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The other funny part that Tommy didn't mention is that the guy that bought all that stuff was driving an SL63amg two seater mercedes. It was like watching clowns pile out of a car at the circus except in reverse. I couldn't believe he fit two big saws and all that bar oil in that little car. I'll wager that the leather in that car didn't look the same when he got home. He did seem like a decent guy, but you could tell it wasn't going to be HIM running those saws.

No kidding, that was a sweet car he was driving. When I loaded the last 660 in his front seat I joked and told that guy I sure hope you don't get rear ended on the way home, if you do you'll have 660 chainsaws flying out the windshield, he laffed and said no kidding. I look forward to doing business with that guy again.....
People tell me that I cuss like a sailor and I say, "You ought to meet the Stihl man in Va", that man can rape your ear in half a second.:jawdrop:I have never heard so many "m-fers" used in one sentence.

A colleague at work rang his English nephew the other day, kid is 17 and doing a bit of part-time work on a building site in England with a lot of Irish builders, not enjoying it.
My colleague was trying to encourage him, said "But I'm sure you're learning something from it?"
The nephew said "Yeah, you Irish guys sure know how to say F###! And I've never met a man before who can swear for 15 minutes straight without repeating the same word twice" :D
Fellow calls me on the phone this morning telling me that saw I bought from you is stalling. I go ok, what are you doing with it. I'm cutting alot of saplings near the ground. I'm like hmmmmmm, ding ding ding ok. I say ok bring it by and lets have a look at it.

Here comes him and his pretty young wife, real nice people. The saw is like brand spanking new. Saw is fixed in less than 10 seconds. I take it out to our 24 inch test log and its now running perfecto now. What was wrong with this new saw and no it had not run out of fuel.?? Everything about the saw was right, like new condition, except for slight detail you could not see by merely looking at it. I'm betting Lakeside gets it right.
Chain was not running in bar properly, out of the slot by sprocket?
A colleague at work rang his English nephew the other day, kid is 17 and doing a bit of part-time work on a building site in England with a lot of Irish builders, not enjoying it.
My colleague was trying to encourage him, said "But I'm sure you're learning something from it?"
The nephew said "Yeah, you Irish guys sure know how to say F###! And I've never met a man before who can swear for 15 minutes straight without repeating the same word twice" :D

I could work with that feller, LOL.
Chain was not running in bar properly, out of the slot by sprocket?

Nope, thats something you could see without touching the saw. The issue was very minor but you couldn't see it without touching the saw. Oh the plug wire was tight, everything was in like new condition..
Nope, thats something you could see without touching the saw. The issue was very minor but you couldn't see it without touching the saw. Oh the plug wire was tight, everything was in like new condition..

Send me a pm so I can be the first to guess it right...........:greenchainsaw:
Chain brake was on.

No, it was off. He said it would run and stall. Heres the hint that made me go ding ding ding and knew exactly what was wrong when he called. He said he was sawing saplings close to the ground. That means the saw had to be turned sideways. Ding ding ding,LOL
Just goes to show sometimes its the simple fixes that make the customer so happy. He and she were tickled silly.....

Had one similar to that this week. Customer brought in an 034 that we had serviced back in the fall. Idling eraticly...surging.

Same type of problem, took 30 seconds to find and less to fix.

He had put new fuel filters in all his saws, after market from another source. Inlet was to small, filter fell off the hose.

Love those simple fixes that make us look good and convinces the customer that saving a buck, sometimes, doesn't. He left with a dozen, of the correct sizes, OEM fuel filters and a smile on his face.
A colleague at work rang his English nephew the other day, kid is 17 and doing a bit of part-time work on a building site in England with a lot of Irish builders, not enjoying it.
My colleague was trying to encourage him, said "But I'm sure you're learning something from it?"
The nephew said "Yeah, you Irish guys sure know how to say F###! And I've never met a man before who can swear for 15 minutes straight without repeating the same word twice" :D

Fer Fek sake man!
Ive worked with Polish and they are fairly potty mouthed not 100% on the spelling buy Kourva comes up a lot lol

A mate of mine swears so much when he phones me it plays Mettallica So What!