I have to ask, Why no saftey glasses??

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Say whatever you wish Sunshine but I'm not believing you:msp_wink:

Hearing is precious Will. I started running saws in the late 60's and sold them in the 70's and 80's. back then hearing protection really was thought of like you seem to feel now. I wish I had it to do over again. I would not run a saw or anything that would damage my ears,with out having protection on now. I have lost over 60% of my hearing. My hearing aides are not as good as you would think. TV kids, wife, friends,I can not hear them with out the aids and even with the aids it is hard.I do not carry a cell phone,I simply can not hear it.So much of my life is lacking because of my poor hearing.I miss out on so much.
You may laugh now,but you will not be laughing when you get as old as me and have lost your hearing.I see these guys go by with their car radio jacked up so loud that even I can hear it.I really feel sorry for them,they are doing permanent damage and will regret it in the future.These guys are giving you good advise,about wearing protection.But only you can be smart enough to use it or foolish like me and loose your hearing.
Hearing is precious Will. I started running saws in the late 60's and sold them in the 70's and 80's. back then hearing protection really was thought of like you seem to feel now. I wish I had it to do over again. I would not run a saw or anything that would damage my ears,with out having protection on now. I have lost over 60% of my hearing. My hearing aides are not as good as you would think. TV kids, wife, friends,I can not hear them with out the aids and even with the aids it is hard.I do not carry a cell phone,I simply can not hear it.So much of my life is lacking because of my poor hearing.I miss out on so much.
You may laugh now,but you will not be laughing when you get as old as me and have lost your hearing.I see these guys go by with their car radio jacked up so loud that even I can hear it.I really feel sorry for them,they are doing permanent damage and will regret it in the future.These guys are giving you good advise,about wearing protection.But only you can be smart enough to use it or foolish like me and loose your hearing.

My last post had to do with Chain styles. When the time comes to fire up Pedo-Killer I'll know whether or not to go across the street to Dunhams and pick up some shooting muffs:msp_thumbsup:
Good advice! In high school I worked for a guy outside of Auburn that did excavating. All summer long I would set on a dozer back filling behind a ditching machine. The ditcher had an old detriot 2 stroke diesel in it with a straight pipe that came up through the bonnet. Never thought much of it then but afterwards when we'd quit for the night my ears would ring. That was about 15 years ago and now I have a real problem hearing conversations, anytime I have background noise it is near impossible to hear who is talking. I wish I had the brains to wear some kind of hearing protection. You can do as you wish it won't make a difference to me, just you!

Ears and eyes are the most crippling injuries to the human body. Not be able to see or hear is not fun. I am 30% deaf on my left side and 40 % on the right side do to no hearing protection. My eyes are surviving. Ear and peeper protection should always be worn.
Trust me people, it ain't fun to be deaf. I was born deaf and growing up was not easy. I'd often misunderstand or completely miss what someone said, and as a result, I'd sometimes get pissed and start beating them up... simply because of a misunderstanding.

Or how about missing out on simply hanging out with friends... I missed a lot of that as I wouldn't hear what's going on and where.

Trust me, you will be a bit bitter if you can't hear.

This, being unable to hear, I guess is why I post so much here... since I can read what you're typing and know exactly what's going on, I can actually carry out some conversations.

I can't hear in loud and crowded restaurants, even after a cochlear implant in the right ear. As a result of the cochlear implant installation, I get bouts of vertigo every so often.

There are many things in life, that if I would've been able to hear, I would've been a much better person than I think I'll ever be.

I am not looking for pity, just pointing out that hearing loss will be something that bothers you.

My left ear can only hear stuff like my car (glasspack muffler:msp_rolleyes:) the saws, the lawn mower and tractor, .22 Magnum and larger guns... in other words, stuff that is at least 96 or so decibels for most of the frequencies.

My dad, and his brother used to go shooting out in the gravel pit when they were kids. As a result, they both have lost all their hearing in the high frequency range. My dad cannot hear the high pitch squeaking/squealing of a Radio Flyer wagon's axles rolling along, begging for some oil or grease.

I sometimes run the saws for short periods without an earplug in my left ear (implant's computer automatically cuts down sound db's above a certain point) The Macs leave a nice ringing in my left ear after running them for a little while. :)

That ear is already about shot, not much can be done to save it. I do not have any intentions of getting another implant put in... recovery was a bit painful and definitely dopey, thanks to a giant ass Vicodin pill...:dizzy:

I can't stand pressure changes in either of my ears... it hurts like hell. No idea if that's related to hearing loss/lack of hearing, but it makes me wear ear muffs when shooting stuff like a .308 or .30-.30 or ear plugs if I go swimming.

Again, hearing loss is no joke. You will hate yourself for letting it all disappear.
Thus, being unable to hear, I guess is why I post so much here... since I can read what you're typing and know exactly what's going on, I can actually carry out some conversations.

I have read many of your posts and had no idea of your hearing
disability. Glad to hear that posting here helps ya!!

Keep those posts coming...you're a very well respected member here!!! :msp_thumbup:
... Also, are Bugz-eye goggles all they're cracked up to be? If so, I'm gonna get me some.

Fly-eyes: uncomfortable. feels like an octopus clinging to your face. Can't flip them off/on like a visor. Useless in the wet. Useless in direct sunlight(sunstrike). Too dark on overcast days. Just another separate piece of equipment to get lost or left behind.

Goggles: uncomfortable. lenses get scratched fast. Always blurry from gum, dust, oil etc... Always fogging. Same as fly-eyes - always getting misplaced or lost.

Helmet and flip-up steel-mesh visor: Comfortable. Convenient. Can lower or raise visor instantly when needed. Handy when pushing thru sticks and scrub etc.. Eye/ear/face protection all in one unit
My left ear can only hear stuff like my car (glasspack muffler:msp_rolleyes:) the saws, the lawn mower and tractor, .22 Magnum and larger guns... in other words, stuff that is at least 96 or so decibels for most of the frequencies.

Again, hearing loss is no joke. You will hate yourself for letting it all disappear.

I'm confused. You profess to care about hearing loss, yet run a noisy muffler in you little car that is annoying to those of us who have normal hearing. Think on it a bit. :confused:

If I'm being picky, so be it. I hate the loud noises of motorcycles, the bass cars, and the fart mufflers. I'm not wearing ear protection when those rude machines go by. Nor are the other pedestrians.
I can't not choose to be there. If I could quiet my saw, I would.

We may as well run our saws without ear protection because rude people will continue to expose us to those noisy things. Make sense?

Now Gary, I feel less safe already! :msp_rolleyes: I think I'll dig a cave and live there. But I'll probably get dirt in my eyes.
Is there nowhere safe?
Just like everyone else, I can't stand eyewear that fogs.

Enclosed goggles with vents are fine in an air conditioned laboratory, but fail outside. I'm a chemist and have used just about every kind out there. I've found none that do well during hot sweaty work.

Safety glasses? The ironic thing is that the more expensive and more fashionable they look, the worse they perform when cutting. The sport glasses with wings or wrap-arounds look cool, but they don't have the surface area to stop a lot of dust. What I've found is best for me is to wear the large, clear, inexpensive safety glasses from (Walmart, Home Depot, etc.) under a forestry helmet with a metal mesh visor. No fogging.
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