed only one in over 25 yrs,trimmed maybe 5 or 6.
Made good $$ every time .
Nobody low balls these M Fers.
ceiba pentandra

Member of the kapok family.

There are at least a couple dozen of them in Bradenton.

These trees are absolutley horrible to climb,handle,load ,lean on ,bump into.

I have removed only one in over 25 yrs,trimmed maybe 5 or 6.
Made good $$ every time .
Nobody low balls these M Fers.

Wrong leaf yours are palmate the leaves he showed and all that is Mabi =Colubrina elliptica (Sw.):laugh: I think it is from my research anyway it is Colubrina
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ceiba pentandra

Member of the kapok family.

There are at least a couple dozen of them in Bradenton.

These trees are absolutely horrible to climb,handle,load ,lean on ,bump into.

I have removed only one in over 25 yrs,trimmed maybe 5 or 6.
Made good $$ every time .
Nobody low balls these M Fers.

hi ozzy there some at busch gardens that are 50" dba tom
ceiba pentandra

Member of the kapok family.

There are at least a couple dozen of them in Bradenton.

These trees are absolutley horrible to climb,handle,load ,lean on ,bump into.

I have removed only one in over 25 yrs,trimmed maybe 5 or 6.
Made good $$ every time .
Nobody low balls these M Fers.

Then that would be my specialty :hmm3grin2orange:
cause the ROPE don't play...................

git em ROPE.:cheers:

Lol I like the non lowball trees heck put on kevlar socks and gloves and leter rip lmfao:cheers:
I seem to get every knarley tree in my area lol but the cake always seems to go to the wanna bees and landscapers some are good but the majority could not even trim a beard.
I always put snuff on the puncture or rub it on a catfish belly heals right up for me!

Here is the info I found on Mabi

Deciduous or evergreen , often thorny trees , shrubs , woody climbers , or lianas, rarely herbs. Leaves simple , petiolate , alternate or opposite, pinnately veined or 3-5-veined, entire to serrate, sometimes much reduced; stipules small, caducous or persistent , sometimes transformed into spines. Flowers yellowish to greenish, rarely brightly colored , small, bisexual or unisexual , rarely polygamous, (4 or) 5-merous, hypogynous to epigynous , in mostly axillary , sessile or pedunculate cymes, or reduced to few in fascicles. Calyx tube patelliform or hemispherical to tubular , sometimes absent, at rim with calyx, corolla, and stamens; sepals 4 or 5, valvate in bud, triangular, erect or ± recurved during anthesis , adaxially often distinctly keeled , alternate with petals. Petals 4 or 5, rarely absent, usually smaller than sepals, concave or hooded , rarely nearly flat, often shortly clawed. Stamens 4 or 5, antepetalous and often ± enclosed by petals; filaments thin, adnate to bases of petals; anthers minute, versatile or not, 2(or 4) -celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, usually introrse . Disk intrastaminal , nectariferous , thin to ± fleshy , entire or lobed , glabrous or rarely pubescent , free from ovary or tightly surrounding it, or adnate to calyx tube. Ovary superior to inferior, (1 or) 2-4-loculed, with 1(or 2) ovules per locule; ovules anatropous , basal and erect; styles simple or ± deeply 3-lobed or 3-cleft. Fruit either an indehiscent, rarely explosively dehiscent , sometimes winged , schizocarpic capsule, or a ± fleshy drupe with 1-4 indehiscent, rarely dehiscent, pyrenes (stones ) . Seeds with thin, oily albumen, sometimes exalbuminous ; embryo large, oily, straight or rarely bent.

Most of that you might as well have been speaking Chinese, but I have one question. In the first part of the description, does it say that it is a shrub or climbing vine? Because these tree's can get huge. I saw ones that were probably 60" DBH and 75'-90' tall. Thorns like that all the way up, although on the big one's the thorns were not as sharp on the large, lower part of the trunk. I'm going back down there in a week or so, I'll try to get some better pictures.