A DIFFERENT eBay experience ...

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Dec 6, 2010
Reaction score
Northwest Indiana
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this ..

A buddy had a dispute over a saw he sold on eBay. He's experienced and convinced the buyer was a complete idiot. This has less to do with that and more to do with eBay policies ...

The buyer whined and cried and opened a case against my friend. Just to get the whole thing behind him, my buddy refunded the $$ before receiving the saw. Maybe that was the problem.

The saw arrived at his house in PIECES. None broken, all there, but completely disassembled.

He contacted eBay and their response was, in effect, "Yeah, so? You received the item back from the buyer. Case closed." He is still trying to get a reasonable response from eBay.

Any of you folks had anything like this happen?
yep not with a saw but with a piece of computer electronics basically same thing refunded money before I received item back. ebay told me i have no recourse against him because i already refunded him the money so now i sit with a piece of computer hardware that worked when it left and it came back to me in parts it is now sitting in a box on a shelf. same deal could tell right away the person who bought it was a real idiot. basically it boils down to don't refund any money to anybody till you get the item back otherwise the ebayer seller protection is negated.
Yeah, pretty much. I have heard of sellers getting the saw back with different parts on them, every horror story you can imagine.

That is another reason I almost never sell a whole saw.
Yeah, pretty much. I have heard of sellers getting the saw back with different parts on them, every horror story you can imagine.

That is another reason I almost never sell a whole saw.

I heard that Brother!
In seeking to offer strong protection for buyers, ebay has made life very difficult for sellers. It's a hard balance to strike. You want people to bid with confidence, and so those protections make sense. But sooner or later, now that the balance has swung so far in favor of the buyer, sellers may just pack up and leave because of the hassle.

I'll buy with utter confidence on ebay, and often do. While prices sometimes are higher than what you get off Craigs List and other similar venues, CL offers nothing in the way of protection for buyers against fraudulent sellers. I've had a number of not so pleasant buying experiences through CL, and none through ebay. And I just picked up a big old Stihl on ebay to restore for well under what I expected I'd have to pay.

I'll never become an ebay seller, though I think I could make a success of it. Too much rigamarole, too few protections for sellers, too many protections for buyers. As a prospective seller, ebay has lost my business before they even got it because of their slanted policies.
He was lucky to get the saw back at all was'nt he? The guy could have just never sent it at all I have heard of stuff like that I think. Glad he got it back in any condition at least he has it home.
In seeking to offer strong protection for buyers, ebay has made life very difficult for sellers. It's a hard balance to strike. You want people to bid with confidence, and so those protections make sense. But sooner or later, now that the balance has swung so far in favor of the buyer, sellers may just pack up and leave because of the hassle.

I'll buy with utter confidence on ebay, and often do. While prices sometimes are higher than what you get off Craigs List and other similar venues, CL offers nothing in the way of protection for buyers against fraudulent sellers. I've had a number of not so pleasant buying experiences through CL, and none through ebay. And I just picked up a big old Stihl on ebay to restore for well under what I expected I'd have to pay.

I'll never become an ebay seller, though I think I could make a success of it. Too much rigamarole, too few protections for sellers, too many protections for buyers. As a prospective seller, ebay has lost my business before they even got it because of their slanted policies.

Yes, I am in agreement there. If I could find a better site, I would switch real quick, likely run both to make sure it is a good move.
Ya, definitely. I've had two types of BS:

1. Buyer complains that saw is junk, not as described, demands refund. Makes some claim like "it runs like crap and has a compression reading of 60psi"; anything strange about this statement? I get it back, and it's just like I sent it, I fire it up, and it runs just like it should. I assume that this occurs when the wife notices that the checkbook is light, as this has only happened to me with saws that go for $200+.

2. Buyer complains that saw is junk, not as described, demands refund. I get the saw back, and one or more parts are swapped out. The worst I've ever experienced was a bad coil and toasted top end put on a 70e that was an excellent runner.

Ebay is completely on the buyer's side, and selling saws on it can be risky business. However, if you wanted to do any followup of your own, you are provided with the buyer's address...
Naw, I will have questions whether or not I will warrantee the stuff I sell.

Which is a slippery slope, as these guys are usually wrong on their diagnosis.....
I am always beholden to this site though, as the guy doesn't need a new flywheel or clutch, until you guys tell him he needs to remove his......
I take pictures of parts from rarer saws. I put little secret markings on them that aren't readily noticable. Had it save me once on a really clean Pioneer Farmlite that I Ebayed. But that was years ago before all the buyer protection went into affect.

On the other hand, I've had the buyer protection work in my favor twice on jalopies that were misrepresented.
I have never had this to happen, but I could see it comming since I sold on eBay for ten years.
It seems that there were some unreasonable sellers that helped bring this on, heck I watched it happen, and now the policy is tilted to the buyers.

I stopped selling saws on eBay before I got burned.

I sold my last two saws on the trading post here on AS
I got a saw from ebay, the jerk just threw it in a box with no packing. The thing was beat to crap when it got here,holes in the gas tank and cracked parts. The pecker head sayd he had it at a stihl shop and had the carb rebuilt. The carb was so lose it wouldnt run, after jerking around with that #### and the usless morons at ups and ebay I just gave up. Id like to email all of those scumbags a BIG PUNCH IN THE FACE!!! now I only ship with the post office, Im convinced that U.P.S stands for u people suck
I have a guy in AUS that received a parts saw from me broken to hell but the box shows no damage HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Maybe we need a how to sell on ebay thread of tips from sellers.

I think the world is ripe for a replacement for ebay, but nothing seems to be coming up quite yet.

Take lots of pictures of your item. Give a very detailed description including listing all the new parts you put on the saw.
Detail the work that was done- this will chase off some bidders but will give you leverage in the event the buyer claims
that the saw is "not as described." Don't over describe but don't under do it either.

I've only had one instance of "parts swapping" on a returned saw and that same guy burned several other members here.

I had one guy demand a full refund plus shipping on an 066 about six months after he bought it. The reason?
He didn't have the strength and stamina to use the saw more than 15-20 minutes at a time...