Stihl Dealers Negotiate? Times Have Changed

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I always get a chuckle out of those statements like "I really wanted to give the man my business, but." Ha ha. It's like they think they're doing the guy a favor by buying a saw even if he doesn't make any money. When it comes to working for free vs. packing up and going fishing, well, I think you know which choice I'd take. And I sure as heck don't want any "favors." :)

im not the one that was going to make or not make any money on the deal. smart move on his part? is the man in buisness to make money or not? not like i was going to take an add in the paper and say this dude sold me this saw for this much.

You don't get it, do you? You wanted to take his profit. And hell yes, I'd a sent you packing as well. :)
I always get a chuckle out of those statements like "I really wanted to give the man my business, but." Ha ha. It's like they think they're doing the guy a favor by buying a saw even if he doesn't make any money. When it comes to working for free vs. packing up and going fishing, well, I think you know which choice I'd take. And I sure as heck don't want any "favors." :)

Good thing you arent a dealer, cuz if you were you would be bankrupt in a week.
Tant gonna happen and surely you can see why. Oh now I know what your thinking, he can make it up on the guys that buy only one. I say why should those guys pay for your discount.

just think of all the great Stihl parts and service the man could have sold me at full price. its a harware store too so, well im a good customer.

i dont expect anybody to makeup anything for me. i would make sure i spent plenty at his store so he makes money off me.
Good thing you arent a dealer, cuz if you were you would be bankrupt in a week.

I have a pretty good sales record where I work. The trick is to recognize who wants to buy, and who wants to nickle and dime. Good customers get service, and the others can go to hell. Good businessmen don't run charities, nor do they have a need to.
Not if $600 is the total. If $600 is the total, then the dealer cost is $512.82 and his profit is $87.18, assuming a 17% margin.

assuming a dealer cost of $512 his 50 bucks is a 10% margin.

i would take it. :cheers:
I have a pretty good sales record where I work. The trick is to recognize who wants to buy, and who wants to nickle and dime. Good customers get service, and the others can go to hell. Good businessmen don't run charities, nor do they have a need to.

I can understand that. I would get tired of nickle & dimers real quick. Problem I have is i have been to a few dealers that act like they are letting you in some special club by selling you anything, and you better be grateful! One dealer tried to tell me he wouldnt sell me a 660 unless I was a professional logger or arborist! WHAT AN IDIOT! Another told me all Husky's were junk, another all Stihl's were junk. And one even told me it was illegal to sell limiter caps because replacing the was against EPA guidelines. REPLACING THEM. What happens if one breaks then? All of these people conducted themselves like they were the queen of england, and therefore lost my business. The worst of these places went out of business about 7 months ago. Wonder why...:monkey:
I have a pretty good sales record where I work. The trick is to recognize who is a sucker, and who wont take it in the back door. Good suckers get cr@p service, and the others can go to hell. Good businessmen don't run charities, nor do they have a need to.

salemen huh?

nuff said!

I can understand that. I would get tired of nickle & dimers real quick. Problem I have is i have been to a few dealers that act like they are letting you in some special club by selling you anything, and you better be grateful

Yeah, I hear you on that, but it's a two way street. Some customers act the same way in reverse--business should be groveling at their feet and thankful for the chance to sell them a product.

The vast majority of people aren't this way though. I'd say less than 10% are quarrelsome.
HOLY $#%, %^#, and *&%!!!!! Tom, Im bringing a cord and half when I bring you my saw to fix. The best I get is 160 (that is if I go to the city/40 miles.) Where I live it is tough to get 120 a cord. And people mow their own lawns. I would not mind paying 800 to 1000 per saw instead of the 600 to 700 I pay if I could double my profit.

Well load ya pickum up truck and come pick me up. We will go to DC and sell it by the stick and make 600.00 a cord. As for Loudoun get the Loudoun Times Mirror and check out the ads. Wood brings steep prices here.
True, I know a lot of people that think they can "jew 'em down". No racism intended, thats just how we say it. Trying to get a bargain is one thing, but do ya walk into Wal-Mart and say, "well, sticker price on that bag of dog food is 17.98$. I only got 15 bucks in my pocket. Whattaya say?" They would laugh you out of the store or call the police, or both.
just think of all the great Stihl parts and service the man could have sold me at full price. its a harware store too so, well im a good customer.

i dont expect anybody to makeup anything for me. i would make sure i spent plenty at his store so he makes money off me.

For some reason if your pushing for a discount on the saws chances are you will die over the parts,LOLOL

So tell me have you bought the saws somewhere else?
True, I know a lot of people that think they can "jew 'em down". No racism intended, thats just how we say it. Trying to get a bargain is one thing, but do ya walk into Wal-Mart and say, "well, sticker price on that bag of dog food is 17.98$. I only got 15 bucks in my pocket. Whattaya say?" They would laugh you out of the store or call the police, or both.

That's not as far fetched as you think. I work at Home Depot on the weekends, and people ask those sorts of questions all the time.
Well at 17% on $600.00 is $102.00. So you wanted him to make the same margin on two saws as he would had on one? Thats asking him to cut his margin to 8.5% because you was gonna buy two saws. Tant gonna happen in hardly any place I know of. Making 50.00 on a 600.00 saw means he would have to sell at least 10 before he could have enuff profit to replace one. Tant gonna happen and surely you can see why. Oh now I know what your thinking, he can make it up on the guys that buy only one. I say why should those guys pay for your discount. I'll take the other guys and you, well good luck.

+1 and also it ain't like they got a line of customers trying to buy a saw at any given time. (I imagine)
assuming a dealer cost of $512 his 50 bucks is a 10% margin.

i would take it. :cheers:

Thats the thing , its a matter of choice, thats all. You would have taken the deal, the dealer did not. Ya both still living and doing fine so its no skin off either of ya.

I know you may think 50.00 is better than nothing and true it is. However a day or two later someone buys those saws at list and the man makes 200.00 instead of a 100.00. To him its worth the wait. I see your point of view but I hope you can see the dealers point of view as well..
I know you may think 50.00 is better than nothing and true it is. However a day or two later someone buys those saws at list and the man makes 200.00 instead of a 100.00. To him its worth the wait. I see your point of view but I hope you can see the dealers point of view as well..


Two things that my dad used to say about the car business: "They don't eat anything" and "there's an azz for every seat". That car that you wanted for 1 dollar over dealer cost will be still sitting right there in a week, and someone will come in who will not haggle over the price. I saw him bend over backwards to please some customers, and I've seen him nearly physically toss others out the door. Some people will never be satisfied, they'd complain about free, probably sue you for giving it to them if they cut their arm off.

Just saw a TV article about how all these companies have to "rethink" how they handle discipline and dress code, because it seems the current crop of glassy-eyed dolts rolling out of Mom&Dad U just can't seem to fit in with the rules. So the corporations are training supervisors and executives to just deal with these whiny pukes and to "accept their quirks". Glad I don't own a corporation, probably be short on young hires! The "Me Generation" is raising a crop of the "Me, Right Now and Don't Forget to Grovel on Your Way Out" generation. Sad.
