Anyone want to come work with me?

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May 5, 2001
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Not one, but two of my bobbsey twin, party hard climbers, have failed to wake up this morning. My third worker, just returned from injury, and a learning climber, was at the jobsite waiting for us--at 8:30--having already been to a physical therapy appointment. Had to ask him to come back to the shop, as I had done, after gassing up the rig...which was running out of gas, as they had neglected to add gas Saturday..when they used the rig for a side job of theirs..were supposed to add $50 of gas and give me $50 for truck and all the gear use. The little farts are about to get canned...not yet but very ultimatum will be given, that's a fact....more than all the warnings and screaming I've subjected them to in the past.

So, if any of you guys who are already good climbers want to come out to see what you think of my operation,, let me know. I still have hope I can get these clowns more on the ball, ,as they are both pretty good workers, one is certified, the other should be. And they both been with me, off and on, for 3 and a half years.
I might be interested for a season or so, but only if you can help me <i>become</i> a (good) climber.

I feel your pain, nonsense with trying to find good help caused me to pack it all in years ago, amazing how people will beg you for a job, work like he** until they get paid and then start the slow process of wandering off. Some old quotes from former help "I can do this myself and make more than you can pay me" Why should should I bust my a** for you when so and so will pay me twice as much" & my favorite "I made enough money this month, I can take it easy for a while" Now that I am pretty much one man operation whole lot of stress lifted. Good luck finding some good help, from the pictures and words posted looks like you have top shelf operation and unfortunate for people to take advantage.;)
If my responsibilities were different I'd jump at the chance, Roger...if you'd take on a 50 year old guy with two worn out shoulder joints :rolleyes:...good luck. You are offering a golden opportunity. I hope some really smart, crackerjack climber takes you up on it, to the profit of both of you.
I'd go myself if I lived closer. But of course you said you needed someone that was already a good climber. Anyway, good luck with your employee search, later, Roger in VA.
About noon, I heard from one guy with a somewhat lame excuse..... the other fella may still be dotoxifying...or in the hoosegow....have yet to hear a peep.

We're off to top a fir tree, whoopie ding! It was topped 30 years ago, and another topped one just failed, with major rot below... so we'll top this one maybe 20 feet above the old top, in 5-6 inch wood, so decay and trauma should be minimal. I usually prefer to thin the new tops. I'll use my old topping skills, when I did that work, at least I shortened the first 2-3 tiers of limbs to allow for a half decent shape--and regrowth pattern.

There's biggie 40 feet away that looks suspect , so I'm having Scott Baker do some aerial Resistograph tests on....I'm afraid it may need to is real close to the house.

Edit, the tree looks acceptable, after I topped it....the old top cut is open on one side, with water sitting in the column....old top cut was about 9 inches, now just below its is about 18 and the new tops are 6 and 15 inches or so. If the tree is monitored and thinnned every 5 years, it should last for 20 or more years.
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Re: Yea!

Originally posted by MasterBlaster

Wow, you guys would make a great team.

And on the side; can I have the film rights. It would make a great program, .... movie. Really!

I've said it before you're too nice those 2 douchebags are useless, they hav'nt advanced in the last 4 years, they are never on time. Can both youd be better off with day labor from underneath the Viaduct. They keep screwin you I may lose my cool. Its not funny anymore. You deserve better Roger, cut the net loose its full of slime.
I’d be concerned lending any bozo a marked company vehicle unless they were really trustworthy. I think Carl still has plans for ROTC to help further his college education and he’s wise to do that. Rocky would be a good choice and there’s no worry about your house Brian, Rog will let you borrow the company Lear jet on the weekends. How come MB did not jump at the chance? Did they ban the Taught line in Seattle?
Nah, MB would dare not show up, as I'd be relentlessly "taunt"ing him about that taut line slacker hitch he's so enamored with.......

Me and Rocky, with our Type A that'd be fun to watch, huh?
Originally posted by wiley_p
youd be better off with day labor from underneath the Viaduct.

How bout the Fremont you think the Troll would make a good brush hog? or just be more dead weight?
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Oh, come on!

You guys know what it's all about in trees and a life in trees. Even if it didn't work out, it would make something real that will be forever!

And some one should get the story, film and tv rights to this. Honest!

No one will loose,
the crew

... OK, rb, ... you opened the door here, so be a greeter!

On the side: It brings tears to my eyes, no joke. I want to be there to, ... how?

You guys had better be for real here!
RB, If this would have happened a year ago, I would have been on the first thing smokin out there, Im always up for an adventure and I would like to get back to Washington. However, I just got married last week, have a baby on the way, and am starting to rock with my own show here in Colorado. I could give you the name of the Groundie I fired two weeks ago. He claims to have been topping big timber back in Oregon 10 years ago. Just on question? How much Gen. Liability do ya carry? LOL
