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That is very nostalgic and thanks for that. Memories of all that lowering and we used thick ropes consisting of plant material. Too much fun.
That is very nostalgic and thanks for that. Memories of all that lowering and we used thick ropes consisting of plant material. Too much fun.

Zero crane access and unsafe to climb. Entire country club freaked about it (rightfully so) and storm Elsa on way any minute. (Dropping logs not an option with water lines, etc. either). 1.5 gallons of diesel in the lift and about six hours to get it down and all but that stump cut out and stacked for hillbilly log truck. Charged as if I had a crane on site - cuz it was worth it.

What would you have told the club there, Crane Dadio? Lol
“Rotted out, split. I’m surprised it’s still standing. Good thing you took it down before the storm. This tree was read to go ! “

You ain’t kidding.

That tree was ready to go. New cracks forming, etc. Was a good score (that and another smaller white pine).

The president of the club sent out a newsletter to all members stating that it was safe to come back to the club (was basically shut down for two days for this) and mentioned me and the company name several times (in a positive way). Basically my main client base. So worked out good for all involved. Again, how we roll, baby. Lol.
You ain’t kidding.

That tree was ready to go. New cracks forming, etc. Was a good score (that and another smaller white pine).

The president of the club sent out a newsletter to all members stating that it was safe to come back to the club (was basically shut down for two days for this) and mentioned me and the company name several times (in a positive way). Basically my main client base. So worked out good for all involved. Again, how we roll, baby. Lol.
That’s what we call a Home Run
It’s a good move. Just not that certain brand with the …. um, “issues”.

I wonder how the availability of the lifts is with the tree frenzy and all the other supply issues going on lately? Might wanna order now for next year if it’s anything like buying a truck.
what brand?

ive seen one or two CMC lifts have the boom snap right off
after looking, and talking, it does seem like a good move to get a used "bigboy lift" instead of the fisher price lifts, 130ft JLG anyone?