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Good story there. I get alot of Stihls in that were bought elsewhere, they have the dealer sticker on them. I always make it a point to say in a fun way of course, "why did you buy this saw there", how come you didn't buy it here". Its fun to watch the looks on their faces and sometimes they even try to explain to me why. I always stop them and go I'm messing with ya but from now on you buy from me or I'll come burn your house down. They laff, I gotem for life..

Yep, and I replace that sticker with mine, just so they remember! With the saws, I could care less where they buy them and the fact that they are bringing a saw to me, tells me I have the chance to gain a customer.

I'll have to try that "burn your house down" line...
Yep, and I replace that sticker with mine, just so they remember! With the saws, I could care less where they buy them and the fact that they are bringing a saw to me, tells me I have the chance to gain a customer.

I'll have to try that "burn your house down" line...

Oh no fear, when the saw is repaired the last thing I do is peel off the sticker and put mine on.

When you use the "I'll burn your house down" line just make sure your smiling and they laff. If they do you gotem for life. I've found over the years if you can make a customer laff while paying his bill he or she is your customer for a long long time. People seem to love humor, especailly to ease the pain when they whip out that wallet,LOL
On a good note I had a "broker" call me from north of Milwaukee said he needed an engine rebuild kit and some other parts, he has a customer in the UAE. I'm thinking OK, so them stranded honeys in Nigeria are for real. So I googled him and called the state department of revenue to see if he was legit, they said he was in business for some time. So I fired up my order page and had the parts drop shipped to his location. He paid full lis price and I admit it to being the easiest money I've made.
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On a good note I had a "broker" call me from north of Milwaukee said he needed an engine rebuild kit and some other parts, he has a customer in the UAE. I'm thinking OK, so them stranded honeys in Nigeria are for real. So I googled him and called the state department of revenue to see if he was legit, the said he was in business for some time. So I fired up my order page and had the parts drop shipped to his location. He paid full lis price and I admit it to being the easiest money I've made.

Shoot nothing wrong with that. Charging full list is not a crime, its making a living.

I made 10.00 this morning sharpening a chain believe it or not. Guy walks in carrying a chain and wants it done right now. I'm in the middle of replacing a broken tank housing on a MS460. I say I'm busy right now, fill out a tag, I'll sharpen it when I get done with this. He goes I need my chain. I go this saw needs to be done too. Awwwwwwww c'ome man. I say go up front and buy a chain, I'm busy. Out his pocket comes a 10.00 bill. I say hand me that chain,LOLOLOLOLOL
Shoot nothing wrong with that. Charging full list is not a crime, its making a living.

Yep! Have a brother in law that told me once, "Profit isn't a bad word."

Most will feel cheated if you make a profit on them, but it's all about paying the bills and keeping the lights on. I figure if you double most peoples household expenses, and triple their insurance, that's about what it take just to open the door each day, and no one has got a pay check yet!
I love price shoppers and can spot their cheap hides the second I hear their voice. If he comes to get the saw I'm going to ask him how far he drove to save that one dollar.

It might not be a good idea to start the day thinking about this type of stuff, but I know exactly what you mean. I know my saw prices are good and I don't like to play the game with customers like that. Had a guy looking at a 346 early this week and he started in with the "can you do any better" nonsense. I told him, "Why don't you go a shop around and see if you can do any better. He knew it was cheaper than he'd seen anywhere else, so he bought it.
I've had people come in and say right out I'm not paying full retail, I want you to know that right now. My reply is always the same, I may smell your azz but I'm not gonna kiss it. They cool it real quick.

I'm with you, some deals are best left to the other guy. A no profit sale is not a sale, its a waste of time.....
It might not be a good idea to start the day thinking about this type of stuff, but I know exactly what you mean. I know my saw prices are good and I don't like to play the game with customers like that. Had a guy looking at a 346 early this week and he started in with the "can you do any better" nonsense. I told him, "Why don't you go a shop around and see if you can do any better. He knew it was cheaper than he'd seen anywhere else, so he bought it.

I never ask for discounts/freebies when buying - but I often get it anyway....:cheers::cheers:
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It might not be a good idea to start the day thinking about this type of stuff, but I know exactly what you mean. I know my saw prices are good and I don't like to play the game with customers like that. Had a guy looking at a 346 early this week and he started in with the "can you do any better" nonsense. I told him, "Why don't you go a shop around and see if you can do any better. He knew it was cheaper than he'd seen anywhere else, so he bought it.

Easy solution to that one.

"You want $280 for this 290 with a case, can you do any better"?

"Of course how about $300."

When they get that confused look on their face...

"Oh, you meant better for you..."

Normally thats the end of the price negotiation.
I never ask for discounts/freebies when buying - but I often get it anyway....:cheers::cheers:

Always ask. Most salesmen are not salesmen, they are order takers. They get someone they think is ready to buy and haven't a clue how to handle objections.

I deal with people asking for discounts all day. When it's my turn, you damn well better believe I ask for mine. You might be amazed at what I've had these order takers toss in :)
It might not be a good idea to start the day thinking about this type of stuff, but I know exactly what you mean. I know my saw prices are good and I don't like to play the game with customers like that. Had a guy looking at a 346 early this week and he started in with the "can you do any better" nonsense. I told him, "Why don't you go a shop around and see if you can do any better. He knew it was cheaper than he'd seen anywhere else, so he bought it.

Hmmmmmmmmm not a bad idea there. I'll try that. When they ask can I do any better I'll make it short and simple with two words, can you. That could bring a few expressions across the face. I hope I can refrain from busting out laffing,LOLOL
It might not be a good idea to start the day thinking about this type of stuff, but I know exactly what you mean. I know my saw prices are good and I don't like to play the game with customers like that. Had a guy looking at a 346 early this week and he started in with the "can you do any better" nonsense. I told him, "Why don't you go a shop around and see if you can do any better. He knew it was cheaper than he'd seen anywhere else, so he bought it.

I have guys that shop around for a haircut. I alway say the beauty parlor is right up the road. I had a guy in yesterday said he was in my shop in 2001. Got his haircut and tried to pay me 2001 price. I said no there this much now. He said man thats terrible how much the've gone up. I said ya and if you wait alittle longer Im going to have to add 5.8% to keep up with the SS raise you got.
I called a customer to give estimate on repair of his 032. His wife answers the phone and says hold on I will get him and be sure to speak up cause he can't hear well. The man gets on the phone and I start explaining the estimate. After I go through my spill on the repair and the price he asks if I could do it cheaper? I thought a second and said yes sir I can but I am not. I told him it would take almost a hour to repair his saw and told him what time he could pick it up. He then tells me that he could do it in less than 45 minutes. I asked him if that was true why did I have his saw? After several more seconds of his gripeing he said to repair it.

Later in the day when he picked his saw up, I had just missed him and I asked the help up front if the man said anything about his bill being 27 dollars less than my estimate? They said no. I bet if his repair was 27 above the estimate everyone in the store would have heard him.
I used to run a motorcycle shop. Guy comes in needing a tube replaced. I told him 25.00, and he thought that was waaay too much, it only takes 10 minutes to do it. OK, you do it then I sd. Sold him the tube for 8.00.

One hour later he comes back in to buy another tube to replace the one I just sold him that he had pinched. The guy left w/ another tube.
Little while goes by and he returns, this time w/ the rim and tire. You pinched it again didn't you? He frowned and sd. yes, and asked if I could do it now, he needed it in a hurry.
So, I told him to watch carefully while I changed it. Just for kicks, I did it in less than 5 minutes. Then I told him that will be 45.00. He came unglued. 45.00?? You sd. it was 25.00. I told him it was 25.00 for the flat, and an additional 20.00 for the lesson on changing a tube.

He never sd. a word, just paid the bill and left. He later became one of my best customers. That was 15 years ago and when I see him he still talks about it. Lesson well learned. You pay for the experience, not neccessarily the job.
Easy solution to that one.

"You want $280 for this 290 with a case, can you do any better"?

"Of course how about $300."

When they get that confused look on their face...

"Oh, you meant better for you..."

Normally thats the end of the price negotiation.

Paul, I actually do that sometimes. And it always works.
Yeah he did, over 3 grand. Real nice guy too. Didn't ask for a discount or complain about price at all. Since he was more than decent the whole time I saved him about 350.00 off list on the whole sale. He was happy, I was happy. I like customers like him. The guy calling about the 290, if he shows he shows, if not no biggie, not enuff profit in that saw to be wheeling and dealing but I will toy with the cheap sucker for the fun of it,LOL

The other funny part that Tommy didn't mention is that the guy that bought all that stuff was driving an SL63amg two seater mercedes. It was like watching clowns pile out of a car at the circus except in reverse. I couldn't believe he fit two big saws and all that bar oil in that little car. I'll wager that the leather in that car didn't look the same when he got home. He did seem like a decent guy, but you could tell it wasn't going to be HIM running those saws.
sat them right along side his brand new 660, 2 brand new MS200T's, 2 spare 36" chains for the 660, 6 spare chains for the pole saws, 4 spare chains for the 200's, two cases of bar oil, couple of files, and a new throw rope.

Did he ask for a receipt dated December 31st so he could take the §179 deduction right now?
Shoot nothing wrong with that. Charging full list is not a crime, its making a living.

I made 10.00 this morning sharpening a chain believe it or not. Guy walks in carrying a chain and wants it done right now. I'm in the middle of replacing a broken tank housing on a MS460. I say I'm busy right now, fill out a tag, I'll sharpen it when I get done with this. He goes I need my chain. I go this saw needs to be done too. Awwwwwwww c'ome man. I say go up front and buy a chain, I'm busy. Out his pocket comes a 10.00 bill. I say hand me that chain,LOLOLOLOLOL

That's funny, for a little more he could have had a brand new chain and not have to wait for you to sharpen the old one.
I used to buy a lot of bits online thinking it was cheaper and easier. Sometimes it is, but theres a lot to be said for a good dealer.
I started using a local guy. Never asked for discount or deals, just paid retail which is less than rrp anyway. After a while he knows me and now its: `well its this£ but i`ll do it for£`. I dont go anywhere else, and when i buy a new saw he`ll get the business. A friend wanted a new saw and i pointed him in the direction of the dealership.
I cringe when i hear people that the dealer doesnt know from Adam wanting discounts, to never return. Using a dealer is a mutual repect thing on a personal level.
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