Whats the one saw that you will never get rid of

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Yes Jerry, by the sound of things, you would have a little harder time than most of us to pick one to keep.
It's nice that you have one of your fathers saws. A nice thing to pass down.

I actually have all of the saws my dad ever owned, all of the saws that I have bought and owned for woods work and even my uncles saws, then my FIL`s saws and the list goes on. Never thought that I was a collector until I passed 50 saws, now I think of myself as a hoarder. LOL.
Great thread D66.

Based on function only I'd keep my 046 Magnum. It'll do everything I need it to and weighs less than the MS660.

For sentimental reasons I'll keep my MS260. I agree there's probably a few better 50cc saws in this class. It was my first saw when I didn't need a saw but wanted one. I bought it used. It was advertised as broken. Apparently the engine would run and bog and the chain wouldn't turn. It runs much better now that I released the chain brake.
LMAO. That's a great way to end up with a saw Darcy:):)
I actually have all of the saws my dad ever owned, all of the saws that I have bought and owned for woods work and even my uncles saws, then my FIL`s saws and the list goes on. Never thought that I was a collector until I passed 50 saws, now I think of myself as a hoarder. LOL.

Well Jerry if you're gonna be a hoarder, thats the kind to be for sure.LOL

These are some great stories guys. Just the way I wanted the thread to go
Keep up the good work:popcorn::popcorn:

And SS, what the hell is up with the avatar??????????? No chicks????
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Inheriting saws

All this talk of inheriting saws got me thinking about my dad's Jonsered. I'm pretty sure it's a 520SP. He's used it as a firewood saw since he bought it new in 1984. No maintenance. No running it out of fuel every fall. It just keeps going.

About 15 yrs ago my then 15 yr old brother snagged it to help his buddy. His friend had been paid to clear brush for the township. Power tools were not part of the deal. When he got home I told him I couldn't believe my old man let him use the saw. He tells me he didn't ask. Then he tells me he used straight gas to fill it up. He tells me you obviously don't have to add oil to the gas because there's a different 'hole' to add oil and there was definitely some in there.

Neither of us ever told my dad about the straight gas. I'm thinking we may never say anything.
Have to be the 066. Now, losing the sawinredneck inspired Husky 350 would be painful. Thats an animal

If it weren't for the milling, I'd pick another...maybe.
Two actually, 044 and Mini Mac 25
Had em both so long they are like my children.
You don't get rid of or sell your children.......or do you?:)
mine would have to be my old 026 I have been porting away, I take it everywhere in the back of my truck, and it has never let me down. last year I cut 10 cords of all 16" dia oak and it just loved it; just today I had it up in a tree building a tree house for the kids. Its my go to everyday saw. I can give it a rest with the big stuff now that I got a 066 (this is a close second though I dont think I would part with either)
Mine would be

My Stihl 050 av

My 2 Pioneers can go, as they do not have the memorys of miling with my dad on a burn. Wearing coveralls and by the time we were done all black, tired, sore but happy.

I hope to eventually fix it, and use it again, but never the less, it will stay with me forever.
I will be buried with that saw.
Sorry, can't make it just one saw. Can't do it. Wouldn't be prudent, as one old Bushy president once said in his "Thousand Points of Light" speech. My tree work is too varied for one saw. :D :D

For me, they are the 028S, and the 038 Mag.

The 028S because it's the saw I started with when I did tree and firewood work out in N.D. lo, those many years ago. They say you never forget your first love. Thus . . .

And 038 Mag (muff mod and ported), because it is an absolute beast at 72cc with those mods. I've got an 8-pin sprocket coming to replace the 7-pin, and I'll be running the 20-inch Rollomatic ES with 3/8 pitch RSC. It's amazing how much it likes to eat with the 7-pin, and with that much grunt and the increased chain speed with the 8-pin, look out! And I can easily swap back to the 7-pin and run a 28-inch B&C if I hit a job that needs the longer bar.

So it's a combination of sentiment (028S), admiration (038 Mag) and practicality (both saws). Now, you'll see in my sig I already have a saw capable of tackling bigger wood, but the logical extension of asking which saw(s) I'll never get rid of is to imagine how I'd continue my arborist/firewood life with only those remaining saws. I can work with an 028 up a ladder if I have to, so those two would do me for everything. :) :)
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Two actually, 044 and Mini Mac 25
Had em both so long they are like my children.
You don't get rid of or sell your children.......or do you?:)

There's the original odd couple........044 and a mini mac.:cheers::cheers:
As I have said before, it would have to be my 262XP. No great stories behind it, just for what I really need a saw for (firewood) I think it's perfect. Plus I just love the way it runs!!! I'm having a really hard time deciding if I should have it ported or not.....I've been kicking that idea around since I bought it!


I know a lot of you have heard this before but it is my Jonsered 2077. It belonged to my BIL who was killed in a motorcycle wreck. We did everything together. Second would be my 2051. I bought it with some of the money I inherited when my dad passed away. Then there is my 2153. My kids bought it for me for christmas.
The one saw I could never get rid of is my 031AVE, or my 031AV, the 540 Homelite, or maybe my 360 Pro, or my 064. Oh wait, I coudln't sell my Stihl 090 if my life depended on it, but I am also attached to my Homelites and JD55v.

Heck man, what kinda question is this!!! Like which kid do you want to put up for adoption? haha
On a serious note, my dad gave me his 031AVE- that I will never part with. On top of the sentimental value, there is just something special about an 031 to me for some reason.
And a little side note, aside from grabbing my 090 just because, it is also something to one day pass down (within the family). Something special about all of them I guess.
I am at a hard place in my collection. There are a couple I would like to add, but none that I want to get rid of. I have 17, which isn't crazy in comparison- to some. I have been getting a hankerin' for an 041G lately though...
My original 026, my first Stihl. The reason I joined this site 2 years ago.
My 044, because it runs so well, and it feels right. I did a nice handle repair,thread link in my sig.
Also, probably my original 009, though I did cannibalize the carb for an 011 AVT I am putting together for a buddy.

And the 660, because it is new, and it runs GREAT! I really enjoy using it.

That seems like a good four saw plan, but I do have a nice 200T for climbing work.

I also like my 028 Super parts saw that I rebuilt, and it has amazing power for its size

So, I guess that means a six saw plan. Make that seven, because i sure like the 361. I will leave the muffler stock, because it is a nice quiet saw.

Everything else is likely for sale, but only after I get them in perfect mechanical condition. I have sold three saws, and they were all good, with satisfied buyers.
for utility I would have to say my 372xp for the obvious reasons of capability but I would really miss my 346xp it is soo much fun to run and it's the first pro saw I bought brand new.:cheers:
Back in the mid-eighties I smoked a pipe.
One day while I was at the state fair, on a lark, I entered a pipe smoking contest.
I won a daily contest which qualified me for the championship, held on the last day of the fair. I don't remember where I placed in the championship, I think it was around 14th out of 21, but I was hooked.
I started entering every contest I could find and over time, I started to win one occasionally.

Fast forward a couple of years to the "International Association of Pipe Smokers Clubs" world championship which was held in Michigan that year.
There I met a fine older gentleman (I was in my mid 20s at the time and he was newly retired) who befriended me.
He wasn't like the majority of the people there, he was as country as I was, just from a lot farther north.

He was the first chainsaw collector I ever knew. Prior to that time a chainsaw was just a tool to me. I had a real nice 3400 Poulan, the first saw I ever bought.
He was a huge Stihl fan and had many of the different models and variations, and used to give me the ####ens over my "junky old PooLahn" as he called it. (He later picked up a 3400 that became one of his favorite "go to" saws. He would never admit it and said the reason he always took it was because "If I drop a tree on that damned thing there won't be nothin' gone".)
Over time, he became one of the very best friends I've ever had, almost like a mix of step dad, uncle, and best friend.
Through the years my wife and I made many trips to Michigan to visit with him, and he and I spent many quality hours in his garage working on saws and pouring over the volumes of books and sales brochures he had, drinking a few beers and smoking our pipes. I never tired of hearing the stories of his life and gleaning bits of wisdom from his classes at the school of hard knocks.
I would call him or he would call me a couple of times a month and we would talk for hours.

In the middle of the year before last, he started complaining that he didn't have any energy and tired very quickly.
I told him to get to a Dr. and find out why, because he had always been a strong and hard worker that would stay right with me step for step all day long, but he just kept saying that it was all part of getting older. Then during one particular phone call, I noticed his "smokers cough" was a lot worse than it had been, and he said he wasn't worried about that but that he had been having trouble going to the bathroom.

I finally convinced him to call his Dr. in November and was LIVID when the earliest appointment he could get was in Jan.
When Jan. rolled around, the Drs. office furnace quit and the pipes froze and they rescheduled him for April.
His daughter called me at the end of March to tell me they had taken him to the E.R. and found cancer in his lungs colon liver and brain.

After the funeral, his son-in-law took me out to the garage and said "Pop wanted you to have these".
There, sitting lined up in a row were his near mint 056Super, mint 026PRO and a 009 that I had tried to talk him out of for years.

Those three will always have a home!!!


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