The peanut gallery speaks.

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BobL made a similar plea here. Doesn't seem to have helped much.
I give this rant a 3: no cursing, no real heat or passion in his argument, boring subject, and most important of all, no personal attacks.


There is plenty of passion, I LOVE saws!!!! Really, I ENJOY running them, I like to cut and I like to see what I can do to better them.
You want "personal attacks" you must be a 'tard! I am out of time and usage of 'tards. I don't need to attack, or bellittle someone else to make myself feel better.
I understand very well that Andy left this site for good. I've been thinking the same in recent weeks.

This site has deteriorated to one big pissing match:

who can piss the farthest against the wind!


I was thinking of starting a thread along these lines myself. In addition to being tiresome, it is causing the entire site to become more and more polarized. Nearly every thread devolves into the usual Husky vs. Stihl pissing match. I started a thread the other day about some new Husky's on the way, and sure enough the usual mud slingers come in with the same crap and derail the thread. I try to ignor this stuff, and one guy I do consider a friend, but frig it, I've had enough, so I kind of unloaded on him. Instead of an intelligent discussion, we always end up playing ping-pong with the same stupid arguments.

And it's by no means a one way street. The Stihl guys can't have a decent thread without a Husky guy jumping in and stirring things up. And naturally even though most of us would not initiate this crap, we are certainly inclined to defend our turf, and then the argument goes on for page after page.

This problem has been brewing for a while, but I think it's been worse since the threads about the Stihl cylinders. Since then it seems that certain people have nothing of value to contribute at all. They just jump in and out of threads starting arguments.

I'm with Andy 100% on this one.

It is called entertainment, at the level normally known as australopithecine....
There is plenty of passion, I LOVE saws!!!! Really, I ENJOY running them, I like to cut and I like to see what I can do to better them.
You want "personal attacks" you must be a 'tard! I am out of time and usage of 'tards. I don't need to attack, or bellittle someone else to make myself feel better.

Hmmmm, no irony there.:monkey:

I've left this thing teed up for over two hours waiting on Brian (2K) to hit it out of the park.

Don't eat the yellow snow. :biggrinbounce2:
Man! suck it up and quit cryin like women! Y'all are like the Democrats ya can dish it out, but can't take it "it hurts my feelings". It's all just fun fun fun

As far as me being a tard? maybe sometimes, ask my wife she'll tell ya.
Man! suck it up and quit cryin like women! Y'all are like the Democrats ya can dish it out, but can't take it "it hurts my feelings". It's all just fun fun fun

As far as me being a tard? maybe sometimes, ask my wife she'll tell ya.

And that right there is why the problem will not go away. Some guys are easily amused, and think the bickering is fun. It's a recreational activity for them to contaminate a thread and stir things up. I don't like to instigate stuff, but I seldom turn down an invitation to an argument once a shot has been fired across my bow, so I admit to being part of the problem here.

Now I can endure just about any insult, but I can think of nothing more degrading than to be called a frigging democrat. :cry:
And that right there is why the problem will not go away. Some guys are easily amused, and think the bickering is fun. It's a recreational activity for them to contaminate a thread and stir things up. I don't like to instigate stuff, but I seldom turn down an invitation to an argument once a shot has been fired across my bow, so I admit to being part of the problem here.

Now I can endure just about any insult, but I can think of nothing more degrading than to be called a frigging democrat. :cry:

Actually I see y'all's point, I decided that I would cull my opinions. I can't speak for others...
Man! suck it up and quit cryin like women! Y'all are like the Democrats ya can dish it out, but can't take it "it hurts my feelings". It's all just fun fun fun

The complaint isn't about hurt feelings, it is about screwing up what could be a useful discussion.

Banter is fun in limited doses, I like to play too...but it is hard to have a meaningful discussion if you are sitting next to a group of cheerleaders.
Actually I see y'all's point, I decided that I would cull my opinions. I can't speak for others...

Ewwwwwwwwww looks like Spike laid one on your hiny, that mean your "mission" is over now,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

What the heck are ya doin on here so early, business so durn good ya only workin 4 days / week??!!
Where's that Steve fella these days??

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