You know you heat with wood when.....

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New here, love everything so far, but here's my take.
You know you heat with wood when...
When your first child is born, you buy a new saw as a way to celebrate.
When said daughter is two, she says, daddy, I'm cold, go check the fire.
At Christmas when wife's whole family is in your house and its 80+ in the house, you get angry because windows are open. Thinking to yourself, i worked hard for that heat, and just imagine its summer.
When above mentioned daughter is four, and you take delivery of a new owb, her biggest concern is, but it's outside, how are we going to stay warm?
When younger daughter, 1 1/2 would rather ride in the old loud woods truck than anything else.
When 1 1/2 is most concerned about getting all the splitter scrap and bark onto the wood stack.
you know you heat with wood...when the white trash neighbor who harbors/encourages ferral cats, commonly has raccoon,possums and the occasional skunk "problems". (could it be the food scraps she throws out"fer the KITTENS").. when that neighbor complains the laundry she has left out on the clothes line for weeks, smells like smoke from my stove,,,,and I respond, with derision, " sounds like ya' need a job and a clothes dryer"..."yer clothes line aint workin' fer ya"...
you know you heat with wood...when the white trash neighbor who harbors/encourages ferral cats, commonly has raccoon,possums and the occasional skunk "problems". (could it be the food scraps she throws out"fer the KITTENS").. when that neighbor complains the laundry she has left out on the clothes line for weeks, smells like smoke from my stove,,,,and I respond, with derision, " sounds like ya' need a job and a clothes dryer"..."yer clothes line aint workin' fer ya"...

that's to funy.
You know you burn wood for heat when your father calls ya and says " I think its standing dead and you should see how big this tree is" I took a drive 220 miles round trip to check out fire wood situation and for a pre hunting trip.. That tree is HUGE.. for these parts. :clap: Dad figures we can cut in down in the spring once the snow is gone. It should be two cords..

You know your a wood guy when.. Wife is looking for a new to her suv and says "It will fit all your fire wood collecting tools in the back and pull a trailer with a cord of wood" Before she even tells me what she is looking at and asks me to go look at it for her.
Everyone that knows you thinks you use bar oil for after shave lotion

Been doing that for years ever since my old aunty Peg came visiting one sunday afternoon and did her usual, "oh aint you cute, all dressed up like a lumber jack.And even a cute little hat too!Come here hun, let ole aunt peg give you some sugar"

I got some sugar all right. And she spent the next fifteen minutes clawing at her tongue trying to get the taste to go away. Kinda reminded me of my little girl when she was little.Anytime she ate something new she found she didnt like, she would just rake it right back out and heave it across the table.

Ole gal settles for a pat on the back now, but more than once I have caught her checking her hands out afterwards just to make sure!
Son & family stopped over for a bit last weekend. I was out on the driveway, splitting wood with the splitter.

Son waved to me & smiled.

I hollered back over the engine sound of the splitter: "I'm just finishing up some housework here. Be with you in a few minutes." :)

When you have 3500 pounds of craigslist scored roadside wood in your truck and just as you are about to leave the scene you scan craigslist again on the iphone to see if theres more available....
You'll go to extremes for some seasoned wood for this year:

Lp guy asked what I'd give for his wood. So I stopped in yesterday but needed another look when it wasn't so wet.
Today I stopped in with a tape measure and determined the length was beyond my capacity as was the girth but I still made a deal with him and will let him know how big a load I could take.
I need to give advanced notice so he can unlock the gate at the rear entrance.
You dont have to yell at the wife or kids for having the door open too long.
And the number one indication that you heat with wood?

Your still here reading this thread, now into its fifth page!

yeah, I know. I am as bad as you are. Im still here too.:laugh:
Yes, but you are an enabler by selling the stuff, just keep folks hooked on it and coming back for more and enticing newbies with your tales of adventure in this splinter filled ongoing search for warmth and vitality. :laugh:
you clean the ashes out of the stove more often than you clean out the inside of your truck
You take better care of your saws than you do your dog
your sweet little 85 year old neighbor lady has nicknamed you paul bunyan.. TRUE
You know who on what tree crew to shake a case of beer in front of to get them to drop off a load of wood at your house for free ...TRUE
You can tear down your saw and put it back together faster than any Marine can do to his gun

Your rigntone on your cell phone is a running chainsaw...available on stihl's website

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This is good stuff:
I know I heat with wood because I take pain medication at night to await the aches that are coming.
I load my OWB, and a splinter grabs my new glove which goes for a oneway ride.
I clog the shower drain with wood chips.
My disposable foam earplugs are everywhere.
I have more containers of 2 stroke oil than paint cans and motor oil combined.
It use to take 3 hrs to mow your lawn. Now it's done in half the time due to all the wood piles.
Your wood shed is more organized than a bookcase, between different woods and shoulder season wood and cold weather wood.
A bad storm blows through and your phones is ringing more than it ever has before.
Open the door on my owb you wont have hair above your waist. Don't ask me how I found this little bit of info out.:bang:

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