whadja do today?

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Got a couple super lame little jobs to get out of the way today. The two (maybe three) actually add up to decent pay.. just miserable in how boring they are. Well, the one at the packie might be kinda fun.. if I get to it.

I might have to quit early and deal with the dentist again. I can't believe those ####ers didn't even call me back yesterday!! Then my buddy tells me the bastard is at the club golfing!! Come on man, just have someone stick the #######ed tooth back on quick.. I mean at least answer the phone, or return my call!! Amazing.
We changed out plans and went after a removal, norway maple, had its top blown out in a storm some years ago, wound left a nasty split, that after a couple years of storms, started splitting down the trunk, about 7ft, would open and close in the wind. Had to go. Replacing with a royal red norway. About half way thru, this lady drives by and starts SCREAMING at me, calling me a F'ing butcher for taken the thing out. I don't know why, but that really pissed me off. I just know, where ever she went, she was telling whoever, how we are nutin' but butchers. I was hoping she would come back so I could "politely" explain to her that the tree had to go, was getting replaced and that it is not nice to yell at people about something she obviously don't know anything about. I dunno, just got under my skin.

Grinding today.................F'ing ya
easy on the goombah, we will have your cruiser surrounded by black limos! LOL

Havent you heard the Mob is dead in New England... its nothing but wannabes and never weres now

Hows this look?

all it needs is the push bar, strobe package, laptop, plate scanner, shotgun in the trunk. perfect. remove the shelves from the toolbox and you have secure prisoner transport!

If I did all that MDS would be pissed when I gave him his truck back.
My crew pruned a locust and a nasty mulberry. I went on bids all day. Hopefully will turn into some sales. Nothing too exciting today.

One of my guys in this new band Youngblood Hawke. They are all over the radio now and touring like crazy. He's a great worker but looks like he's moving on to cooler things! Just hired a new guy today and worked out great. We'll see how it goes.
Do you live outside with the coon, Matt?
You need to find a big hollow trunk to crawl up into.
He lives inside we just go out and climb trees and ####. nocturnal so its gotta be done at night once the kids go to bed.

No offense, but that coon looks kinda shifty and devious. Even a tad evil.
Wouldn't you rather have Jeff's tortoise for a companion?
No offense, but that coon looks kinda shifty and devious. Even a tad evil.
Wouldn't you rather have Jeff's tortoise for a companion?

No offense taken they are supposed to look like that. They are pretty bad ass animals to smart for there own good and can take an average dog on any day. they are like a triple threat. super long claws, teeth like a small crocodile, and they are very very fast. Ive had a bunch of them in the past if you know what your doing they can be a fun pet. If not you can wind up needing stitches. I had a fox for some period but it was just to mean at some point.

He keeps cats and dogs out of my yard. nice not having to clean up poop, ive had a few strange pets in the past and i just find them cooler than your average dog or cat. I have a few Bulldogs as why i named my company. And they wont mess with the coon the one american bulldog is around 135-140 pounds.

They are actually trained guard dogs heres my girl. 6 months old shes 2 years now and can kick some real ass, they guard the equipment from sticky hands. our sign says the dog makes it to the fence in 3 seconds hope you can to. the male is alot bigger, The guy that trains them does it in german so they don't strike off command very loyal dogs wont let strangers near my kids. Whenever someone enters the lot at night they are turned loose very handy around halloween

Some people may think thats crazy but hippies have caused hundreds of thousands in damage around here. They sugared a whole logging operation right up the road. the dogs roaming around is a very good deterrent.



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Slashed my left hand up pretty good with the gomtaro yesterday. I should've probably gotten a few stitches, but after the dental nightmare, I think I'm good. I've decided those things pose a greater danger to me than one handing a 200.

Got my boys coming in today. Storm damaged cherry hung in some hemlocks and a white spruce takedown. I think I'm gonna roll out with everything, just because I can.. and well, you never know. Its only a couple miles anyway. Another nice cash job should round out my grueling 2 day week nicely. Lol.
What a freakin day. Worked with my bucket people yesterday. Told my friend to have his kid meet me at my yard in the morning with the bucket... no no no, let's meet at the job at 8:15. Well I busted my butt getting the chipper on, only to have them show up late at 8:30. Then my buddy sets the truck up all wrong to do the tree... As soon as he got there I told him to get lost... goodbye, he wouldn't leave until the boom was up in the air. Trying to run my job.. really irks me. After the fiasco with him we got done with these 3 dead sugar maples by 11:30. Went for lunch and went to another job. Pruned deadwood out of about a dozen locusts. Kid ran the bucket while I dealt with some crap down in the back of the property. Bucket was done around 4:00, kid took off because we both knew that his father would charge me for him AND the bucket if he stayed to help me clean up. Chipped and raked till around 6, then gave up... got a guy going there this morning for about 2 hrs to finish. Went to a friend's house, put the chipper on one of his pick-ups and drove over to this job we're going to today... jammed the chipper in there and left. Got home for dinner a little after 8.
No offense taken they are supposed to look like that. They are pretty bad ass animals to smart for there own good and can take an average dog on any day. they are like a triple threat. super long claws, teeth like a small crocodile, and they are very very fast. Ive had a bunch of them in the past if you know what your doing they can be a fun pet. If not you can wind up needing stitches. I had a fox for some period but it was just to mean at some point.

He keeps cats and dogs out of my yard. nice not having to clean up poop, ive had a few strange pets in the past and i just find them cooler than your average dog or cat. I have a few Bulldogs as why i named my company. And they wont mess with the coon the one american bulldog is around 135-140 pounds.

They are actually trained guard dogs heres my girl. 6 months old shes 2 years now and can kick some real ass, they guard the equipment from sticky hands. our sign says the dog makes it to the fence in 3 seconds hope you can to. the male is alot bigger, The guy that trains them does it in german so they don't strike off command very loyal dogs wont let strangers near my kids. Whenever someone enters the lot at night they are turned loose very handy around halloween

Some people may think thats crazy but hippies have caused hundreds of thousands in damage around here. They sugared a whole logging operation right up the road. the dogs roaming around is a very good deterrent.




Lol when that coon gets some age he won't be too nice!
Been a busy week. Was working up north all week. Checked in on AS occasionally on the iPhone, but by fat fingers and old eyes makes it difficult to chime in. :laugh:

The County of Haliburton pass a Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law. :angry: It should'nt affect the work I perform (dangerous/dead tree removal), however it could be a PITA.

Had Mike up with is bucket truck and stump grinder on Wed. and Thurs. and then helped him with one of his jobs on Crystal Lake on Friday. We removed a bunch of tree around an older A-Frame cottage that was going to be torn down. Had a lot of fun dropping trees on the building. Man that building was tough. Only damage we did was to some shingles and a few roof boards.

Pretty much booked until the winter. Going to quote some city work tomorrow. I'm looking forward to going to TCIA in Baltimore in Nov. A bunch of us are carpooling down. I believe Deevo is comming with us. Should be a fun trip.

While taking a lunch break from the rain on Tuesday, spotted this young bull moose 100 yards off my dock.

Mike grinding a stump and one his friends place.

More grinding. Man it gets dark early at this time of year.

Had to get creative with moving the chipper to a more suitable location. Pic is a little blurry. Done with the iPhone while operating the port-a-wrap.
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Got a nice call today to take down the catalpa (katupala) I had done a storm damage removal on a few weeks ago... Tried to tell them they would not like it after the broken limbs were removed. Went over zipped back up and took the rest of it down. Everything on the ground and cut up in 2 hours. Was a fun day.

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