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Jun 15, 2011
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I have been working with several tree company's to take there unwanted wood they get from tree jobs so they don't have to pay to dump. Last week they brought me 4 full loads and 2 more this week. Each load is about 2 1/2 to 3 cords worth of oak. Plus I got another load on my trailer yesterday. I haven't had to scrounge for wood for many years. Not having to go out and cut load and haul my wood has been a blessing for sure. They have brought me hundreds of cords over the years and thats the only way I have been able to make any money at selling wood. They bring me exactly what I want, big loads of strait wood and they cull out most of the big forked wood thats hard to work with and there's hardly any mulch in the loads ether. I'm cutting and splitting as fast as I can but this heat is slowing me down a bit. I'll cut late in the evening and then split and stack after dark when it 20* cooler. I just cant take the heat like I use to.
I have been working with several tree company's to take there unwanted wood they get from tree jobs so they don't have to pay to dump. Last week they brought me 4 full loads and 2 more this week. Each load is about 2 1/2 to 3 cords worth of oak. Plus I got another load on my trailer yesterday. I haven't had to scrounge for wood for many years. Not having to go out and cut load and haul my wood has been a blessing for sure. They have brought me hundreds of cords over the years and thats the only way I have been able to make any money at selling wood. They bring me exactly what I want, big loads of strait wood and they cull out most of the big forked wood thats hard to work with and there's hardly any mulch in the loads ether. I'm cutting and splitting as fast as I can but this heat is slowing me down a bit. I'll cut late in the evening and then split and stack after dark when it 20* cooler. I just cant take the heat like I use to.
Can you get a garden hose and dump water all over you in the heat to keep cool thats how I used to do it back in the day.
Out of curiosity, what's in it for the tree service guys? Obviously it's a little more work for them to sort out nice straight stuff for you. Do you sweeten the deal somehow? I'm wondering because I'd love to have a similar arrangement.

I have offered him money many times and he refuses to take it. He does except farm fresh eggs I get from my yard birds though. His yard is only 3 miles from mine so it's handy for him to dump here then drive to the dump way across town.
He also understands that I'm not well off and could use any help I can get and he knows I work hard at what I do. We have talked and walked my yard and I have explained what works best for me and he does his best to bring me good quality wood and having split wood himself he understands. Now I do get some big forks from time to time and I deal with those but when the wood is free and he brings it to my yard, I can't complain.
Sometimes he has wood but not a full load and it's not worth it for him to load and bring it to me, so he'll call me and I'll take my trailer over and he loads it with his skid steer.
Now the other guy does like a tip and I do give him something in return, like money or a gift card for a nice dinner somewhere. But I don't buy alcohol, I'll give him money and he can buy his own beer.
It's only 10 am and it's already hit 90*.....yesterday it was 107 at my splitting area in the shade with the humidity in the 80's . Damn it's hot out there.
I had to go out of town today for a funeral and when I got back I had 2 more loads dumped next to the other loads. I wish it wasn't so hot so I could get started on it. I ran the saw for about 20 min and I was soaking wet. I have become a heat and cold wimp.
But I'm 60 years old so the heat seems much harder to deal with then it use to be. It's after 9 pm and it's still 92* and the low is supposed to only go down to 88* What little breeze there is, is just hot air like standing in front of a giant hair dryer.
Good thing is the wood should season quickly in this heat.
I had to go out of town today for a funeral and when I got back I had 2 more loads dumped next to the other loads. I wish it wasn't so hot so I could get started on it. I ran the saw for about 20 min and I was soaking wet. I have become a heat and cold wimp.
But I'm 60 years old so the heat seems much harder to deal with then it use to be. It's after 9 pm and it's still 92* and the low is supposed to only go down to 88* What little breeze there is, is just hot air like standing in front of a giant hair dryer.
Good thing is the wood should season quickly in this heat.

Definitely respect this widespread heat. I overdid it physically Monday and paid for it big time. Not good when your losing your lunch, shivering in 95f and trying hard not to pass out while your heart is racing. Water intake was not a issue. I've worked in the heat/sun my entire life. Be careful. I still have a headache. Be safe.
Definitely respect this widespread heat. I overdid it physically Monday and paid for it big time. Not good when your losing your lunch, shivering in 95f and trying hard not to pass out while your heart is racing. Water intake was not a issue. I've worked in the heat/sun my entire life. Be careful. I still have a headache. Be safe.
Did that a week ago. Plenty of water but still got too hot. I’m usually able to pace myself but was “just getting this one thing done” and it more or less wrecked me for the rest of the day.
Definitely respect this widespread heat. I overdid it physically Monday and paid for it big time. Not good when your losing your lunch, shivering in 95f and trying hard not to pass out while your heart is racing. Water intake was not a issue. I've worked in the heat/sun my entire life. Be careful. I still have a headache. Be safe.

I went out about midnight and pushed a few wheelbarrows of wood and stacked them and said screw this and went back inside. I stopped before I got too hot cause I know all to well hot the heat can make you feel when you over do it. It sucks cause I hate being cooped up inside with nothing to do.
Out of curiosity, what's in it for the tree service guys? Obviously it's a little more work for them to sort out nice straight stuff for you. Do you sweeten the deal somehow? I'm wondering because I'd love to have a similar arrangement.
You certainly dont want 3-5 foot sections of knotted junk!
I had to go out of town today for a funeral and when I got back I had 2 more loads dumped next to the other loads. I wish it wasn't so hot so I could get started on it. I ran the saw for about 20 min and I was soaking wet. I have become a heat and cold wimp.
But I'm 60 years old so the heat seems much harder to deal with then it use to be. It's after 9 pm and it's still 92* and the low is supposed to only go down to 88* What little breeze there is, is just hot air like standing in front of a giant hair dryer.
Good thing is the wood should season quickly in this heat.
Put a fan on you out there and put water on your self and drink electrolytes wear shorts what else can I tell you?
Read the weather reports and look for the days with the lowest dew point that week and what time of day it will hit the low and work then. also get a helper before killing yourself!
Put a fan on you out there and put water on your self and drink electrolytes wear shorts what else can I tell you?
Read the weather reports and look for the days with the lowest dew point that week and what time of day it will hit the low and work then. also get a helper before killing yourself!

A fan doesn't do any good when it's blowing 100 degree hot air on you. And I live 100 miles from the coast so the dew point this time of year never goes down. If I had a pool the water temp in the pool would be above 80* so thats not much relief ether.
You also can't drink enough to replace what you loose so you can get dehydrated very easy. Rounds that sit out in the sun all day stay hot even when I split them at night. When I split one I can feel the heat and humidity radiating from it.
When I was younger I could deal with it, but I'm not doing that at my age anymore. I'll just wait till it cools off before I start back splitting wood. I have 50+ cords split and stacked already so I have enough inventory to hold me till it cools off.
I just get cabin fever when I get stuck in the house.