390xp Project

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oh, and in the parts diagrams, it looks like the seal covers the bearings outer race like on a husky 350 ... it does not. the seal is integral between the inner and outer race more similar to a regular sealed bearing. its just sealed only on one side. what you see on your unit there is the same as part #503251301
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how you can just change the seal if it is one complete unit, does it separate? I know I should just replace the bearings since the case is split (and I'm sure I will) but the bearings are actually fine. I had planned on changing the seals whether they passed a test or not, but I didn't realize the this saw had this crazy bearing/seal setup.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how you can just change the seal if it is one complete unit, does it separate? I know I should just replace the bearings since the case is split (and I'm sure I will) but the bearings are actually fine. I had planned on changing the seals whether they passed a test or not, but I didn't realize the this saw had this crazy bearing/seal setup.
Stick a screwdriver or something into that seal and pull it out. It's just rubber for the most part.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how you can just change the seal if it is one complete unit, does it separate? I know I should just replace the bearings since the case is split (and I'm sure I will) but the bearings are actually fine. I had planned on changing the seals whether they passed a test or not, but I didn't realize the this saw had this crazy bearing/seal setup.

The 385/390 PTO bearing and seal is no different from many other saws. The seal presses into the outer race and seals against the inner race.
Ok I missed that brad, thanks. So what do you guys think, just change the bearings while it's apart or save the $20 and just do the seals? Sounds kinda stupid to get cheap over a $20 bill now that I'm writing it. It sure would suck if the old bearings decided to go after just a little while.
I think just for the sake of knowledge I'm gonna pull the seal before removing the bearing. It sounds like using the puller like you would on a traditional seal wouldn't work.
Ok Matt I just ordered from Brodner, hopefully all goes well. In a way I'm kinda glad Stihl doesn't sell parts online, it's way too easy to keep hitting the Add To Cart button.
Ok, so I'm kinda bored with this project while I wait on parts and I figured I'd look into some paint (what the heck). Looks aren't REALLY important to me when it comes to a saw. I'd rather have an ugly badass saw than a beautiful lemon but for the sake of this thread I thought I'd play around with some paint.
I used an old 372 starter cover to test out two colors. I also bought some clear coat gloss stuff. I have no idea how this stuff will last but after it dries I'll try to beat it up a little. I've only put one coat of paint on and it has runs but it's just practice. I'll add to this as I do more.
Here's what I used
372 cover, one picture with flash and one without.
IMAG1837.jpg IMAG1839.jpg
The left side painted
IMAG1840.jpg IMAG1841.jpg
Both sides painted with a different color.
IMAG1842.jpg IMAG1844.jpg
It kinda looks like half husky and half Stihl.
That's it for now, paint takes FOREVER to dry, especially when your watching it.
I've decided that painting the plastics is stupid so I'm not gonna be doing that. I did start painting the case though. I'm not sure if it was a stupid idea but it's too late to turn back now.
First, I cleaned it really good
Then, I scuffed it up a little bit
And here's half of the case done
IMAG1875.jpg IMAG1878.jpg