Another fun day at the shop, shops share your stories..

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
My fun day started with a simple phone call. Man calls up and wants to know the price on a MS290/20inch bar and chain. I say 369.95. He goes does it come with anything. I whatcha mean. He goes does it come with a free chain, I say no. He goes does it come with a case, I say no. He goes all I get is a saw, I say yup. He goes well does it come with a bar cover, I go yup and it comes with a manual and a scrench. He goes well I just got a price on that saw at so and so and they will sell it to me for 355.00 even. I say is that right. Silence on the phone. Then after 15 seconds of silence he goes well can you beat 355.00. I go yup sure can. Silence on the phone again. 15 seconds pass and he goes well by how much. I said 354.00. He goes is that it, I go yup. He said thanks, call ended. Wonder why he called asking what they cost when he already knew, I love price shoppers and can spot their cheap hides the second I hear their voice. If he comes to get the saw I'm going to ask him how far he drove to save that one dollar.

Second fun one of the day. Man buys a 361 at 599.95, never asked for a penny off. I tell him to pay at the counter and then come on down to the shop and I'll have your saw ready. He comes in the shop, his saw is ready to go. He looks on the wall and see's a 361 sitting there at 599.95. He goes whats the deal here. I say whatcha mean. He goes I just paid over 600.00 for the same saw. I said ya did, check the tax on your receipt. He goes oh. He goes must be the cold weather, I go yeah probably is,hehe

Third funny one of the day. Stihl doesn't sell online, yeah right. Man views the Stihl website and then is led over to our store site. He views our site and starts calling me at the shop two weeks ago. After some serious deliberation he shows up today. He, with my help of course, makes his purchase after several phone calls. His shopping list consisted of 2-MS660's/24inch bar and chain, , 2-36inch bars, 2 extra 24inch bars, 4-36in chains, 2 extra 24inch chains, 2-filing kits, 48 bottles of mix oil and 30 gallons of bar oil. Best part was ole Hoss was there to help me load the mans car. Now who said Stihl doesn't sell online. Any Stihl dealer not using the PowerCord site is really missing out.
holy cow that last guy really dropped some money there.

Yeah he did, over 3 grand. Real nice guy too. Didn't ask for a discount or complain about price at all. Since he was more than decent the whole time I saved him about 350.00 off list on the whole sale. He was happy, I was happy. I like customers like him. The guy calling about the 290, if he shows he shows, if not no biggie, not enuff profit in that saw to be wheeling and dealing but I will toy with the cheap sucker for the fun of it,LOL
Maybe.. But if he's running a business it's an expense. I sure couldn't buy the stuff I do every year if I couldn't write it off.

Too bad Thall is so far away...I'd buy from him just to watch him grin.:hmm3grin2orange:

Grin I would, I always sell with a smile on my face though I may talk about ya after you leave,LOLOLOL

Hoss gets the biggest kick out of this. A guy comes in the shop inquiring about a saw. He's just asking alot of questions and I'm being Mr Smooth answering all those questions. The person will say well I'll think on it and leave. After they get out the door I look at Hoss and go, yeah get the hell out of here if your not buying anything. Hoss laffs his butt off,LOLOL
My day wasn't that exciting...........

Had a guy want to order some parts for an 031. Gave him the prices for rings, base gasket,and a crank seal. He decided he only needed the seal:mad:

Worked on an 026 and a 460, but retail has been as slow as it can get.

The only sale I can think of today was a hat????
It would be worth the trip.:agree2:

I told Hoss that crazy mortar forker from NC is coming up next week. Hoss goes you mean 2000ss, I go yup. He said cool. I said now he's gonna wanna see that saw collection ya got. He goes I'll be happy to show him my saws. That said listen up ya crazy mortar forker, us crazy Va boys is a wating on ya, :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
My day wasn't that exciting...........

Had a guy want to order some parts for an 031. Gave him the prices for rings, base gasket,and a crank seal. He decided he only needed the seal:mad:

Worked on an 026 and a 460, but retail has been as slow as it can get.

The only sale I can think of today was a hat????

I sweat a lot when I cut wood- my Stihl cap has been leaking. Was wondering if you have any hat-gaskets in stock. Rubber or Cork, I'm not picky.
My day wasn't that exciting...........

Had a guy want to order some parts for an 031. Gave him the prices for rings, base gasket,and a crank seal. He decided he only needed the seal:mad:

Worked on an 026 and a 460, but retail has been as slow as it can get.

The only sale I can think of today was a hat????

I get that alot too. They come in with a list. I'll sit and look up all the part numbers and tellem the costs. All the sudden that list gets shorter. They the ones I talk about after they leave,hehehe

Had a man last week calling about his saw, is it ready. He told me no rush when he brough it in and the next day its "is my saw ready". Last time he called I said yeah its ready, come and get it. He goes how much, I said $52.00. He goes oh. He's yet to come and get it. Its been over a week now. I should do to him what he did to me, keep calling him and saying your saw is ready, your saw is ready,hahahaha
I told Hoss that crazy mortar forker from NC is coming up next week. Hoss goes you mean 2000ss, I go yup. He said cool. I said now he's gonna wanna see that saw collection ya got. He goes I'll be happy to show him my saws. That said listen up ya crazy mortar forker, us crazy Va boys is a wating on ya, :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

Heck ya, I will check out his saws, might even have time to check out the "shed". You 'ole bast**ds get 'em ready! Bring that 441 of yours to the shop also, that may be my next big saw.:dizzy: Get a trimmer and tiny saw ready, I expect to be talked about behind my back as I exit.:ices_rofl:

People tell me that I cuss like a sailor and I say, "You ought to meet the Stihl man in Va", that man can rape your ear in half a second.:jawdrop:I have never heard so many "m-fers" used in one sentence.
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Grin I would, I always sell with a smile on my face though I may talk about ya after you leave,LOLOLOL

Hoss gets the biggest kick out of this. A guy comes in the shop inquiring about a saw. He's just asking alot of questions and I'm being Mr Smooth answering all those questions. The person will say well I'll think on it and leave. After they get out the door I look at Hoss and go, yeah get the hell out of here if your not buying anything. Hoss laffs his butt off,LOLOL

I love it when they say that. Thats a close/tie down for me.

"So tell me Mr. Duffus, what is it you need to think over"
"You agree that X, Y, Z"
Of course he has to say right
"So be honest with me Mr. Cheapskate, it's the money...right? It always is."

From there it's either a matter of him having the money or not.

Now there is one class of folk that I call the North Shore Long Islander...They have the money, know they need it, but don't dare spend it without the wife saying it's ok.

Now this is were ya got to read people...

"Mr. Momma'sboy, were are your balls? Do you really need to run home and ask the wife or can you make the decision all by yerself?"


And no I didn't sell jack today!
Yeah he did, over 3 grand. Real nice guy too. Didn't ask for a discount or complain about price at all. Since he was more than decent the whole time I saved him about 350.00 off list on the whole sale. He was happy, I was happy. I like customers like him. The guy calling about the 290, if he shows he shows, if not no biggie, not enuff profit in that saw to be wheeling and dealing but I will toy with the cheap sucker for the fun of it,LOL

Think I'm gonna start calling you on a weekly basis for price quotes :)

Coffee's still free, right?
Heck ya, I will check out his saws, might even have time to check out the "shed". You 'ole bast**ds get 'em ready! Bring that 441 of yours to the shop also, that may be my next big saw.:dizzy: Get a trimmer and tiny saw ready, I expect to be talked about behind my back as I exit.:ices_rofl:

People tell me that I cuss like a sailor and I say, "You ought to meet the Stihl man in Va", that man can rape your ear in half a second.:jawdrop:

I don't tolerate any cussing in the shop, ok let me restate that, if you don't cuss the shop in not for the meek and weak,LOLOL

I've been trying to stop all that cussing. I've gotten better. I can now say two full sentances without saying a cuss word. I do admit I tend to fall off the wagon quite alot though,LOLOL

Don't you worry bout the saws being here, you bring ya ole hide on up here in Gods country where the devil himself lives,hahahahaa
I love it when they say that. Thats a close/tie down for me.

"So tell me Mr. Duffus, what is it you need to think over"
"You agree that X, Y, Z"
Of course he has to say right
"So be honest with me Mr. Cheapskate, it's the money...right? It always is."

From there it's either a matter of him having the money or not.

Now there is one class of folk that I call the North Shore Long Islander...They have the money, know they need it, but don't dare spend it without the wife saying it's ok.

Now this is were ya got to read people...

"Mr. Momma'sboy, were are your balls? Do you really need to run home and ask the wife or can you make the decision all by yerself?"


And no I didn't sell jack today!

i have never been to long island.:confused:
Think I'm gonna start calling you on a weekly basis for price quotes :)

Coffee's still free, right?

They got coffee up in the store. Believe it or not I don't drink any during the day, only Pepsi's.

You call me everyday and we'll have alot of fun. I got a good ear. After two calls I'm gonna say Paul how ya doing,hehe

Good thing about that big sale was the guy told me his guys would probably tear those saws to hell in no time. That was music to my ears. I thought good, I'll sell ya some more.......
I get that alot too. They come in with a list. I'll sit and look up all the part numbers and tellem the costs. All the sudden that list gets shorter. They the ones I talk about after they leave,hehehe

Had a man last week calling about his saw, is it ready. He told me no rush when he brough it in and the next day its "is my saw ready". Last time he called I said yeah its ready, come and get it. He goes how much, I said $52.00. He goes oh. He's yet to come and get it. Its been over a week now. I should do to him what he did to me, keep calling him and saying your saw is ready, your saw is ready,hahahaha

I got a 650 like that that I'm betting will be sold to another customer. Been sitting since October, but the guy called every day after he dropped it off. I made darn sure he knew EXACTLY what it was going to cost him so there would be no surprises, but when I said it was done, his hurry ended??? I sure like having hundreds tied up waiting for some dead beat, especially the one that bugged the heck out to get it fixed really quick!!
People tell me that I cuss like a sailor and I say, "You ought to meet the Stihl man in Va", that man can rape your ear in half a second.:jawdrop:I have never heard so many "m-fers" used in one sentence.

I don't tolerate any cussing in the shop, ok let me restate that, if you don't cuss the shop in not for the meek and weak,LOLOL

I've been trying to stop all that cussing. I've gotten better. I can now say two full sentances without saying a cuss word. I do admit I tend to fall off the wagon quite alot though,LOLOL

Don't you worry bout the saws being here, you bring ya ole hide on up here in Gods country where the devil himself lives,hahahahaa

don't beleive the hype!
tommy hall is the meekest, mildest, most polite man you will ever meet.
(if you live in a cave and never come out)
i have never been to long island.:confused:

Too funny.

Now see you fall into another class. You don't need the saw, kinda want the saw, and the wife talks you into buying it.

Around here we call that a good woman :)