5:00 a.m. Chainsawers

Arborist Forum

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My medication gives me a wide range of online hours, as well as
a varying level of my communication skills.
Sometimes my prescriptions allows me to be quite helpful
technically, and a tad witty, but most times, I degrade into a
scary beast, that preys on innocent posters and ruminants.

I love you guys, you, you.. complete me......
5:00 AM ?

I guess I am lost because the post was at 9:52AM, the first reply 10:58AM, next 1:32PM, and finally 7:11PM.

I am online at 5:00AM often. It is mainly because I am up late but recently I have been getting online before I leave in the morning.

As for why you are not in the woods at 5:00AM arounf here it is a little dark yet.

Just my observations,

Wow, Bill, what time zone are you in?
My organic alarm clock has been waking me up at 4am recently.
Somehow she is not this cute at that hour.

I looked at the time spread now and see that we are 5 hours behind the posted time thus your original post was neat 4:5 AM. My appoligies to you.


I believe I am in the the same time zone as you and I can assure you it is still dark here at 5.

I had to go and change my time zone setting to be one hour west of me in order to get the "correct" time showing on the posts &c. since the switch to daylight time (we don't do that in Indiana, nor does Arizona, maybe Hawaii, and a few other places I can't think of off hand).  Except for the odd inconvenience like this one (which really should not exist but for a server configuration faux pas) I very much prefer not having daylight savings time.  It would still be fairly light at ten in the evening in the middle of summer here and there's just no call for that this far south.

Thanks, I just changed my time zone setting. I also noticed I had a message I did not know about.

It's 2:02 am and gettin ready for another day. At 5am I am having lunch and all this after having Gypo and Suzy over for a few drinks to many.
Most of the time, I have no idea what time I'm posting at because most of my alteregos here are from different time zones.

Fish needs help figuring out his time zone. Anyone know what the time zone for Uranus is?