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I bought one of those saw attachments for my Stihl Kombi system. Seemed to work pretty good til the thing got stuck in a limb and slid out so I had to climb up there and get it out.

My guy works like I used when I was 30

My guy called his people and told them he was working late

My guy set me up with a dump site right around the corner from an out of town job

My guy disengaged the chipper at full throttle and I didn't even get mad.

My guy put so much stuff through that chipper today
Sounds like your in love! Does your wife know yet?

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Picked up an an easy little $700 trim job tipping back some white pines next door to the place we're working this weekend. The boys get to throw on 16 sheets of plywood for that now. At least we destroyed the bulk of the first job already. Still gonna be a busy day though. Boss man running late. My god, was I up way past my bed time. Should be a profitable weekend though. Thinking of maybe taking up fishing this week.
I bought one of those saw attachments for my Stihl Kombi system. Seemed to work pretty good til the thing got stuck in a limb and slid out so I had to climb up there and get it out.

My guy works like I used when I was 30

My guy called his people and told them he was working late

My guy set me up with a dump site right around the corner from an out of town job

My guy disengaged the chipper at full throttle and I didn't even get mad.

My guy put so much stuff through that chipper today

My guy is whipped into shape quite nicely.

My guy is finally doing everything right.

My guy doesn't even have a car, so I'm thinking he'll be available for a while.

Just saying.:laugh:
Picked up an an easy little $700 trim job tipping back some white pines next door to the place we're working this weekend. The boys get to throw on 16 sheets of plywood for that now. At least we destroyed the bulk of the first job already. Still gonna be a busy day though. Boss man running late. My god, was I up way past my bed time. Should be a profitable weekend though. Thinking of maybe taking up fishing this week.

damn buddy you sure like the Sunday workday. I don't do them unless a catastrophic storm. On the positive note...it should rate you a day off fishing during the week.
I have had 2 jobs in the last month where I got in some discord with the ho and at the end a tree that was VERY hazardous to the n'bor's property was left with me not knowing if the ho was going to do anything bout it. The las one we made up and after emailing the guy that Code of Ethics with my Arb. Org demands that I notify the n'bor that they are under EXTREME threat of catastrophic tree failure in the middle of the house. He complied and said he will speak with the n'bor but I gave him the DeNiro 2 fingers to my eyes and then pointed at his eyes to say "I will be keeping an eye on your cheap ass.

The other guy nit picked a number of things on me and we smoothed them over but still left on less than ideal terms on a job maybe 15 miles from his house. He has a 100 ft. plus hackberry hidden in the woods that I saw and told him about after he cried poor in every minute of the initial job. This 3'dbh tree's stem 10 feet up has a split in it that you can see thru that is about 5 inches wide and 10 feet long and the tree has a heavy lean into the neighbor's yard and could swat a play set pretty good. Gonna take a mcycle ride up there today and see if he has done anything...which I doubt...then I gonna notify the neighbor to be aware of the extreme hazard. Gonna thoroughly enjoy doing that. Guy's a prick nit picker.
My thoughts exactly. What kind are the good hooks again? Was it eagle claw?
I forget, been so long since I been fishing. Been bout since I gave up the happy juice and vegetation. That a coincidence? Ahhh no big time fun for the ole guy, but then no big time lows either lol. But I do have a 10 mo. grand daughter that is changing all that :)
I bought one of those saw attachments for my Stihl Kombi system. Seemed to work pretty good til the thing got stuck in a limb and slid out so I had to climb up there and get it out.

My guy works like I used when I was 30

My guy called his people and told them he was working late

My guy set me up with a dump site right around the corner from an out of town job

My guy disengaged the chipper at full throttle and I didn't even get mad.

My guy put so much stuff through that chipper today
no offense dr. but the kombi system is designed for yuppie pricks to trim their bushes and blow off their decks with an occasional tilling of the flower beds.
I have had 2 jobs in the last month where I got in some discord with the ho and at the end a tree that was VERY hazardous to the n'bor's property was left with me not knowing if the ho was going to do anything bout it. The las one we made up and after emailing the guy that Code of Ethics with my Arb. Org demands that I notify the n'bor that they are under EXTREME threat of catastrophic tree failure in the middle of the house. He complied and said he will speak with the n'bor but I gave him the DeNiro 2 fingers to my eyes and then pointed at his eyes to say "I will be keeping an eye on your cheap ass.

The other guy nit picked a number of things on me and we smoothed them over but still left on less than ideal terms on a job maybe 15 miles from his house. He has a 100 ft. plus hackberry hidden in the woods that I saw and told him about after he cried poor in every minute of the initial job. This 3'dbh tree's stem 10 feet up has a split in it that you can see thru that is about 5 inches wide and 10 feet long and the tree has a heavy lean into the neighbor's yard and could swat a play set pretty good. Gonna take a mcycle ride up there today and see if he has done anything...which I doubt...then I gonna notify the neighbor to be aware of the extreme hazard. Gonna thoroughly enjoy doing that. Guy's a prick nit picker.

What's your angle here? If I was the ho I would hire your competitor just to spite you for being a dickwad. I get pointing it out but calling neighbors and that sort of sneaky business is well below professional in my opinion.
What's your angle here? If I was the ho I would hire your competitor just to spite you for being a dickwad. I get pointing it out but calling neighbors and that sort of sneaky business is well below professional in my opinion.

I guess I should acknowledge the riff raff when they don't understand the dynamics of the business and want guidance from an upper echelon Arborist (next time ask me in the 101 forum).....I don't care if I get the removal (at all)....I just want them to do the right thing schit stick. Much more than money involved here...and I know it is hard for a start up owner to understand this....but I have unlimited work at top dollah prices...unlike "Bearded Bozo s Tree Service"

I guess I should acknowledge the riff raff when they don't understand the dynamics of the business and want guidance from an upper echelon Arborist (next time ask me in the 101 forum).....I don't care if I get the removal (at all)....I just want them to do the right thing schit stick. Much more than money involved here...and I know it is hard for a start up owner to understand this....but I have unlimited work at top dollah prices...unlike "Bearded Bozo s Tree Service"

View attachment 353067

If you truly have unlimited work at top dolla why waste your time? Nosey Nancy don't have enough of her own **** to worry about?
Can't you join the PTA, maybe a home owners association or something to occupy yourself as you slow down in your golden years? Anything seems better than attempting to drum up work for your competitors.
I really put this up to get others' opinion on this without the subject warranting a new thread but since yours is all I am getting then I will ask a legitimate question to you. Do you just go off without possibly the neighbor even knowing their property is in any jeopardy when in reality it is, esp the house one, in dire jeopardy....and forget it and sleep at night and not expect to feel any complicity when/if the house is squashed, people possibly hurt/killed...and you could have avoided that?
I really put this up to get others' opinion on this without the subject warranting a new thread but since yours is all I am getting then I will ask a legitimate question to you. Do you just go off without possibly the neighbor even knowing their property is in any jeopardy when in reality it is, esp the house one, in dire jeopardy....and forget it and sleep at night and not expect to feel any complicity when/if the house is squashed, people possibly hurt/killed...and you could have avoided that?

Yup. Not my business. And quit being so dramatic, trees coming over in a storm very rarely cause life/limb loss. They smash rafters, ding gutters and fill my wallet. You are not a hero. You are a shady snake trying to stir the pot and hoping to get a job. Get over yourself.
as long as you can make your trailer payment, buy your hillbilly wife a pushup bra and keep the coonhound fed...yeah I guess conscience doesn't play into your game. Think putting you back on ignore. You got such a hard on for me and chase me all over the board and I am not gonna let you suck my cahk so ....C Ya.

One question in parting....just how do you Bozo s tell each other apart? You got names on the back of those wall mart shirts? Team-Choice-Tree-Care.jpg
as long as you can make your trailer payment, buy your hillbilly wife a pushup bra and keep the coonhound fed...yeah I guess conscience doesn't play into your game. Think putting you back on ignore. You got such a hard on for me and chase me all over the board and I am not gonna let you suck my cahk so ....C Ya.

One question in parting....just how do you Bozo s tell each other apart? You got names on the back of those wall mart shirts? View attachment 353074
And that concludes today's episode of Blake's letting Treevet know everyone sees straight through his bullschit. Thanks for playing.

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