ya ever throw your saw?

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could you-would you-have you-thrown your saw?

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I can't afford to fix any damage so I usually save my anger for the weight room.
Watched my pa in law launch one of the afore mentioned Homelites at a tractor bucket. Right on in elevation, tad to the right in azimuth. Takes practice to score a bulls eye with a non-running saw. Throwing a running saw one has to account for gyroscopic affect of the flywheel, bent bars, dull chains, list goes on and on.



Got tangled up in the brush while felling a tree. Tree was coming down and falling the wrong way, my pre-planned escape route turned out no good so I had to go through the bushes. Had the saw in hand as I was exiting and the bar tangled and then it came after me. Sticker bushes, sharp chain and a tree coming down in a direction I hadn't planned...threw the saw as far as I could.

I lived, saw lived, tree died, we were both scratched up, scared the crap out of me! My dad watched the whole thing and almost pissed his pants laughing, said the tree was leaning the wrong direction as I made the wedge but knew I wouldn't hear him yell over the saw, then asked if I learned anything!
I'd like to say no, never but I'm not sure that would be honest. Although I have never thrown a chainsaw I have chucked my weedeater across the yard. Can't remember why but if I could chuck a weedeater I suppose under the right circumstances I could chuck a chainsaw.
I have done the "running toss" where you give the saw a fling while running for your life. I did throw an Echo 451 in anger, the judges score was an 8.5, damn those East Germans.

A black Crapsman. Felt relieved, then mad again cuz I had to go pick the POS up and still had to work on it.

That was a bad day all around anyhow.

Stay safe!
I have done the "running toss" where you give the saw a fling while running for your life. I did throw an Echo 451 in anger, the judges score was an 8.5, damn those East Germans.

Your saws are too big to throw anyways, plus they'd just tear up the bark on the next tree over.

I try to take care of what I gots. But I'm capable of a pretty good wood fit.. if I throwed, it's once maybe twice. I think if you asked Juniper cutters, it would be closer to 1 to 1. But the foolhardy part might be cutting juniper for a living in the first place.
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If throwing it doesn't work, you could always try running over it, lol.

Hmm...good idea. I came damn close beating that Homelite blower into little pieces using my short sledge hammer (a four pounder, I think it is). That would be a much better aggravation release than running over it. I suppose I could try cutting it up with a chainsaw, but then I'd have a totally worthless blower AND wind up with a trashed-out chain!
I aired out the 141 in the early days before knowing squat about saws and cutting in general. Never would do it again as now I know better about doing the maintenance. Didn't hurt the saw any and it still runs great. Now, that Stihl weed whacker... That thing has a pre-flight checklist I've heaved it so much. I've even been so mad as to achieve a complete wind-up to wrap it around the nearest tree before sense came back. It runs better now, but I still hate that thing.
We were watching IRT deadliest roads and when the dude threw the jack off the bridge she look at me and says: "that guy's the Indian version of you"

Yes I throw things, but not my saws. My Mantis (tempermental Kioritz/Echo) tiller has gone for a fling though...
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Sounds like something that should be offered at the chainsaw GTGs. You can have the chainsaw cuss out followed by the chainsaw toss. Prizes for best blue streak and farthest toss. Folks could build a tossin’ saw and see how far you can hurl it and still have it run and cut wood. Be just like a good punkin chunkin.

Can't imagine. That's just plain stupid. Sorry, that's just how I feel about it.

Thats how you feel about it cause its not your lively-hood, some days you just feel like every stick, every piece of equiptment, EVERYTHING is against you, nothing goes right.

Last time I threw a saw was because it cut my hand trying to get it in the cab of a skidder. The belly pan came off the skidder and it puked oil everywhere leaving me in the woods with a straight line skidder. Broke a choker towing it back. It was a friday that was supposed to be a half day kind of thing, instead it was an all day thing and the added bonus of being covered in oil and dirt.
Those atr the days that make you throw ****.
but me I prefer to abuse my hat. . .
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Can't imagine. That's just plain stupid. Sorry, that's just how I feel about it.

Not even your Wild Things.....Not even tempted? Only once I tossed a Poulan 221 (down a ravine) that would not start hot...ever......countless hours of playing with it. I did learn alot about saws tearing it apart all the time. It became a challenge. :bang: The Poulan won.

You are probably right, not the best demonstration of self control I ever had, and my buds bring it up at the campfire every now and then.
Nope. I can't throw very well. I gave it a swift kick off a rock bluff.

I was on a thinning crew. We had to produce or get laid off. I was the last hired so had the last choice of saws. The saws were all Macs, and I had an all metal one. The new ones were more plastic and probably would not have survived. The guys had those, because they were lighter. Mine weighed the same as Twinkle, if not more.

The saw died on me in the middle of the day. It would not start. So, I lost it. I was not wearing steel toes and it hurt. Then I got mad because I had to go down and pack the saw out. Not a smart thing to do, but everything had built up to that moment. It may be a hard thing to understand...this might be the emoticon. :bang:

Eventually I found a Mac that was reliable, if I allowed it to throw the chain a few times each day. We bonded and it served me well until it was time to go back to timber marking and cruising. I should have named it. Snuffy would be a good name for an old reliable saw.