still no payment from Jazak

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 26, 2007
Murray, Iowa
This site needs some new members that aren't all from the south or midwest

This comment really chaps my hide. :mad: That east coast holier than thou mentality makes me sick. I was born and raised in Iowa and moved to eastern PA in 1997. I worked for a year in Philly and another six years in central New Jersey. I just couldn't take it anymore and had to move my family back to Iowa -- it was one of the best things I ever did.

I mean no disrespect to many of the very upright people I had the chance to be friends with out there, but the percentage of effeminate men on the east coast with no stones or a backbone is just sickening. I had more than my share of heated debates with tree hugging, PETA loving, gun-hating, and godless people while I lived and worked out there. I used to get flipped off and yelled at by weirdos on I-78 in New Jersey because I had an Icthus (Jesus Fish emblem) and an NRA sticker on my car. I was called a caloused murderer by co-workers because I liked to hunt deer to provide meat for my family. I was called a sick twisted parent for purchasing a toy gun for my five year old son for Christmas. Many were aghast that I took my son with me on a couple squirrel hunts. When we butchered our chickens as a family, I actually had some tell me that I was permanently harming my children's mental well-being by allowing them to participate in the killing, plucking and cleaning. The list goes on and on.

It doesn't matter one wit if Ralph still has the saw or not, jakaz agreed to buy it but never fulfilled his end of the transaction. Now Ralph is sitting on a $500 saw that he said he didn't really have the money for in the first place.

God bless,
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ArboristSite Guru
Nov 29, 2005
Good GAWD, don't you guys know when a discussion is overwith? Whatinell can be gained by maintaining the dogpile? Give it up, guys, you sound like a bunch of nagging women. This site used to be my escape from that...

Is this the face we want to put on for new guys coming in the door? Sure does not reflect well on the site as a whole, and definitely not on the countless guys jumping in that have no stake in it in the first place. Friggin' sheep...

I know, I know "If you don't like the thread, don't click on it" but it had to be said.

What about this: ?


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 5, 2004

The opening statement is this:

"We recently had several people call out another member with no basis that the member was guilty."

I rest my case.

And as far as people kicking a dead horse, I think people are just blowing off some steam and/or amusing themselves. It's a little bit of both for me.

bcorradi Sponsor
Jan 18, 2004
Lake Park, MN
Most of the people I think have an issue with Jazak and the comments he made....what he did to Ralph just gives people more of an excuse to bash him. I also don't agree with most of the comments jazak made.

The way I see it are
1) Jazak didn't fulfill his committment on purchasing the saw. This happens all the time.

2) Ralph used the saw for 25-30 tanks instead of trying to sell it which caused its depreciation. It was his choice to use it, instead of selling it.

3) Ralph didn't lose any money.

4) Ralph wouldn't have had any problem selling the saw for his asking price to someone else.

5) Jazak gave Ralph plenty of indicators that he wasn't ever going to send money and he was full of BS.

6) Ralph was caused some aggravation over the whole ordeal.

7) Jazak is quite the character.


ArboristSite Operative
Dec 29, 2006
united states
I mean no disrespect to many of the very upright people I had the chance to be friends with out there, but the percentage of effeminate men on the east coast with no stones or a backbone is just sickening. I had more than my share of heated debates with tree hugging, PETA loving, gun-hating, and godless people while I lived and worked out there. I used to get flipped off and yelled at by weirdos on I-78 in New Jersey because I had an Icthus (Jesus Fish emblem) and an NRA sticker on my car. I was called a caloused murderer by co-workers because I liked to hunt deer to provide meat for my family. I was called a sick twisted parent for purchasing a toy gun for my five year old son for Christmas. Many were aghast that I took my son with me on a couple squirrel hunts. When we butchered our chickens as a family, I actually had some tell me that I was permanently harming my children's mental well-being by allowing them to participate in the killing, plucking and cleaning. The list goes on and on.

God bless,

You should have gone further south .....We don't hug trees, we cut em' down! I'm an avid shooter, in fact that is my 'main' hobby. I hunt deer and doves ... When I was five, I had a .22cal Browning rifle that was dubbed "Ole Betsy" ... Good times.

"When we butchered our chickens as a family, I actually had some tell me that I was permanently harming my children's mental well-being by allowing them to participate in the killing, plucking and cleaning. The list goes on and on."

LMAO. Gotta love people like that .... I guess they think that the chickens would grow up and be productive members of society....


ArboristSite Guru
Nov 29, 2005
then this...

We have tried to rid this site of the drama and we don't need it. I think this site has been reletively quiet (on the drama) compared to most winters and don't want it to begin this winter. If you have a problem with someone or something write me at [email protected]. If you don't you won't be warned you will be gone.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 20, 2004
Theresa, NY
The opening statement is this:

"We recently had several people call out another member with no basis that the member was guilty."

I rest my case.

And as far as people kicking a dead horse, I think people are just blowing off some steam and/or amusing themselves. It's a little bit of both for me.

I'm totally 100% just amusing myself. That's not the same as pleasuring myself.


Whatarya, Goofy?
Oct 24, 2006
The opening statement is this:

"We recently had several people call out another member with no basis that the member was guilty."

I rest my case.

And as far as people kicking a dead horse, I think people are just blowing off some steam and/or amusing themselves. It's a little bit of both for me.

Agreed. :rock:

I think it's good, clean, fun entertainment.

Just look at what tawilson said.

Who else would mention anything like that ? :laugh:


May 11, 2003
new york
Most of the people I think have an issue with Jazak and the comments he made....what he did to Ralph just gives people more of an excuse to bash him. I also don't agree with most of the comments jazak made.

The way I see it are
1) Jazak didn't fulfill his committment on purchasing the saw. This happens all the time.

2) Ralph used the saw for 25-30 tanks instead of trying to sell it which caused its depreciation. It was his choice to use it, instead of selling it.

3) Ralph didn't lose any money.

4) Ralph wouldn't have had any problem selling the saw for his asking price to someone else.

5) Jazak gave Ralph plenty of indicators that he wasn't ever going to send money and he was full of BS.

6) Ralph was caused some aggravation over the whole ordeal.

7) Jazak is quite the character.

Hmmmmmm, Brad how are you able to state these as facts? Particularly #3. I do agree with most of them though, particularly #7 ;) But you forgot #8

8) trimmmed told him from the get, that the guy was a flake

Check out the pics on page 2, as nice as it was @ $525, good ole Ralph went out and bought a new bar as well.

Too bad for all concerned this saw didn't hook up with somebody here.

bcorradi Sponsor
Jan 18, 2004
Lake Park, MN
Hmmmmmm, Brad how are you able to state these as facts? Particularly #3. I do agree with most of them though, particularly #7 ;) But you forgot #8

8) trimmmed told him from the get, that the guy was a flake

Check out the pics on page 2, as nice as it was @ $525, good ole Ralph went out and bought a new bar as well.

Too bad for all concerned this saw didn't hook up with somebody here.
These are what I believe to be true. I myself don't see how Ralph lost any money because of Jazak.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 5, 2004
The way I see it are
1) Jazak didn't fulfill his committment on purchasing the saw. This happens all the time.

Maybe it happens elsewhere all the time, but I don't see it happening at AS. I like to think of this group as extended family, and there is an implied trust.

These are what I believe to be true. I myself don't see how Ralph lost any money because of Jazak.

That doesn't make what he (jazak) did right. And I appreciate the heads up from Ralph as well.


H. sapiens moderatus
Jan 9, 2004
Brad, no, I didn't lose any real money per se, its more the principle of the thing, combined with the big shot attitude on the dump truck thread that he's making 1/2 a million without trying, but can't pay his bills. I finally heard enough big shot routiene and figured I'd remind him of this. I actually expected he'd calm down a bit and at least gimme a reason why he decided not to bother, but instead he went beserk and threatened to sue me if I ask about it ever again. anyone on this site whom knows anything about me, knows I don't respond favorably to threats, much the opposite really.
why didn't I tell him to fook off and sell to someone else? well, he kept in contact for a while and made it clear that he really wanted the saw and we've all had times when nothing goes right and pay is a little slow. so I was understanding, maybe for too long. as time progressed and this kept going the way it was going, I decided to say heck with it and not ever try to sell on here again. one bad apple spoils the whole batch kinda thing. no, I don't lump everyone together in the same batch as him, but I'm sure if you read to here, that you can understand where I'm comming from. I've had enough headache on this first time to want to try it all over again.
Now I'm sorry you have been playing devils advocate Brad, I really am. afterall, please tell me where I did wrong by him? I was honest, understanding and patient. some folks like to confuse kindness for weakness. again, if you know me, you know thats not the case. I can get along with anyone, but when I reach my limit, I'm done. most times someone ends up very hurt, and I have an extreemly long memory. I'm not trying to talk tough, I'm just being honest. I could see if both parties were perhaps wrong Brad, but thats not the case here. to infer that I am somehow to blame for even a part of this is not acting very nicely.
Thats enough for now. I'm beat. hard day and I didn't need to come home to this anyway.
thanks to all who read the posts and understand what transpired, and why I mentioned it to him in the first place.


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Brad, no, I didn't lose any real money per se, its more the principle of the thing, combined with the big shot attitude on the dump truck thread that he's making 1/2 a million without trying, but can't pay his bills. I finally heard enough big shot routiene and figured I'd remind him of this. I actually expected he'd calm down a bit and at least gimme a reason why he decided not to bother, but instead he went beserk and threatened to sue me if I ask about it ever again. anyone on this site whom knows anything about me, knows I don't respond favorably to threats, much the opposite really.
why didn't I tell him to fook off and sell to someone else? well, he kept in contact for a while and made it clear that he really wanted the saw and we've all had times when nothing goes right and pay is a little slow. so I was understanding, maybe for too long. as time progressed and this kept going the way it was going, I decided to say heck with it and not ever try to sell on here again. one bad apple spoils the whole batch kinda thing. no, I don't lump everyone together in the same batch as him, but I'm sure if you read to here, that you can understand where I'm comming from. I've had enough headache on this first time to want to try it all over again.
Now I'm sorry you have been playing devils advocate Brad, I really am. afterall, please tell me where I did wrong by him? I was honest, understanding and patient. some folks like to confuse kindness for weakness. again, if you know me, you know thats not the case. I can get along with anyone, but when I reach my limit, I'm done. most times someone ends up very hurt, and I have an extreemly long memory. I'm not trying to talk tough, I'm just being honest. I could see if both parties were perhaps wrong Brad, but thats not the case here. to infer that I am somehow to blame for even a part of this is not acting very nicely.
Thats enough for now. I'm beat. hard day and I didn't need to come home to this anyway.
thanks to all who read the posts and understand what transpired, and why I mentioned it to him in the first place.

Ralph don't blame ya bit for being ticked at the guy. The mans word was no dayumm good, simple as that. Its human nature to believe what your told and when you find out it was all lies you have every right to be ticked and every right to expose the lying SOB.


ArboristSite Operative
Sep 29, 2006
Suffolk VA
begleytree, don't let this one incident keep you from trying to sell here again. This community has too many good and upstanding folks who's handshake is as good as any bond. There is always somebody that's willing to try to take advantage of honest folk everywhere. I have read many of your posts and from what I have gleaned from them is that you are a honest, helpful , upstanding person. I appreciate a heads up from someone here that has been shafted. Personally, if I had that saw for sale and the money didn't come as promised, I would have passed it right on to another buyer and that original "buyer" would be S.O.L. I've dealt with a lot of smooth talking folks in my lifetime and have come to spot them a mile away! As soon as the B.S. begins ebbing from their mouth, I walk away from them. Knowing who they are is good for the rest of us though and I am glad I read this thread. The mean spirited bickering in this thread has cast a evil pawl over our community.

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