I'm selling wood!

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Feb 27, 2002
Reaction score
se washington
Hadn't planned on it but with all that I have in the stacks, plus what I harvested this summer I need to get rid of some.

Stopped at CAC (Community Action Center) who run a 'heating assistance' program for the needy. Told them I would sell 5 cord Willow at $100/cord. That was yesterday.

Today a guy stops from driving by and orders 3 cords. Not through CAC though so I quoted him $120 delivered about 15 miles down the road. Offered him a batch of chunks free for a trial before he buys cords of it. He is hot to buy without that.

I am going to hold 1 cord in reserve in case someone is dire strates. That will go 'freeby'.

Kinda hard to guess how much I can actually sell until I get my 3 more cord off the old stacks. Already got the woodshed full.

Problem with holding back is that once the bad weather starts, I can't get to the piles except when ground is frozena and no or very little snow. 2x empty F150 is about helpless going uphill in bad traction conditions. Can always resort to chains I suppose. Haven't put one of those on in...ummm...?30? years.

Harry K
Congratulations on your first order! I like your mindset, though I don't suppose you are in it to make money, pretty decent offer I'd say.

Just watch that some folks out there don't play on how decent you are.


Don't hold back...........a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush :cheers: . Besides, the extra cash might be needed to maintain CAD levels.
Don't hold back...........a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush :cheers: . Besides, the extra cash might be needed to maintain CAD levels.

Wife already suggeste...wait for it...A NEW SAW! and I didnt' even have to hint.

Don't think so. I told her that the two I have should last until I quit and after each load I bring in I consider that....uhuh, sure. Was out yesterday and thought the same thing. Sitting around this morning at 10 am and got the urge so off to the wood patch to play again for a couple hours.

Harry K
Help me out

Kind of new here, so help me out please. What is " 5 cord willow?" Is this a reference to the amount of wood or the type of wood? Thanks
5 cords of willow at $100 a cord. He is basically giving it away.

Giving it away? Close to it. At $100/cord I figue I break just about even. Willow has very little sale value. I checked the paper and found the cheapest going was $190 for "mixed" which in this area would mean anything to include pine, spruce, etc but not likely to have any quality wood. Willow falls below that.

At $120 cord I might be making some pocket change. I am actually a bit ashamed to even charge that much. While I heat with willow almost solely, I don't think anyone used to 'good wood' would be happy with it.

Harry K

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