How many of you are BIAS!!!!

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I hear Ben Walker is running against Tom... sponsered by Amsoil... just an ugly rumor, but....:jester:

Amsoil ya say, is that American,LOLOL

Hey Leopard I'm looking for a good man to striaghten out the middle east. At your disposal are all the nukes we got. If ya getter done in a day thats fine, if not take a week, are ya in?? You can be head of World Affairs, cept those affairs I intend on having behind Demi's back,LOLOL
Amsoil ya say, is that American,LOLOL

Hey Leopard I'm looking for a good man to striaghten out the middle east. At your disposal are all the nukes we got. If ya getter done in a day thats fine, if not take a week, are ya in?? You can be head of World Affairs, cept those affairs I intend on having behind Demi's back,LOLOL

I'll pass. Nukes aren't my thing. In any case, I figure you're training Newguy for that role. What else do you have?

Heard in the grey house (color changed to suit the weather). [muffled] Newguy squeaking in corner Tom rumbling... LEAVE THAT DAMN BUTTON ALONE. Slap, whine.... whine... LEAVE IT ALONE... whimper... whimper... Silence...... .... ... moan.. moan - I've told you for the last time... LEAVE DEMI ALONE...
I'll pass. Nukes aren't my thing. In any case, I figure you're training Newguy for that role. What else do you have?

Heard in the grey house (color changed to suit the weather). [muffled] Newguy squeaking in corner Tom rumbling... LEAVE THAT DAMN BUTTON ALONE. Slap, whine.... whine... LEAVE IT ALONE... whimper... whimper... Silence...... .... ... moan.. moan - I've told you for the last time... LEAVE DEMI ALONE...

I've already sent my boy off to the military. I told the generals to keep him there until the election is over, see Leopard I got all the bases covered. Now back to the middle east, come on ole feller I know you be the man to getttttttttttter done, whatcha say? Tell ya what, you can take Demi overthere with ya, her toting all that flesh them cats will give up in a heartbeat,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

Your my speach writer whether ya like it or not, I'll have it no utter way, get busy, your salary for making me look good, pricless,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
As House Majority Leader, I will start drawing up impeachment articles weeeeeell in advance.

"Said Administration did knowingly and with malice aforethought straight-gas a Jonsered, with intent to cause harm to Jonsered's sterling reputation..."
As House Majority Leader, I will start drawing up impeachment articles weeeeeell in advance.

"Said Administration did knowingly and with malice aforethought straight-gas a Jonsered, with intent to cause harm to Jonsered's sterling reputation..."

Putting you in charge of SANITATION DEPARTMENT. Here take this 5 gallon bucket and shovel and go directly to the outhouse, NOT the Whitehouse, the OUTHOUSE and don't come back till ya getttttttttttttttttter done,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
look at all those x brand saws....................

I was waiting on you,hehehe, heres the rest of the family,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:


gathering around the 372 in envy?
even Thall knows............

that the 372 is a top shelf saw.didn't take him long to figure it out either.

:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

I keep seeing your fine words come up and then disappear, whats going on with that. Are you deleting your fine work or is someone else doing it, let me know, I got the FBI looking into it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poetry in Motion!!!!

Your my speach writer whether ya like it or not, I'll have it no utter way, get busy, your salary for making me look good, pricless,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

I'll Vote for Joat!!!!!! to write speeches for Our Candidate,,,,

THE one and Only ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THALL10326!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Now if politics confuses you, listen to ole Joat,
Then you’ll know exactly how you need to vote,

Now if you want the government to play the role of mommy,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if governments too big, and you want it to be small,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now if you want the EPA to grow into a bigger calamity,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if own a Stihl, Husky, Mac, Homie or a Mall,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now if you don’t like hunting, fishing, beer or salami,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if you like ESPN and know a slider from a curveball,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now if Ms. Demi’s not you idea of the perfect first lady,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if you like Elvis, or if you own a duck call,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now if you want a President that sits down to pee,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if you want a President that pees when standing tall,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now if you want a President to bow to illegals or a Saudi,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if you want a President to stop the USAs great fall,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now if you want a Whitehouse that’s like a tragic comedy,
Then you know you shouldn’t go and vote for ole Tommie,

Now if you want an honest President, truthfully telling all,
Then you know you should go and vote for Mr. Hall,

Now being Tommie’s buddy’s been very good for ole Joat,
Cause all the Prez’s speeches are the one’s that I wrote.

Check is in the mail and a bonus to boot, I like your words, they are a hoot, wedoggggggggggie.......