is your wood pricing viable, with increased fuel cost's

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And they don't even figure out cost as what an on-going business needs, just what they need to buy toys or beer. Since fossil fuel (gas, oil, etc) is a relatively small part of the cost, fuel spikes don't drive up cost per cord proportionally.

There's other folks who honestly feel guilty about charging by value and not simply taking their cost and tacking on some presumed fair level of profit (well, if it costs me $1 to produce, I'll charge $1.20...). They leave fair money on the table when the alternatives to the customer all cost $3. You could charge $2 and still provide tremendous value to the customer, and make enough profits to re-invest in your own business.

That's creating a situation that wood is an enormous bargain right now and darn challenging to make a decent profit.

Darn Straight

In those two paragraphs you have the CT firewood market. Reputable long timers, whether large or small, have to bear the mess these guys make in the marketplace. It's not just they sell based on how much beer or a new dirt bike costs either. These are the same shmucks that continually deliver short cords of green or poor quality wood giving everyone in the business a black eye.

Buying market share by shaving $10 a cord during start up is a legitimate business practice, providing the product is what it's supposed to be. That's just good business.

Taking a small turn. Here in NE CT I'm fully expecting the pricing of firewood from legitimate sellers to go up at least 20% this fall. With the huge snowfall this winter, extended mud season this spring and lower demand for hardwood timber, there isn't a lot of wood out there to buy for processing. Even as things get going here in few weeks, that wood is not going to be ready to be sold as true seasoned this year. Price quotes for wood in the landing have skyrocketed to the point that I may just pay a bit more and get truck loads dropped off. I'll probably make more by not transporting wood back from the landing after it's cut and split.

As to tracking costs, I set up an excel spreadsheet a few years ago that allows me to track expenses by order. Believe me even selling at $200 a cord and buying at $50 there is not a huge net profit.

Take Care
If fuel prices go up, everything else usually has to,

The ragheads have us by the throat. :bang:

when did "the rag heads" start setting the price of a barrel of oil..?

furthermore... the largest importers of oil to our country are canada and mexico... saudia arabia imports about half the amount of oil into our country than canada does... wheres all misaligned anger towards canada that we see towards middle easterners lol?

also, not many people realize this, but usa is the worlds 3rd largest producer of oil, only 500k barrels a day behind saudi arabia, and 1 million behind russia
the next largest "rag head" nation behind us is iran, and they dont even produce half of what we do per day.

i know its cool to be uninformed and racist against middle easterners on these forums though:taped:
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we get way more oil from canada, than we do from all the middle eastern "camel jockey" "raghead" nations combined... do some research before posting a bunch of racist crap.. :bang:
"...when did "the rag heads" start setting the price of a barrel of oil..?"
They don't, but if there is even the slightest threat to the oil supply either here, Europe, or elsewhere, fuel prices are going to go up in the USA.

We cannot control that supply threat, so they have us by the throat by proxy whether we like it or not. The USA produces an enormous amount of crude, but we are still a far cry from being energy independent of foreign oil.
I don't see what racism has to do with this really, it is their culture.... I have quite a few Arabic friends. Maybe you should think a bit instead of throwing around terms like racist. Why don't you go live in Iran or Iraq so you can be all buddy buddy with them, then maybe they would see what stand-up guys we all are and stop trying to kill us....
Sure the USA produces around 9-10 million barrels a day. The problem is the domestic consumption is more than double the daily production. Thats why the arabs control the price of oil. OPEC (all the major arab countries plus Venezuela) basically fix the price of world oil by controlling the supply side.

Here in Canada we produce more than we consume yet we are paying over $5 a gallon for gas and diesel thanks to our arab friends.

when did "the rag heads" start setting the price of a barrel of oil..?

furthermore... the largest importers of oil to our country are canada and mexico... saudia arabia imports about half the amount of oil into our country than canada does... wheres all misaligned anger towards canada that we see towards middle easterners lol?

also, not many people realize this, but usa is the worlds 3rd largest producer of oil, only 500k barrels a day behind saudi arabia, and 1 million behind russia
the next largest "rag head" nation behind us is iran, and they dont even produce half of what we do per day.

i know its cool to be uninformed and racist against middle easterners on these forums though:taped:
I don't see what racism has to do with this really, it is their culture.... I have quite a few Arabic friends. Maybe you should think a bit instead of throwing around terms like racist. Why don't you go live in Iran or Iraq so you can be all buddy buddy with them, then maybe they would see what stand-up guys we all are and stop trying to kill us....

when people blindly throw around terms like rag heads,, thats pretty racist, i wouldnt be surprised if the only interaction most of the guys using terms like that have had with middle easterners, is when they fill up their gas tanks.
i bet most guys on here also hate all muslims (all 1+ billion) because a small percentage of them are extremist terrorists
sorry, ill pass on living in iran/iraq... but that doesnt mean i have to hate everyone from that area of the world either
Well I am not hypersensitive to terms personally, I find it hilarious when I am called a cracker, I agree some of them can be offensive. Sorry about contributing the thread hijack. I would agree most people probably do not have much interaction with people from the middle east, I lived over there for a year. It is true most muslims do not actively try to kill us, but how many of them want to, that is the issue, they don't even attempt to police themselves. Yes every country/culture/religion has violent crazy people, but the difference is if we realize someone in the US is trying to kill a bunch of people, we try to stop them, whereas in the Arab/Muslim world it is often applauded.
+1. Agreed. Let's get back to the original post topic. :clap:

I'm raising my prices for the summer, but much less than my fuel cost increase, and that's my principal operating expense. Remember that summer firewood burning is predominately a party and pleasure expense. Many people will likely be willing to pay a little more to enjoy a good campfire at a social outing.

Never assume that the customer does not understand supplier cost. Most log splitters, chainsaws, and trucks run on gasoline and all three are needed to produce firewood.
we get way more oil from canada, than we do from all the middle eastern "camel jockey" "raghead" nations combined... do some research before posting a bunch of racist crap.. :bang:

Actually in Jan 2011 the USA imported 2.1 million barrels of crude from Canada and roughly 3.3 million barrels from Arab producers. Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you paint all of us as racists with your politically correct brush.
Actually in Jan 2011 the USA imported 2.1 million barrels of crude from Canada and roughly 3.3 million barrels from Arab producers. Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you paint all of us as racists with your politically correct brush.

i didnt check each month.. but each year canada imports more oil than all arab nations combined, the average person thinks all our oil comes from arabs.. you would also be surprised how many people think the usa doesnt produce ANY oil
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I see everyone's point on this issue, but have to remind everyone that raising your prices isn't the best solution. The reason you're getting every "bubba" and his pal with a Poulan selling / cutting firewood nowadays is because jobs are scarce and the price of firewood has risen to over $240 per cord. That's the primary reason I bought a new chainsaw and splitter. Being a recently retired cheapskate, who bought a wood heated cabin in snow country last year, I got tired of paying such prices for split oak I had to pick up and stack myself. See you in the forrest.

I see everyone's point on this issue, but have to remind everyone that raising your prices isn't the best solution. The reason you're getting every "bubba" and his pal with a Poulan selling / cutting firewood nowadays is because jobs are scarce and the price of firewood has risen to over $240 per cord. That's the primary reason I bought a new chainsaw and splitter. Being a recently retired cheapskate, who bought a wood heated cabin in snow country last year, I got tired of paying such prices for split oak I had to pick up and stack myself. See you in the forrest.


Sure. A retired cheapskate that will either be unable to do the work or unwilling, given some time.

I didn't say that to offend. There are LOTS of people who think how great this is saving ALL this money doing it themselves. That is until they have to do it enough. THEN, that price the guy down the road is asking, starts to seem pretty sweet.
Pay the equipment like an employee

what should you price your wood at if the price of gas goes over $5.00 a gallon? how much will you have in a cord price wise?
do you factor in the costs of new saws etc, wear and tare on equipment into cost per cord pricing? what about the delivery vehicle,
how much does it cost you to maintain it to make deliveries?
chains - bars - oil - gas -air filters - tires - tuneups etc... do you factor all this into your pricing? if not what would be your price per cord if you did then?...
seeing the cost of splitters at $5000.00 and saws anywhere from $500 - $900.00 disposable wedges $8.00 each etc. then the bar oil $10.00 a gallon, hydraulic oils going up too. just what is your costs? take a good look at it before you find out your losing money folks, thats what i am driving at..the bigger you are the more you need to watch your costs before it is too late..
how many of you have looked at this situation really hard lately?

Back when I was doing some work on the side, I always paid my equipment first, just like it was a hired on hand. Then anything left was "mine". All the costs, I paid the truck and the tools and the insurance etc FIRST.

As to price per cord with increased fuel costs, etc..I think it is gonna get cheaper, even if gas goes up, because there are *millions* of blue collar guys out of work now and more losing jobs every day, millions more "under" employed, and all you need to hang a shingle out for firewood is really a saw and a pickup and a maul. Pros might need to gross several hundred a day to cover all their expensive equipment and high end big trucks, etc, someone totally out of work might think 200 a week, no matter how long that took and even if it meant $50 in gas to make it, is better than zero.

People facing eviction, etc, or just higher everything prices with the same paycheck they have been getting with no raise in sight are gonna be all over "selling some firewood" this year and next year. Guys with big honking expensive 4x4s they bought and now can't tote the note might think they can use the truck to pay the note, etc.

And that could be me real raise for a long time except raises in everything I have to buy, need to make some on the side now real soon..firewood looks good......heck, just selling one cord a *month* would be a tremendous raise for me....let alone just one a week, even if it cost me 50 bucks gas to do it. I have been looking at older big trucks lately, gas won't be that much of an issue because it will be driving short distances (under a mile) on the farm and "maybe" a single local delivery now and then, I don't need to commute or put thousands of miles a month on the thing. that's what my little no status non lifted no super nitto mudders datsun diesel truck is for, basic cheap transpo A to B. I don't need to run a thousand horsepower twin turbo diesel five ton truck around as some status toy. (well, couldn't afford the tires on one of those trucks either...)

so even at ten bucks a gallon I could still "compete". Wear and tear an odd cord now and then won't be much.

Now multiply that thinking by hundreds of thousands of guys who are thinking about it right now, especially after this last cold winter.

There's NYC and DC "economy" where the salaried and bribed off pols and wall street traders are making money still, they claim it is "getting better"... then everywhere else...everywhere else is sorta starting to go broke fast, so all sorts of competition will be springing up and guys going into business for themselves doing..anything at all they can think of..including selling wood.

People who have drivers and limos and never pump their own gas or just take taxis, etc got NO IDEA what five buck and up a gallon fuel really means to joe six pack. None.

I think they should put the kabosh on food and fuel "speculation" for those traders, no physical delivery, you can't "trade" it, should be the rule. That's where most of the higher costs are coming from anyway for food and fuel. "Speculators", almost completely un needed middle men.
We raised our prices on April 1st based on what was going on in Feb, to 120 a cord based on 3 face cords of 16" comprising a cord.

Basically 40.00 a face cord or as it is called in our area a rick.
Don't start the BS on what a "rick", face cord, is because it is a term used in a geographical area by consumers. I know what the legal definition of a cord is and have cut and sold more of them than most people will cut in their life time.

We are going to take another price increase for orders placed after April 15th. We are going to raise it to 150 a cord delivered for all our wood. If gas goes up so will our wood prices.

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