Big Shot Broke Need Help

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Apr 15, 2007
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Akron, Ohio
How in the BLAZES do I get the rubber tubing off the metal! I know it is gonna be a pita. The one side has ripped and I have to redo it a little shorter so I have to get both sides off. Yes, I am doing a search on Big Shot right now.
Can't you just cut it at the end of the metal yoke? I'm guessing that's where the damage is. For what it's worth if you decide you have to buy the replacement sling and pouch it's meant to be used on the new style narrower yoke. If you use the new pouch with the old wider yoke it's hard to keep the bag in the pouch.
Reason no#929 that I married the ideal woman for me. She walks by seeing me struggle and casually suggests I use dish soap....
5 minutes later I have the tubes off of the yoke and have trimmed them uniform, cut the holes in the end for the pouch to go back on, and got them ready to go back together.

Thanks for the input Phil I will keep it in mind when I have to buy a new Big Shot. What are you using for your throwline? I bought a reel of the red/yellow two color stuff from karl kuemmerling's that is working out okay.
I use 1.75mm Zing-It. I bought some Target throw line from Wespur because it was cheap. 150' for 12 bucks. Real stretchy. I use that for hand throws for no reason in particular.
I was going to suggest water or if that wasn't enough, any water-soluable lubricant...sounds like dish soap fit that bill!

Regarding throwlines with the bigshot, I like DynaGlide or Zing It 1.75
Dam dude, you needed your wife to tell you to use soap? What the hell is the matter with you?
No no, just joking but really now.
Anyway, hope you didn't use to much cause if it gets damp...
I guess that is why they want you to use the thing backwards, so you don't punch yerself in the teeth when it breaks. And they don't last long.
Talk about stupid, instead of fixing mine I just bought another sling, it broke, quickly too. So I bought another one and that lasted a few months. I was trying to figure out how to fix it but it seems like a pain in the ass. I just cut off the broken ends and bent the clean ends around the pouch and used whipping to hold it in place. Seems ok.
To get the old ones off I just cut em which was stupid. Anyway, hairspray works good to slip rubber over a shaft too but just like soap if it gets wet it will slip. Compressed air is the best, that is what I used.
Now that I think about it the guys at the shop were probably thinking " why is this retard buying another sling, can't he figure out how to fix it?"
Working up another free shipping order with Wesspur. Waiting till I break something major, gonna throw a hitch climber pulley in the mix looks like it will clean up my setup.

Yeah, bust my balls (LOL) Treemandan. You know you have been there, so focused on the task at hand that it takes an outside observer to just walk by and state the obvious.

How's that Dynaglide work on White Oak bark? Dang bark is worse than Silver Maple!

You know you have been there, so focused on the task at hand that it takes an outside observer to just walk by and state the obvious.

Is that what it is? You put it so eloquently. Here I thought I was stoopit all along.:cheers:
If you had only been there to hear my wife, she has been extra patient with me especially being all cranky from the long hours doing storm cleanup on top of the customers freaking about the trees they want cut down before they get blowndown in the storms, like the ones tonight. How'd you know about my middle name? Stoopit
I need to replace my sling as well,,,aready cut the old off instead of trying to fix it. When the new one breaks I'll try to repair it.
Yep, gonna have to fix mine too. It got a small nick in it from traveling. I have been really careful about how I have been transporting it and it seems to have eliminated anymore nicks from occurring.

I use the 1.75 Zing-It as well. I also bought the 1.75 Fling-It last time I purchased. Didn't really need it that bad but was trying to fill my order up for free shipping. I got a 16 Oz. weight to go with it. I am really digging that combo for the big shot..
Try this little trick we use to get rubber hand grips off motorcycle handlebars. Stick a pistol grip compressed air nozzle under the end and slowly squeeze the trigger. Handgrips blow right up and off. Soap or windex to get them on if we're not using glue.
Take a paper clip or similar small gauge stock (or needle nose pliers) and wiggle it under the tubing end to open it a little, pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the slingshot rod/end. I first learned about this technique for putting grips on bicycle handlebars. Soap can be a problem, especially for putting tubing back on the sling shot head, can prevent the tubing from setting well. The alcohol evaporates and you end up with a tight bond between the tubing and the slingshot head.

I've never broken slingshot tubing at the head, always at the pouch webbing loop, is that where yours broke?
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Yup, tore at the hole they use to attach the pouch at. I left the ends longer to flip over the attachment points to see if they help it last longer. :cheers:

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