Simonizer travels across the Atlantic !

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Kind of a puny arsed tree for the test there Dave...:hmm3grin2orange:

Two things we've learnt.

It doesn't rain all the time in Eire.

They still have trees !

I would've thought they would've all gone by the time my great great great great paternal grandfather was transported here as a guest of His Majesty in 1817.
Not only do we have tree's but we have the Queen tomorrow ! She is over on a 4 day visit tomorrow then we have Pres. Obama next week !
Hi Dave.
When Wes arrives slap him on the head for me. Just because ;)

I live with one of those Dressage Queens and two girls and they are all into it.Thats why i run away and cut wood.
The only thing that saves me is we only have 3 acres so there is only room for 3 horses .:msp_rolleyes:

I was going out with a horse tart for 4 years. She was a nice girl but I've never struck so much #####iness in my life as I did at 3 day events and show jumping. Eat, fart, live, breath and sh*t horses 24/7...

Mum used to teach at "pony club" spoiled brats mostly.

My sister was a Dressage Queen.

I went and hid with dad.............

Can't help but agree. Generally inherited from their mums ;)
My misses allways says "all you care about is farrkin wood"

So i say "all you care about is farrkin horses" :laugh:

Damn fine comeback old son and unlike horses, which are a bottomless money pit, you can make money from your wood :D
My ex nearly sent her parents broke and I'm not joking. I always laughed at the $20,000 horse floats being towed by $1000 Falcons!
Dont get me started on this topic its a bit of a sore point.
Like today "darling can i have some of your wood money to pay for the hay" :msp_angry:

Oh no, that's the angry face! Mate I know EXACTLY where you are coming from...
You sure it was only hay and not some Organic Seaweed extract that costs $200/kg to make their coat shinier?

Anyway, sorry about getting off topic...
Oh no, that's the angry face! Mate I know EXACTLY where you are coming from...
You sure it was only hay and not some Organic Seaweed extract that costs $200/kg to make their coat shinier?

Anyway, sorry about getting off topic...

Give a hay-burner 5 acres and it will eat on acre and trample the other 4 acres.

With only 3 acres you are "doomed, doomed I say" to buying feed

ok back to "Simonizer travels across the Atlantic !"
Welcome to my life,and im the biggest ####### under the sun if i wont a new saw that will bring money back into the household.
You guys a making me depressed.:(
Keep going with that vet bill, the costs have sky rocketed in the last few years..... :msp_scared:

Depends where you are Rick. Large animal vets aren't as expensive here. The closer you get to hobby farms and horse owners the higher the cost.
Oh and $600 was just for a bandaid and some antibiotics :D
It will be interesting to see what Gunslinger has to say about how he find's the 372 he bought from the same batch as mine ?
I was using my 441 ported by Brad and the 372 all today and it came down to how each saw felt since power wise they run pretty much the same.
Hi Dave.
When Wes arrives slap him on the head for me. Just because ;)

Amazing how cocky one can be when they are half the world away! ;)

Still, I'll wear my brain bucket just in case Dave gets frisky. I'll need it for when I toast the Queen's visit at the Hollywood Pub in Wicklow, Ireland! What could possibly go wrong...


OMG, look at all that sunlight. Must be photoshopped.
Wes, since I no longer drink, I want you to do me a favor--Drink several proper pints of fresh Guiness Extra Stout for me. I'm relying on you carry out this favor with Texas gusto ;).

I've been across the pond twice, but never made to Ireland, and back then I really wanted to indulge in some fresh Guiness.
What's Guinness? Oh, you mean the beer! ;)

One of the first things I'll do in Ireland is enjoy a Guinness in pub. I'll toast all my American buds.

This is my 4th trip to Ireland, and my second time living there. I stayed a few years previously. This time I may stay longer, or perhaps indefinitely. That's the plan, anyways.

Here I am on the Luas(light rail) to Dublin City Centre enjoying some Jim Beam on the train:


And the Guinness factory front:


And for those of you whom have not been to Ireland - one of the world's most beautiful places, or are wondering whereabouts Dave dwells, here is what is in his backyard - the 'Wicklow Gap'


Wes, since I no longer drink, I want you to do me a favor--Drink several proper pints of fresh Guiness Extra Stout for me. I'm relying on you carry out this favor with Texas gusto ;).

I've been across the pond twice, but never made to Ireland, and back then I really wanted to indulge in some fresh Guiness.