I guess I picked a crappy weekend for cutting down trees!!!

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ArboristSite Operative
Jul 1, 2009
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Western MA
Well I have been planning on taking about 35-50 trees down this weekend for about 3 weeks now. My father is coming to help along with my cousin. I am cutting all the trees up in upstate new york west of albany.

Looks like we could get some considerable snow here and I am planning on starting cutting tomorrow. I've got my bull dozer all tuned up and ready to go along with 3 ms460's, ms361, husky 262 and a husky 55 for back up. Also have my uncles ford tractor with a plow on it to clear trails and driveway along with the dozer for skidding logs.

Hopefully we only get 8 inch or so, otherwise its going to be a challenge. I can't reschedule easily because the guys helping me have busy schedules. I'll post some pictures tomorrow!

Most the wood will be milled to build my barn and a few trees for firewood. Wish me luck guys!!
Well, based on what I'm seeing in the weather forecasts, I recommend you change your plans. Those saws might need to attend to other duties. Too bad your plans aren't smooth but don't endanger yourself and family to accomplish a task. Hunker down with some hot chocolate.
Hey good luck, happy felling! I think with a dozer and tractor I wouldnt be worrying about no measly 8 inches of snow.

Hint, old metal saucer sled will hold a saw and fuel and oil jugs outta the snow and easy to drag around. Or small toboggan or kids sled, you know what I mean. No setting stuff down into the snow then.
Well I am planning on moving forward with the felling tomorrow and if it gets too bad I will take a break. I live in MA so right now I am 110 miles from home, otherwise I would just do it another weekend. Hopefully we don't get 12+ inches.

I'm sure I will have some nice pictures to show Saturday.
Good luck and stay safe. Happy felling. Lots of hot chocolate in the thermos with a little brandy for the end of the day to warm up.
If the winds gets too crazy its obviously time to stop, but it looks like we really aren't going to get hit too hard this far west.
Here are a few pictures from today. I was bye myself so the progress was not to impressive. I ended up felling 15 trees and work a little more than a 1/2 day. Once my father and cousin get here the progress will amp up. I was trying to get ahead of them with the felling because they are not too experience with felling trees.

Most the trees are around 21 inches in diameter a few feet up the truck. All of them are hemlock and we will be cutting down probably 40 or so and then skidding them out of the woods. Hopefully on Sunday there will be a big pile of logs at the edge of the woods.
Good stuff. Nothing like getting a head start. Looks like you were having fun out there. Only 1/2 day. So only 12 hours:hmm3grin2orange:
Good stuff. Nothing like getting a head start. Looks like you were having fun out there. Only 1/2 day. So only 12 hours:hmm3grin2orange:

Probably got about 6 hours in today. Between breaks, snow storm, getting the ATV stuck I ended up spending 9 hours outside but really only half that with a saw in my hand.
I watched some on the weather channel tonight. I am sorry but it looks like you are getting hammered by Nemo. Sorry if your weekend did not work out. Depending on where you are at in the state (though I think the whole state is getting blasted) you may be inside by the fire sipping a hot drink. The storm has long since moved on from us with little snow, but the wind is really whipping outside. I would not be thinking of cutting any trees down in the wind we are having and you guys are getting and going to get it worse.
Looks like you're having fun with this. I wish my cutting areas looked as good as that. Hope you get all the work did without the blizzard hitting.
Nice!.....man I wish I had Hemlock on my 100ac place. I had to buy a load from my logger neighbor...$1K. Some of them were 28" at the butt & all were 26-28' long. I milled out 24 5x10 rafters for my house.....I had just enough, not one "extra". Funny thing is they all came off a place on my road just 4 miles away. I love milling it and working with it...great wood!

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