Looking to hire subcontractor to split firewood

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What a jerk.

Liars can figure, but figures never lie. This guy has got no clue, and he thinks he's got the numbers down pat, like thats the easy part.

I quoted a guy $55 per full cord to process 20 cords last week including moving equipment. I will also say that there is not a machine on this planet than can put out 60 full cords in a 10 hour day. You may get half that but that is only in really good wood, straight and 18inch diameter or less.

I would do this on PER TON basis only.

I would be do this only with acccess to water to
pressure wash the firewood bolts prior to bucking them
to eliminate crooked firewood bolts.

I would only do this when the entire load is
secured and unloaded with larger firewood
bolts segregated from the minus 16 inch bolts.

It would occur using MY certified scale.

I would operate on my schedule separating
the the larger timber from the loads entirely.

The small diameter logs(minus 16 inch diameter)
would be cut to minimise any crooked logs at MY
discretion and my discretion only!

The larger timber bolts would be processed
and bucked to length later when the entire
yard of smaller logs are completed as there
is simple way to handle that.

The firewood would be scaled after it is processed
on a per per ton basis minus the tare weight for the bag,
bags, container with a trap door bottom and dumped
after weighing.

I would be interested in it at $85.00 dollars per TON
weighed after splitting to 12 inch lengths which will
create the fastest splitting/processing time per bolt
and subject to a cost plus contract plus a $55 Dollar
per hour charge minimum,with errors and ommisions
stipulations, signed by you with a $100,000 insured,
collateralised bond provided by YOU with a hold harmless
contract clause to protect me in the event of breakdowns,
sabotage, disaster, earthquakes, and a force majuer clause
protecting me and solely determined by me with regard to
actual events such as snow storms, flooding, or man made
disasters for example.

I would also expect that my equipment and fuel storage will be
fully insured by me and billed to you on both a per month and
partial month basis, paid in full by you at delivery of the insurance
invoice to me using a fully enclosed and fenced work area to protect
my processor, conveyor, fuel storage, scale, generator, office,
security cameras and rubber tired or tracked machinery, with keys
and locks to the area provided, held and controlled by me or my
assigned personnel ONLY.

I and I alone would also when the contract can be terminated at
any time at my discretion with full payment for services rendered
per day up to the time of contract termination plus any payment
for the remainder of all calender days to complete the month in
question by me.
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A cord king 60 can process up to 9 full cord per hour. Here are the specs:

Production Rate: up to 9 full cords/hr (128 cu ft)
Cycle Time – 3.5 – 4 seconds
Maximum Log Diameter: up to 27″
Maximum Log Length: 40’
Feed System: WR78 HD Chain with 6” log dogs
60” Carbide Tooth Slasher Saw
Splitter System: 10 to 16 Way Fixed Wedge Splitter or 6 to 18 Way Adjustable
Splitting Force: Standard 42 tons (optional 58 tons)

cord king 60

It says so on the website so it must be true, right?
Now all you need to do to make $200/hr gross is to buy a cord king 60! Hell, if I lived in New York I'd go buy one just to accept this guy's generous offer.

Of course, I don't have much use for firewood anymore since I got my new boiler


The Cat-O-Matic 3000 !!!!!!!!!
I do not know how much those things are, must have 5 zeros on the end.

Why not contact the manufacturer and see if they have a customer nearby?
firewood etc.

Which one are you referring to? The Cord King or the Cat-o-Matic MMMMEEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWWCH!!!!!!!!:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::msp_w00t:
9 cords an hour - yeah right. I don't care what they claim, that is a complete load of hogwash.
Talk to some guys who actually run these machines - they will give you some real
Yeah, I'm always leery of the manufacturers specs for production. 50-60 full cord per day seems like a lot of wood to me but the cord king has a mean looking 18 way splitting wedge. I'd hate to get some nasty crotch stuck half way into that wedge!
Between this thread and the other one, the OP reminds me of the guy who sits in a bar and looking at the hottest chick in the place says. "I could nail that if I really wanted to", and then just keeps drinkin' his beer. :biggrin:
Cord king 60

One of my neighbors has 2 of them and he is processing 5-6 cords per hour with a mixed bag of wood types, both straight and narly wood, he also has a mega splitter that will split almost any diameter wood in 12' lengths so the can send that wood through the processor!
not worth a responce but what the heck!

Between this thread and the other one, the OP reminds me of the guy who sits in a bar and looking at the hottest chick in the place says. "I could nail that if I really wanted to", and then just keeps drinkin' his beer. :biggrin:

I cant believe im responding to this post but what the heck, I can assure you I never sit around a wish I can have somethiing, I work hard and have acomplished much in my life including landing a beutiful girl, not in a bar, we have been together for many years, I never give up on what I want!
One of my neighbors has 2 of them and he is processing 5-6 cords per hour with a mixed bag of wood types, both straight and narly wood, he also has a mega splitter that will split almost any diameter wood in 12' lengths so the can send that wood through the processor!

Is he too busy to help you, or can't the two of you come together on the numbers?
I was wondering the same thing Spike!

But then again, I've got....................
okokokokokay,I read the other entire thread

So after all of the back and forth and finger pointing and other stuff...I had to make a comment.

The OP says...
I don't know if I can spell it out any simpler! this is not for everyone, but some one who can use some extra cash to get through the winter. if some one has a large processor they can blow through this pile in less than 10 days and if goes well i would even bring in another 1000 cords

My comment would be this. The OP is looking for a pro. It certainly would take a well equipped team to nock out 1000 cords in 10 days.
To say he's looking for someone who wants to make some extra cash to get through the winter.....
I feel like I just woke up in the N.E. where everyone just got one heck of a snow job.

Is it too late to call BS....:msp_wink::msp_wink::msp_wink:
Is he too busy to help you, or can't the two of you come together on the numbers?

My neighbor just purchased his second machine, he has both of them tied up for more than 2 years on a land clearing project (a large tree service with 20 acers of property and 20 years of old logs stacked up, he is processing all of the firewood he can and mulching the rest. he would help me if he had the time!
We get one of these guys about once a year, guess the OP just came along a little later this year. I am still waiting for the picture of this friggin wood pile!!!
My neighbor just purchased his second machine, he has both of them tied up for more than 2 years on a land clearing project (a large tree service with 20 acers of property and 20 years of old logs stacked up, he is processing all of the firewood he can and mulching the rest. he would help me if he had the time!

Talk about numbers....are they clear cutting 20 acres?
2 processors...they should be done in a 3 weeks or so by your numbers....

Avalancher has got this guy pegged....funny how that happens...must be all of those my cat up in trees ordeals with Mom & Daughter crying their eyes out....makes a guy seasoned to knowing BS when he sees it...good call AV!

There's another saying...this thread is worthless without pics.
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Cord king 60
One of my neighbors has 2 of them and he is processing 5-6 cords per hour

Since New York has a 50 mile rule on shipping non-kiln dried firewood, not sure about timber to be processed but I that certainly fits the spirit if not the letter of the law...

Where the hell on Long Island is he coming up with 72,000 cords/year to keep the machines fed at that pace?

You know, one of the most heavily populated places in the nation that's a terminal moraine whose sandy soils support a predominant forest type, where it remains, is pitch pine and scrub oak?

You're talking 10-12 triaxle grapple truck loads a day of tops to keep those two things fed.

I've been staying off this thread since till now because something never smelled quite right from the first post, but now we're into some kind of fantasy land.
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Talk about numbers....are they clear cutting 20 acres?
2 processors...they should be done in a 3 weeks or so by your numbers....

Avalancher has got this guy pegged....funny how that happens...must be all of those my cat up in trees ordeals with Mom & Daughter crying their eyes out....makes a guy seasoned to knowing BS when he sees it...good call AV!

There's another saying...this thread is worthless without pics.

Well, as my wife says, "with all that BS you shovel out, you oughta be a master at recognizing a forkful."

Reckon she is right, lord knows I probably shovel more than anyone around here. But i like to think that everyone around here recognizes my BS for what it is, and thats a stab at humor. Can honestly say I have never shoveled BS in the vain hopes of getting sombody's hopes up about a job. That just aint right in my book.

To many desperate folks around looking to make an honest buck to fool with that.
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