PPE trousers for high-velocity saws?

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New Member
Sep 13, 2016
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New Mexico
The chain velocity of the Stihl MS201T is 6,125 FPM or 31 m/s or 69.60 MPH.

This means the velocity exceeds Class 3 (63 mph) (5512 feet per minute) listed here

On a vendor website I found a EN381-5 Class 4 mentioned: 32 m/s (metres per second).

It appears the "Stihl Pro Mark™ Apron Chaps - 9 Layer" will not protect against this Class 4 speed because per a Stihl representative, “All STIHL brand chaps are tested using ASTM (American Society of Testing & Materials) F1414 Test Method and ASTM F1897 performance standard, and exceed the 2,750 fpm ASTM standard.”

The UK company ArborTec has Class 3 trousers and chaps at over $400

Comments appreciated on current thinking about PPE vs. higher chain speeds. It appears the European standards have moved forward whereas ASTM has not.

Is there a belief / evidence that "exceeding the 2,750 fpm ASTM standard" provides adequate protection even at higher chain velocity?

Thank you for any context on this.

(I did searches and most of the trouser threads are 6+ years old so decided to start a new one.)
I'm surprised you were able to find out anything about the ASTM standards.
Every time I go to look up an ASTM standard, it appears to be a deep, dark, closely-guarded secret that costs $$$$$ to find out.

Nothing like making safety information proprietary and off-limits to the general public! If ASTM was in charge of Driver Ed, they would charge $10,000 per student and force you to spend 5 hours Googling where to send your 10 grand...
Labonville sells chaps designed for race saws and other high chain speed applications.

Thanks for the pointer. Looks like Labonville trousers are also ASTM F1897 (like Stihl) with the "Competitive" model having 10 plies. But this still implies they withstand 2,750 fpm speed and not higher speeds.
I'm surprised you were able to find out anything about the ASTM standards.
Every time I go to look up an ASTM standard, it appears to be a deep, dark, closely-guarded secret that costs $$$$$ to find out.

Yes, I have encountered this before. Highly respectable organization but $46 for 5 pages seems a bit much.

welcome to AS HDT. Someone will be along shortly with some info for you. ;) have you watched any vids of chaps testing? lots on utube.

I've watched some more. Here are a couple:

Informal test of ProMark chaps vs. cheap Amazon
Mentions ProMark heat: "Really hot"
ProMark does get cut through slightly but less than cheap Amazon

Science show: Guy performs test on his leg. Chaps not identified.

Also read about Clogger which are certified to AS/NZS4453.3:1997 (Australia / New Zealand standard) but no mention of what this means.

So, interesting material but nothing further has been found about PPE for higher velocity saws.