Anybody know anything about the guy who ported this 550XP?

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"I mill around 1mm from the base of the cylinder and use a super thin base gasket to raise compression."

can you cut that much and still have enough squish on that. Brad Or Mastermind can probly answer that. never touched a 550

still abit out of my price range regardless lol

You can not even run without a gasket on the 550 or 562 without interference.

Brad beat me to it
A no-load break-in?? How's he do dat mang? :msp_scared:

apparently this guy just has loads of horsepower sitting in his pocket and he chooses which saws are worthy of it. who knows since he was in r and d maybe he build himself a dyno/autoloader to put load on saw while doing the perfect breaking techniques. two gallons of idling fuel thru a saw is no way to break it in. but hay what do we know were not master builders like him
His surface finish in the exhaust port looks nice. But thats ALL he's got goin for him. He sure does post a lot bullchit pics.
Like who gives a **** about the ring locator thats something special to his work. Gotta love that tennis wrap he puts on the handle too!........looks queer.
Looks like he needs a few new files and a new chisel by the looks of his "base cutting ability" or lack thereof.
Been tempted a time or two, after several beers, to buy one. Be kind of like knawing your arm off the next morning :msp_biggrin:
While I don't like the word outside a reference to ignition timing, R+D in his case could mean something else in between the R and D. I still can't get that lunar surface cylinder base out of my mind, I just don't see how it could seal properly or even sit flush with the case. I wonder how long it takes for an idling saw to burn thru two gallons of mix? Is he huffing the fumes?
Been tempted a time or two, after several beers, to buy one. Be kind of like knawing your arm off the next morning :msp_biggrin:

No, that would be the wife cutting your mouse hand off when she found out how much you paid for that POS.

It sure would be good entertainment to tear it down and see his so called work.
One that wanted a 346, one that wanted a 550, and one that wanted a 395.

I happen to like the color of the muffler, not the Shrek-ear pipes.

I might be wrong, but the combined DP outlet sizes appear much too small for a tricked 395.
I'm a noob so I can't comment on the internals of the saws, but it sure looks like the hadles are wrapped in duct tape. And under that looks like pipe foam. Is that the "30% bigger handles with 80% vib reduction" he was talking about?
And his 346 STILL has 160psi compression after all that runtime. :dizzy:
Yes, but it has an expansion chamber that you can't see, so those are just stingers.

Can't you read... it's an "expansion chanber". It's misspelled in all his adds. :mad2: This guy needs to learn how to tickle the upper transfers as well as go back to high school.

I wish you could poop (comment) on peoples eBay adds like you can on youTube videos. This guy would have more back pedaling to do than Mr. Snelling as of late. :potstir:
Lol he is back again...

Lets all message him about his "fine" workmanship with some EPA related comments and maybe hint that the porting police will be after him shortly :msp_sneaky:
:popcorn: Some of those pics are actually of a 346.

I though they looked similar, I suspect he isn't doing the work but having someone else do it, hince the high price.
Thats too high anyway, and why not just run strait 93 octane, 100:1 and higher, Ohh well!
Since his auction has a "make offer" option I offered him $75.00 for it on the condition that he pays shipping.

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