Hey Joat / THall

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ebay 660, cinci craigslist buyers beware, another ebay burn,

each of those threads brad pissed and moaned about little defects on the items he bought.

now, when somebody buys something that is broken and he failed to mention that in the listing, we usually call them a dishonest seller or a crook.

so why is everyone mad? joat got screwed from a dishonest seller
funny part is the seller started a thread thinking that everyone would take the side of the AS sponsor.......
im not siding with a crook!

hmm so first the 084 now the 066?
man you got him twice........

you know another funny thing i noticed,
the 681 was slower than stock.... hmm he sold it
the 361 was past its prime.... sold it too

seems he only sells the saws that are not up to par.

Behave yourself young feller!!!:dizzy::dizzy:

Is the thing on test test, can anyone hear me test test.

Is Bread dead yet? I've been looking at all the obituaries but I can't seem to find his name.

Cool you guys wanted Brad to look bad mission accomplished, hope you feel better.
ebay 660, cinci craigslist buyers beware, another ebay burn,

each of those threads brad pissed and moaned about little defects on the items he bought.

now, when somebody buys something that is broken and he failed to mention that in the listing, we usually call them a dishonest seller or a crook.

so why is everyone mad? joat got screwed from a dishonest seller
funny part is the seller started a thread thinking that everyone would take the side of the AS sponsor.......
im not siding with a crook!

hmm so first the 084 now the 066?
man you got him twice........

you know another funny thing i noticed,
the 681 was slower than stock.... hmm he sold it
the 361 was past its prime.... sold it too

seems he only sells the saws that are not up to par.

time to get off the pedestal and realize your place.........
You are not a god
and lose the superior attitude you are no better than anyone else

Fred how many times has Brad gone out of his way to help you? How many time did you call him for help?
I find it funny that I have got a ton of positive rep, only with Trimmed sending me negative rep. I read the trading post before the comment's were pulled, and I stated my perception of the post after reading them before they were deleted,,,,,, Now Trim were did I get the fact's confused?.....
Joat questions the build price of the saw and which in my opinion where legitamate questions from a buyer, if you want to buy uninformed and ignorant of what exactly what in the saw, great for you. I'd want a detailed listing of parts, with a receipt for the parts. It keeps everyone honest. I need some positieve rep to kindly rid myself of Trim's negative.


Yes you claimed I deleted something which I did not, so you are talking out your ass where I am concerned. In fact I flat out stated that I didn't delete anything in Joats buy thread. So get your facts straight where i am concerned or keep it to yourself.
Cool you guys wanted Brad to look bad mission accomplished, hope you feel better.

He does it all by himself...............Read post #1 ......Im pretty sure if you just installed the cylinder a week or two ago you would remember if it had fins broke off..............

Andy take him under your wing and guide him in a better direction ...........

What do you think??:monkey:
Question #1 Would Joat have made the purchase if he wasn't "called out"???

Question #2 If Brad really knew the fin was broke, would he have knowingly sent it to a shop that he known prior to sale that it was getting a new piston?? Either which way I'm glad to see it resolved...Hope both parties learned a lesson.

Nothing to hide here. Here's how it came down.

I asked what I thought to be a pertinent question ("How did you get that much money in it") in what I thought to be the pertinent place, the Tradin' Post section where questions and/or comments can be raised.

Brad called me a "troll" and was offended as he percieved this to be "questioning his character". A site moderator told me that "it was none of my business" and to "pony up". I didn't take kindly to being treated that way, so I accepted the challenge.


Hey Joat,
you can play whatever role you want, but don't be pissin on my leg and saying it's raining. You went over to the trading post to break Brad's chops, pure and simple. You can say different all you want, but you and I both know what's true. That said, I did tell you to put up or shut up, and SOB if you didn't put up. That satisfied me and Brad took your money, I am out of it at that point, whatever the motives were or weren't no longer mattered.

That was that.........this is a fresh can of worms.
im calling it like i see it. i think it is wrong to not disclose the fact that it was broken.

"i didn't notice it" means (i noticed it but hoped you wouldn't)

or the infamous one.... "it wasn't that way when it was shipped"
means (it really was but i'll blame the shipper)

or "he knew what he bought" means (he knew only what i wanted him to)

speaks volumes for a persons credability doesn't it

oh well, whats done is done
Unbelievable! If Brad couldn't figure out why the saw was bought in the first place it would be beyond my comprehension. He was openly called out on Tradin Post on how in the hell you could get so much in a saw that started out at 350.00, Joat actually asked some very pertinent questions, the post was deleted by a moderator as it was none of Joat's business, Joat was asked to put up or shut up, in my opinion he "put up" with a ton of cash for that model of saw.
I personally would want the saw as advertised, it had better be a 9 on a scale of 10 for that kind of money.
Whether Brad knew or didn't notice the fins is only known to Brad.

I personally am far from having the detailed knowlegde some of the people on this site have about saws. But I fix my own when possible.
I think it's reached the point where their definetly is a group, and after this post I would include myself in this group that is tired of all the drama, the attitude, the profiteering done on this site and it usually revolves around one individual. Vanity and Pride come to mind, nothing humble about it.
There has been a lot of great contributions, but lately "the chainsaw god" attitude, ripping new members about posting in the wrong location, acting if one owns the site is a just a little much. I've seen some post that they think whatever the fee's are to port a saw are ridiculous and a rip off. Hell, if someone is stupid enough to part with 250.00+ to let some one dremel away on a saw, it's their money? If Brad is comfortable with the risk he is taking doing this in such an open manner, it's him and his family that have to pay the fiddler, no one else. But I'll make this prediction today, it's just a matter of time before all this open activity blows up in someone's face. I could care less about it, I have modded saws with a bridgeport for my own use. Dealt with the feds in my gun repair business because some idiot thought I was converting semi AR's into one capable of firing fully automatic, and buddy the burden of proof is on you.
The way I see it after this post is Brad is his own worst enemy, he dosen't need Joat or Tommy or me or anyone else to see himself in the worst light, he does a damn fine job by himself. But I have noticed he is man enough to say , I'm wrong and it does take a man to do it. I give him credit for that.
How many times he has to say it is up to him. The same set of rule should apply to anyone on the site, You can't scream I got burned and then not accept it and take it public when someone percieves they have been burned
by you, can't have a double standard and that's what I percieve as Joat pointing out. This is bad for the individual, bad for the site and just plain bad business airing it out in public.

I agree 100 PC with Indiansprings on this.

If I am reading this right, JOAT started another thread on the saw on this forum before he bought it from Brad. I wonder why? Was it a set up from the getgo? :confused:

Anthing I have bought or sold in the Trading Post was done by PM.
im calling it like i see it. i think it is wrong to not disclose the fact that it was broken.

"i didn't notice it" means (i noticed it but hoped you wouldn't)

or the infamous one.... "it wasn't that way when it was shipped"
means (it really was but i'll blame the shipper)

or "he knew what he bought" means (he knew only what i wanted him to)

speaks volumes for a persons credability doesn't it

oh well, whats done is done

Young feller ...................Go to your room!!!
I agree 100 PC with Indiansprings on this.

If I am reading this right, JOAT started another thread on the saw on this forum before he bought it from Brad. I wonder why? Was it a set up from the getgo? :confused:

Anthing I have bought or sold in the Trading Post was done by PM.

I don't understand? How was this a setup? Did Joat break the fins or were they broke already Brads pics showed they were broke before hand, so why is Joat the MF'er now. What if you had bought the saw, what would your feelings be towards it. I know what mine would be, the same as Joats.
ebay 660, cinci craigslist buyers beware, another ebay burn,

each of those threads brad pissed and moaned about little defects on the items he bought.

now, when somebody buys something that is broken and he failed to mention that in the listing, we usually call them a dishonest seller or a crook.

so why is everyone mad? joat got screwed from a dishonest seller
funny part is the seller started a thread thinking that everyone would take the side of the AS sponsor.......
im not siding with a crook!

hmm so first the 084 now the 066?
man you got him twice........

you know another funny thing i noticed,
the 681 was slower than stock.... hmm he sold it
the 361 was past its prime.... sold it too

seems he only sells the saws that are not up to par.

time to get off the pedestal and realize your place.........
You are not a god
and lose the superior attitude you are no better than anyone else

+1 Since this whining was brought out in front of A.S, I would suggest that the saw be returned and Joats money refunded plus shipping. We don't need all this pointing fingers crap here, should be handled via email.
Is the thing on test test, can anyone hear me test test.

Is Bread dead yet? I've been looking at all the obituaries but I can't seem to find his name.

Cool you guys wanted Brad to look bad mission accomplished, hope you feel better.

Bread was dead in the late 70's........

As far as a conspiracy to make him look bad, well, maybe he should stop
starting threads for a day or two.

I like you guys, but these threads do nothing but make folks divide into camps,
which is why they should not be started.
Trimmed, where exactly ddid I say you deleted it, grow up
here it is copied from the post,

the post was deleted by a moderator as it was none of Joat's business, Joat was asked to put up or shut up, in my opinion he "put up

Did I mention your name, only thought mods could delete, if I'm wrong I'll be the first to apologize, now where do you see you name as the person deleting it.lol Maybe in your haste negative repping there was a reading comprehension issue.

And I'm sure not pizzzzing up your leg.
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