the all aussie dribble thread!

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Bloody dry mate,had a heap of rain early march and nothin since.What about you ?

Oh really, it has hardly stopped raining here - 1 week of sunshine in about 2 months. I don't think we deserve the 'sunshine state' title any more haha
Been wet here.

If you guys want a better throwaway insult to use the next time you feel like it, here is the one I like. "My Grandpappy always said if you get in a battle of wits, make sure your opponent is armed" - I like it because it has a nice folksy approach to it and is cleverly stated.

Yeah Dave, I don't know why breaching these subjects brings out such nastiness in people. Thank goodness I'm retired from all that BS.
Hey Terry I take serious offence when somebody assumes that everybody else is a naive, uninformed idiot when they don't agree with certain conspiracy theories. I also thought that these sorts of posts had ended when you asked interested people for more information by PM'ing you.

I can assure you that I have studied and researched 9/11 just as much as you have from a variety of sources. I'd bet my left nut though that as the first plane hit the World Trade Centre you thought it was an inside job immediately as that is just how your brain is wired. The Israeli connection is a wise choice as it is the only theory that people would probably fall for.
Without even knowing I can probably explain the Israeli theory in simple terms:

***Israel set it up so the western world would blame the muslims, go to war with them, and help write off Israels own enemies. The western world would then feel sorry for the country of Israel as they too were now on the receiving end of muslim attacks***

Another theory is that the terrorists involved were extremely fanatical muslims with a deep hatred for the western world thinking they'd get a whole wad of virgins when they martered themselves into the Trade Centre, Pentagon, and unfortunately for them into the ground.
Whether we have different ideas or not I am starting to sense that you think fanatical muslim terrorists couldn't be capable of something like this?

Just saying that "My mate now knows that Israel did 9-11" doesn't cut it sorry - more info is needed. My best mate was also in Afghanistan and has no doubt that an enemy such as Al Qaeda are smart enough and determined enough to pull off something like 9/11. Many muslims have a deep hatred for the western world and it is nearly bordering on genetic. Just have a think back and ask yourself how many muslims, regardless of how extreme, showed genuine remorse for 9/11? Most started their response with "the US needs to change it's foreign policies".

There were a fuc*en lot of muslims rejoicing throughout the world after 9/11 considering that Israel must have done it. That wasn't just some media or government "beat up" on TV either but personally witnessed by relatives of mine who at the time lived near Bankstown in Sydney (they have since moved to Revesby). If you want to know just how much muslims love you run around Bankstown on a Saturday night with an Aussie flag draped over your shoulders. Australia is probably one of the only countries in the world where flying your national flag proudly can be classed as racist by many of it's "own" people.

What happened on 9/11 with the security etc of the time wasn't actually a difficult task. I've heard people many times say that only the CIA etc could have pulled something like that off but that's BS. If myself and 10 of my mates learnt how to fly a jet we could have pulled it off easily just by looking at a few flight timetables and booking some tickets (oh and by buying some Stanley/Box Cutter knives). How do you stop the crew and passengers jumping you? Find the prettiest, youngest stewardess and slash her face to bits or threaten to slit a kid's throat. Nobody is going to rush a guy holding a knife to a kid's throat...

Whether you think the US government did it or whether I think Al Qaeda were behind it doesn't matter. The extremists want to kill me just as much as you.

I also have a quote from somebody. Sir Winston Churchill...

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last". I love this quote.

You make a lot of sense with the banking/finance side of things but that is published data and widely accepted. It's not a conspiracy but common sense.

By the way Terry some of my mates hold similar beliefs to you. I mean even my dad has a distinct distrust of government and a hatred for the US after Vietnam. Like I've said before, there are many things about Port Arthur that don't add up. However if you look at it from another perspective there are also 6 billion people in the world so why can't one person with a semi automatic assault rifle kill 35 unarmed people in the way Bryant did? The part that doesn't add up though is that he did it from the hip according to witnesses with a head shot ratio that many people would class as impossible to achieve. If I tried to do it (not that I would) I bet I could have achieved a similar number of deaths or more. Just look at what happened in Norway (unless that's a conspiracy too?). If you are skilled in the use of firearms and can corner enough innocent, scared, and unarmed people the sky is the limit unfortunately. Killing large numbers of unarmed people with an assault rifle isn't that hard. Black guys with borderline retarded IQ's did it in Rwanda daily in the mid 90's...

Oh and on a side note Climate Change is real and measurable. It's just that WE aren't responsible for it and it isn't that big of a deal. If you listen to the wankers back in the late 80's and early 90's about the Greenhouse Effect we should all be 2 metres underwater by now with a mean world temperature about 5°C above normal. Climate Change is now a self perpetuating money making entity based on fear tactics and BS. There was a classic story a while back where a university professor wanted a government grant to study a particular endangered reptile. His application was rejected. He resubmitted it and added a line "in response to climate change" and the grant was approved.
thanks Matt
does look good for the price, good old Paramount Browns, they have been around for a bit hey,

one of me mates is in Adelaide every second night, he does DHL Express over and brings back recycled
paper and glass, i will just go over with him and load it on top, he may not even charge me if i offer to do
all the driving:msp_biggrin:
thanks Matt
does look good for the price, good old Paramount Browns, they have been around for a bit hey,

one of me mates is in Adelaide every second night, he does DHL Express over and brings back recycled
paper and glass, i will just go over with him and load it on top, he may not even charge me if i offer to do
all the driving:msp_biggrin:

I remember a while back that exactly the same splitter was $100 cheaper from a Melbourne source but can't remember where :( They're heavy though, about 280kg from memory. When I'm at Paramount Browns I'm like a kid in a lolly shop :D
Another funny one...

A woman is at home when she hears someone knock at the door. She goes to the door and opens it to see a man standing there. He asks the lady, 'Do you have a vagina?'
She slams the door in disgust.
The next morning she hears a knock at the door and it is the same man and he asks the same question of the woman, 'Do you have a vagina'?
She slams the door again.
Later that night when her husband gets home she tells him what has happened for the last two days.
The husband tells the wife in a loving and concerned voice, 'Honey I am taking tomorrow off to be home just in case this guy shows up again'.
The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both run over to it. The husband says to the wife in a quiet voice, 'Honey, I'm going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question, because I want to see where he is going with it'
She nods yes to her husband and opens the door.
Sure enough the same fellow is standing there and asks the same question. 'Do you have a vagina'?
'Yes' she says.
The man replies 'Well thats great. Would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife's alone and start using yours?'
I've decided to leave the forum. The reasons are personal. None of you appear to be bad guys, so there are no ill feelings. Good luck on your future endeavors.
I've decided to leave the forum. The reasons are personal. None of you appear to be bad guys, so there are no ill feelings. Good luck on your future endeavors.

oh no what will I do! please tell me its not so Terry, its just a conspiracy theorie,:dizzy:

no hard feelings Terry all the best you know, keep the bar nuts tight and the chain in good nic and all will be good,:msp_biggrin:
No biggie Matt, I've had a lot worse. You should have seen what I had to endure when I was politically active. The old saying 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', yeah, there's a lot of truth in that. The dirty tricks just keep on coming, you have be able to lick your wounds and have another go. Pretty soon, you start to see the same trick coming around again - only this time you're a whole lot wiser.

I've decided to leave the forum. The reasons are personal. None of you appear to be bad guys, so there are no ill feelings. Good luck on your future endeavors.

I've decided to leave the forum. The reasons are personal. None of you appear to be bad guys, so there are no ill feelings. Good luck on your future endeavors.

I sincerely hope it's not because a few of us hold different opinions to you mate. I have a feeling that if we'd have stuck on the topic of chainsaws and other funny stuff everything would still be OK. Take it easy mate and hope to see you back at some stage :cheers:
Here's the message Terry sent me after I sent him one. I let him know we didn't want him to go.

Apparently things are (were?) hard for him, and for several of those he knows.

Terry, best wishes on your future. I sincerely hope things get better and folks like you get what you deserve.

I've requested Darren to remove my profile from the data base.

What you have seen in that thread is what I had to deal with while I was up to my butt in taking on the system. When the people in your own ranks will screw you over, compromise you and gossip behind your back - you get a bit jaded over trying to save them from themselves.

I mentioned the pro bono cases. That banking case I mentioned I was getting phone calls from all over Australia of people loosing their farms. The Farmers Federation stated that there were 4 farmers a week that were committing suicide. I remember one 64 year old (my present age) fourth generation farmer that was loosing the family farm - he was pleading, almost in tears. The people I was representing had some friends that gave them the money for my plane ticket. I ate a meager meal with the family, then spent the night on a cheap child's mattress that was a foot too short for my body length. I had oatmeal and the burnt leftovers from last night's meal for breakfast. I worked my ass off in that case and the judge's were gutless, I made no money for what I did.

In another case I had an 8 month slugfest over the Egg Industry Act (unbelievable corruption). I finally forced the NSW Government to repeal the Act. All my lawyer mates thought that was a win, not me. I wanted the court presedent so I could kick some more butt. The judges wimped out and communicated behind the scenes to repeal it, then completely ignored what my submissions were in their judgement to cover everything up. Oh yeah, I did get some remuneration for that case - 2 dozen eggs and a frozen turkey.

I've learned a lot about chainsaws on the forum. It is time to move on to other interests.

You can cut and paste this message on the forum if you want. I'm outta here.
Here's the message Terry sent me after I sent him one. I let him know we didn't want him to go.

Apparently things are (were?) hard for him, and for several of those he knows.

Terry, best wishes on your future. I sincerely hope things get better and folks like you get what you deserve.

Not trying to keep this going but if Terry thought we were trying to screw him over or stab him in the back then he was wrong. It was simply called disagreeing with somebody. Many of the members here are doing it tough and I've personally spoken to a few of them via phonecalls.
As far as the farming stories I was an government accredited drought councellor as a part of my previous job and work with farmers every day in similar situations. Nobody in their right mind would have argued or disagreed with Terry over the points in his PM to you Promac. It is a completely different scenario to his conspiracy posts.
I wish him all the best and he probably thinks I hate him for my replies. If that was the case I'd also hate my dad, brother, and a few of my mates as they hold similar thoughts to Terry on a number of topics.
KFC have a new meal deal,its the Julia Gillard snack pack,you get...Two large thighs,two small breasts and a red box.:hmm3grin2orange:

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