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Some of you might not like this, but this confirms my world experiences. It didn't set well with me when I read this post:


Originally Posted by blsnelling
I'm a very religious person, and appreciate what your trying to stand for. But what you do makes the rest of us look bad. What works is living your life as an example for the rest of the world to see.

If Brad really said that, if i was him i would be ashamed of myself but only time will tell later Troy

Woodchucker, you ever use them saws? You sure do take good care of them, they look fine. My saws see those pictures and they'll run away, they'll try coming to your house.lol Mine get used hard, filter's blown out and chain touched up before getting put to bed, that's about it, your picture has motivated me to actually clean up the outside of mine, some nice warm spring day. Nothing wrong with taking care of them!

Almost 30 year old 028?????


My Dad and I ran the crap outta this saw,,and he was anal about when the day was done,,, clean it off and maint.....It's a 028,,,but it was my Dad's and still looks like it did when that pic. was took....I'll get her out at a GTG anymore,,and fire her up once in awhile to make sure all is lubed....
Andyshine, I couldn't care less if Brad fails or succeeds. As I said, none of us are perfect. The test is in how we handle it when we do screw up.
There is nothing for me to be jealous of, I couldn't care less.

I took your stand with another builder that got railed once, I later found out that it may have been a mistake.
I don't hold any animosity, I just think that when someone pulls something like this that potential customers should be made aware. How would you feel if someone you know knew something like this about someone you were about to spend a bunch of money with, and didn't tell you? And you found out they knew after you had a bad dealing?

I haven't had a bad dealing with Brad because I refused to deal. I had been reading the writing on the wall, but others may not have seen the signs.

Don't be so uptight, calling people names................especially me!


Do you really think Brad did this intentionally? Than send the saw of to Tom. It's obvious he over looked it and that's not cool. However this was a setup from the get go, you and everybody knows it, they were looking to burn Brad end of story. Brad sure didn't help himself, but this lynch mob thread is a joke.
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I have enjoyed alot of people on here in AS....Tom,,,Father Joat,,*Saved me from goin to chainsaw hell*...Brad......I wish this was took between others instead of posting on here...Maybe it's cause spring is coming on and we all is friggin nuts from this long azz winter.....
I can say something for Brad.....I met him at the GTG and he is someone I trust with anything I would send him to work on and I bought a saw from him awhiles back for my friend...He's anal about his work,,his saws,,you can tell at a GTG when he pulls anything out he has,,it's right,,,I mean damn right or he wouldnt show it...I know in my heart he wouldnt pass down a piece of crap upon anyone with his name on it........
Tom and Joat....Them 2 are nuts....I can have a friggin bad azz day and bummed out but get on and they both have something posted that makes you laught yourself to death....I'd like to see them 2 at a GTG oneday,,and bet it would be a ball....Be a fun day like everyone I meet on here..
I dont know what happened,,and really,,,it's none of my buss..thats between them,,but makes me sad to see each other fighting when we should all be stickin together...
This things about chainsaws,,,some people does it for a living,,some for milling,,,farm work,,,around home use,,,some just for a hobbie,,but thats us,,we enjoy what we do and want to share....Folks that cut for a living can tell you,,,our forest is getting smaller,,and the population is growing bigger,,more blacktop and less trees....I can pull my biggist saw I have out now,,my Jred 2186 out and people around here now day yell damn,,,thats a big saw,,well it wasnt 20 years ago....You can talk about chainsaws with people you work with,,especially the younger generation and they look at you like your crazy....
I hate the fighting and fussing....Lets all start helping each other again like we used too.....I love good fun,pickin on people,,,but lets not get mean against each other....We is all we gots.....Alot of talent on here to share.....I wish I was smart enough to at least help someone...Maybe oneday I can,,but chill out,,and enjoy this site what is was ment for us to enjoy.....

Thank You Jesse My friend:clap: For typing all that out, so I don't have too.
Very well said indeed.

It took a civil war for this country to finally came together as one. I'm affraid thats what this fiasco has come to also. :mad: I fear the former was quicker to heal than this one.

Pretty sad really....

Andyshine...if you want to win the war, you need to let this battle go. If you want to get mad at someone for dragging Brad's name through the mud, get mad at Brad.

Less than a week after complaining about a seller not wanting to pay him for the piston he wanted to put in a saw, he turns a private transaction into a public mess by starting a thread to tell Joat he can't return a saw. When it becomes clear what the issue with the saw is, he tells Joat that he gets to choose how to make it right, and that Joat can't just return the saw.

If he thought it was a setup from the start, the smart thing would be to give the refund, even if he did think the saw was perfect.

There are but 2 explanations for THall getting a cylinder with busted fins, and neither is good for Brad. Either he knew, or his OCD failed him big time. I agreed with Brad when he said that Stihl cylinder was crap, and I even agreed that the 180 rod should not have bent...even with improper technique. I wasn't siding with anyone in those instances, and I'm not siding with anyone now when I say that anyone that could buy that cylinder, prep it, and put it on a saw without noticing those fins should not be working on anyone's saw for money. Might have been a late night, or a bad day, but that one will be hard to recover from.

I don't know why so many people are anxious to jump on Brad, but the people that jump in to defend him don't add anything to the conversation either. It just turns into pages and pages of "Tastes great!" "Less filling!".

Joat quit a long time ago. It looks like Brad did too. Do you really think you're doing Brad any favors by hanging out here and beating your chest?
Do you really think Brad did this intentionally? Than send the saw of to Tom. It's obvious he over looked it and that not cool. However this was a setup from the get go, you and everybody knows it, they were looking to burn Brad end of story. Brad sure didn't help himself, but this lynch mob thread is a joke.

Yeah, I really think Brad knew the fins were missing. I also think that he thought it was no big deal. Maybe it was a setup, maybe not. I think it was a test of integrety, and I think it's a shame that Brad didn't pass it.
Yeah, the "lynch mob thread" may be a bit overboard, but that's the way AS has been for years, and you know that. You've seen it happen before.

As I recall it, Ed Heard wasn't really run out for building bad saws, I think it was more he and the site owner couldn't come to terms with each other. I know there were some issues with Ed, mostly shipping and delivery times as near as I recall, that caused some tifts. I know several people that are more than happy with his saws. I'm sure there were a few that weren't, but that is going to happen.

And nobody has been waiting for Brad to fail, most of us hoped he'd learn some humility, realize he wasn't everything he thought, rise to the occasion and all would be fine. Unfortunately, it has gotten worse than that, he hasn't, and thus this continues.
Andyshine...if you want to win the war, you need to let this battle go. If you want to get mad at someone for dragging Brad's name through the mud, get mad at Brad.

Less than a week after complaining about a seller not wanting to pay him for the piston he wanted to put in a saw, he turns a private transaction into a public mess by starting a thread to tell Joat he can't return a saw. When it becomes clear what the issue with the saw is, he tells Joat that he gets to choose how to make it right, and that Joat can't just return the saw.

If he thought it was a setup from the start, the smart thing would be to give the refund, even if he did think the saw was perfect.

There are but 2 explanations for THall getting a cylinder with busted fins, and neither is good for Brad. Either he knew, or his OCD failed him big time. I agreed with Brad when he said that Stihl cylinder was crap, and I even agreed that the 180 rod should not have bent...even with improper technique. I wasn't siding with anyone in those instances, and I'm not siding with anyone now when I say that anyone that could buy that cylinder, prep it, and put it on a saw without noticing those fins should not be working on anyone's saw for money. Might have been a late night, or a bad day, but that one will be hard to recover from.

I don't know why so many people are anxious to jump on Brad, but the people that jump in to defend him don't add anything to the conversation either. It just turns into pages and pages of "Tastes great!" "Less filling!".

Joat quit a long time ago. It looks like Brad did too. Do you really think you're doing Brad any favors by hanging out here and beating your chest?


Just looked at the clock. Can't believe I just wasted this much time reading a bunch of nonsense that should have been discussed and resolved by the original parties in the first place. I guess I am the fool for falling into the drama! Note to self: Stay away from B.S. threads and spend more time on positive and informative ones.
Andyshine...if you want to win the war, you need to let this battle go. If you want to get mad at someone for dragging Brad's name through the mud, get mad at Brad.

Less than a week after complaining about a seller not wanting to pay him for the piston he wanted to put in a saw, he turns a private transaction into a public mess by starting a thread to tell Joat he can't return a saw. When it becomes clear what the issue with the saw is, he tells Joat that he gets to choose how to make it right, and that Joat can't just return the saw.

If he thought it was a setup from the start, the smart thing would be to give the refund, even if he did think the saw was perfect.

There are but 2 explanations for THall getting a cylinder with busted fins, and neither is good for Brad. Either he knew, or his OCD failed him big time. I agreed with Brad when he said that Stihl cylinder was crap, and I even agreed that the 180 rod should not have bent...even with improper technique. I wasn't siding with anyone in those instances, and I'm not siding with anyone now when I say that anyone that could buy that cylinder, prep it, and put it on a saw without noticing those fins should not be working on anyone's saw for money. Might have been a late night, or a bad day, but that one will be hard to recover from.

I don't know why so many people are anxious to jump on Brad, but the people that jump in to defend him don't add anything to the conversation either. It just turns into pages and pages of "Tastes great!" "Less filling!".

Joat quit a long time ago. It looks like Brad did too. Do you really think you're doing Brad any favors by hanging out here and beating your chest?

edisto Thank you for you candid reply. However I'm not letting this one go!
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Man is that a good looking 028, mine is at least that old, I can't remember if I bought it or the 032 in 1978. It has cut a **** load of wood, cleaned many a fence row, cut hedge post and it stihl cuts and runs like it did when it was new, afraid to put a comp gauge on it, afraid I might be disappointed, but it sure runs strong. It was pristine as well until about two years ago, another family member was using it and got pinched and broke a huge chunk of the rear handle out. I used epoxy a metal patch and rivets, covered it up with white duct tape. I've got to break down and by a new lower assembly/fuel tank for it and get the old girl back in shape. It's been awful good to me.
It taught me to cut, and all my kids how to use a saw, I really need to put some money in it and retire it only to use on special occasions.
It's great to see how some other's keep their saws.
+1 edisto summed it up well.
whatever the options, it doesn't turn out well for anyone.
all the facts are out as best as possible, those who are affected can make decisions, the rest of us don't need to know any more.

lets move on to less controversial topics like politics, religion, and oil mix ratios.
Spacemule, what is it in your soul that causes you to have such a need to drive me down? It's very pathetic to see an individual so depserate to make themself feel better, that they prey on the misfortunes of others.

Hey Brad have you ever thought that maybe you brought this on your self and the misfortune you call it could have been prevented Later Troy
edisto Thank you for you candid reply. However I'm not letting this one go!

Then you are a selfish bastard and no friend of Brad's.

Brad screwed this one up in at least 2 very big ways. If you want to feed your own ego by playing schoolyard bully, then have at it.

I think Brad's been dragged through enough mud, but if you want to keep peeing in the dirt to make more mud, then I guess that's your prerogative.
Come on guy's it's went long enough, Hell fire, at this rate, there won't be GTG's but UFC chainsaw cage matches,lol. I'm sure at this point there's been about 54.9 gallon's of wup azz drained out of the barrel. I'm sure by know Brad realizes any mistakes he has made, if he doesn't then next time boo-hoo on him, he would then deserve anything he gets. I don't see it happening for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time though. Everybody just let it go.
However this was a setup from the get go, you and everybody knows it, they were looking to burn Brad end of story. Brad sure didn't help himself, but this lynch mob thread is a joke.

This is the part I do not understand. Yes, I read every thread.
Joat bought the saw cause he got called out on it. He manned up and put his money where his mouth is. THATS IT!!!!!! END OF STORY!!!!! Now, a few thought he was up to no good. Brad wanted everybody here to be his witnesses. He figured everybody thought he was selling a saw thats as described! Now.... you can sugar coat or twist this however you like..... Joat now has a saw that has 2 cracked fins that he was not aware of.(still with me?) Sends Brad a PM to discuss the matter. (this is where it gets good) Brad makes a THREAD about it!!! POINT BLANK calling Joat a LIAR! Insisting the fins were fine when he put it in the box. If there is not 2 fins laying on the bottom of the box, Joat knew it was shipped this way. (almost there) Now... according to Brad, Joat is a LIAR and started to make people think that on the thread he made. (think of it this way) You paid $750 for a saw. The saw gets to you and you notice undescribed damage. You calmly try to contact the seller in PRIVATE. Next thing you know... there is a thread on a public forum calling you a LIAR!(i think i would be VERY pizzed off now) Say there was no pics of anything. Joat would have bought a saw that had two cracked fins, and been known as the site LIAR. (the best part) NOW COME THE PICS!!:clap::clap: Now its suddenly a whole different ball game... The original person calling the other person a liar.... is now proved to be the liar himself. If you bought a jug from me..... you open the box (prolly at your kitchen table). Do you think you would miss the damage it had when holding it in your hand. Of course not... Consider this.... If the pics did not come out.... where would this be now. Who would you have believed??? Brad or Joat :monkey: I sure Joat has thought of this!!
Amen Bro!!!

Come on guy's it's went long enough, Hell fire, at this rate, there won't be GTG's but UFC chainsaw cage matches,lol. I'm sure at this point there's been about 54.9 gallon's of wup azz drained out of the barrel. I'm sure by know Brad realizes any mistakes he has made, if he doesn't then next time boo-hoo on him, he would then deserve anything he gets. I don't see it happening for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time though. Everybody just let it go.

It's done,,,all over with.....We dont know what happened ,,,it really dont friggin matter,,,cause the people we deal with and how they treat us ,,,,if they do us bad then we,you or I have a bioutch in the matter...This sucks.....Maybe I should go to the millin section and give BobL some crap and we can make up and he send me some good Auzzie beer....Hummmmmm.......
This is the part I do not understand. Yes, I read every thread.
Joat bought the saw cause he got called out on it. He manned up and put his money where his mouth is. THATS IT!!!!!! END OF STORY!!!!! Now, a few thought he was up to no good. Brad wanted everybody here to be his witnesses. He figured everybody thought he was selling a saw thats as described! Now.... you can sugar coat or twist this however you like..... Joat now has a saw that has 2 cracked fins that he was not aware of.(still with me?) Sends Brad a PM to discuss the matter. (this is where it gets good) Brad makes a THREAD about it!!! POINT BLANK calling Joat a LIAR! Insisting the fins were fine when he put it in the box. If there is not 2 fins laying on the bottom of the box, Joat knew it was shipped this way. (almost there) Now... according to Brad, Joat is a LIAR and started to make people think that on the thread he made. (think of it this way) You paid $750 for a saw. The saw gets to you and you notice undescribed damage. You calmly try to contact the seller in PRIVATE. Next thing you know... there is a thread on a public forum calling you a LIAR!(i think i would be VERY pizzed off now) Say there was no pics of anything. Joat would have bought a saw that had two cracked fins, and been known as the site LIAR. (the best part) NOW COME THE PICS!!:clap::clap: Now its suddenly a whole different ball game... The original person calling the other person a liar.... is now proved to be the liar himself. If you bought a jug from me..... you open the box (prolly at your kitchen table). Do you think you would miss the damage it had when holding it in your hand. Of course not... Consider this.... If the pics did not come out.... where would this be now. Who would you have believed??? Brad or Joat :monkey: I sure Joat has thought of this!!

An excellent post to end this mess! SHUT 'ER DOWN!
indiansprings believe it or not I'm not here just to stand up for Brad I'm trying to stand up for the good people who come to this site looking for real information, not this crap. You may ask than why am I involved with a thread like this? I'll tell you why. I want this stuff to end once and for all.

I have to agree with that. We need to get back on something positive.

Something we all enjoy. CHAIN SAWS.:cheers:
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