Look What THALL Gave Me!!!

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not making fun. it's a serious problem, O.C.D., where's dr. joat?:)


dr. joat was resting last evening when this thread was a flurry of posting activity. Your concern for Tommie's welfare is commendable, but at the same time, not appropriate fodder for a sleazy thread on a chainsaw forum. However, feel free to PM for my fees regarding divulging a patient's medical history. Oh, I must say, Tommie's is well worth the rather substantial fee.

At your service,

dr. joat
When I opened up this thread, i thought those days in Indonesia finally caught up with ol' Tommy. I thought for sure there would be talk of creams and medications to clear that right up. It is just a free saw, your lucky. Ask 2k what happened to him. I think he is still on antibiotics.
Tommy.. we need to talk....

Giving away valuable assets is going to destroy our credibility. Saw owners are going to think we're soft.. Keep this up and we'll never get rich(er) again...

If you have a darker plan... then... sorry, but let me in on it...
i have an oportunity to pick up an 012av for $120.00 is this saw wort it, look's to be very clean but when i started it it vibrates sumptin awfull is this a trait of these saw's?
Vibs - Yes - Nice old saw though, but a hand buzzer... The "pro" version of the 011... more HP.

Price.. top of market... around here - $80 to 100 (buying)... ($120-175 selling).
It pays to give and treat people good

Seems Santa slipped in my office here while I was up front selling a trimmer a bit ago. I never saw the sled, reindeer or that fat ole bast-ard but I'm glad he stopped in. I guess he didn't know I don't drink but da money, oh yeahhhh

Tommy Im back..............More snow on the way.....

Oh BTW.......I got a TS400 and a 375K from Elvis in the past......Opps there were a few saws too........:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Does anyone else see the irony in giving Tom T. Hall a bottle of Anything Gentleman?


Giving anything with alcohol to a tee-totaler is ironic... but... I figure he'll just send it off to me, and sip on cold folgers in front of his gas fire...;)
Giving anything with alcohol to a tee-totaler is ironic... but... I figure he'll just send it off to me, and sip on cold folgers in front of his gas fire...;)

On the other hand, you could say that gift increased the count of Virginia Gentlemen in that office to a total of...one.

Giving anything with alcohol to a tee-totaler is ironic... but... I figure he'll just send it off to me, and sip on cold folgers in front of his gas fire...;)

Opppps, it's already spoken for, I reckon....sitting here crying on my puter for I suffer from the worst bronchitis in my entire life...longs are busted, throat is on fire and my sinuses are poured in concrete...

I'll need of the strongest liquor around to get me some sleep tonight, maybe the vi gentleman (what's in a name, LOLOL) could do the trick...
if I don't make it untill tomorrow, I'll have my wife sent the remainder of that bottle back to you. My tombstone will probably read 'here rests belgian, a true gentleman untill his last moments' .....snif snif.::chainsaw:
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Tommy I was never much for country music ....but this is good...

Does anyone else see the irony in giving Tom T. Hall a bottle of Anything Gentleman?


Being the fine gent that I am I usually don't waste my breath on the likes of scroundrels like you. Most times I ignore such heathens since you really aren't worthy of my time. However today I'm in a good mood so I will step off my high horse and converse with ya.

Woodie as I sit here and admire that bottle of Virginia Gentleman given to me by customers that value and appreciate only the best the chainsaw world has to offer, me and Stihl of course, I think of you.

Yup I picture you bending over with your 2171 sawing away and I come up behind ya and ram that bottle of Virginia Gentleman right up your JoneyRed azz. You reply in agnoy is it a Stihl, I say no, its a Virginia Gentleman fool ,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Tommy gave me an 041 once.................then he took it back before I got it :cry:

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