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About the healthcare in Canada.

They could get better healthcare cheaper overall if a bunch of government bureaucrats didn't get a cut of every dollar that went towards healthcare.

This makes chainsaw injuries up there more expensive than they need to be.;-)

Mr. HE:cool:
The good news is that there aren't too many of them.

More than the people pushing the current bill are willing to admit. Should be a lot more but like everything some folks just will not take care of them selves and read the fine print.

But they are like potato can't have just one.

Hmmmm, potato chips. I am supposed to be cleaning the house but I think I will grab some chips and go look at my new to me batch of saws.

Homelites, Macs, Pioneers and even an Echo. Although it has been relabel a John Deere so it must be better. Whoops wrong Arboristsite look at this thread.

You really have to hate how they always blame private business for problems they created. It happens all the time.

This attitude that DC can fix anything has got to stop.

Big problem with healthcare is lawyers getting rich suing doctors. A fix for this started with SCOTUS ruling that judges can throw out frivolous lawsuits. In the long run I can see this making it safer to mod chainsaws. (That keeps it somewhat chainsaw related.:cheers:

Mr. HE:cool:

Lawyers getting rich suing doctors is the bread and butter of private health care insurance. It is what makes an insurance company happy as it drives up the cost of all the related options that they sell. Do you not know who actually decides to settle out of court? Do you not know what a market driven cost is? The conflict of interest in privatized health care insurance is huge and never ending but always set up to increase cost from those that can afford it. It is currently the same thing as a tax but only truly benefiting a few people. This is where the current bill will fall flat as it does not address this situation. Largely because it is being written by lawyers for lawyers.

Buy more saws.
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About the healthcare in Canada.

They could get better healthcare cheaper overall if a bunch of government bureaucrats didn't get a cut of every dollar that went towards healthcare.

Considering the level of health care is rated by the WHO as being as good, and in some categories better, than that in the US (life expectancy is higher, and infant mortality rates lower, for example), and <i>that the US spends more per capita than Canada on healthcare</i>, I think the US are the ones that should be focusing on getting better care at a cheaper rate.

Do a search on "medical tourism"'s actually an industry in Canada because the savings are 20-60% over the US.

AND Canadians have more chainsaws.
Canada has an exemplary health care system. In 81 I had a serious saw injury lacerating nerves and tendons on my left wrist. They could have sewn me up in emerg like any other yahoo, but they sent me off to Naniamo to a surgeon who specialized in chainsaw injuries. I regained at least 95% use and being left handed, I can now file better than ever!
Then in 04 I had a heart attack and they smartened me up then too at no charge.
Canadians are pretty heavily taxed compared to the U.S., so some of the extra money goes to the health care system.
It's really the hypocondriacs that weigh down the system, but their weeded out soon enough.
Health care is really self care, so if I knew I was gonna live this long I would have taken better care of myself. Lol
my hand injury is the genesis for my desire to get a postivac......

my other hand is too furry.......... but that is another thread...........
Hey Fish,

Why didja start a Canadian love in thread? You know we like to have low self esteem and here we are gettin all puffed up in the chest and swelled in the head. bah.

Listen folks, Canada sucks. Its cold. The hot chicks are are covered in parkas. and there are so many trees they'll never get all cut down

PS, postivac won't help. she'll know the difference. the left one will be able to tell too.
Oh by the way Fish,

back on topic. I helped butcher 37 hens and roosters this morning. I thought of your service manager. No pics, but I could call him up and describe the scene of the crime if he still needs "motivation"
Lawyers is getting rich suing doctors is the bread and butter of private health care insurance. It is what makes an insurance company happy as it drives up the cost of all the related options that they sell. Do you not know who actually decides to settle out of court? Do you not know what a market driven cost is? The conflict of interest in privatized health care insurance is huge and never ending but always set up to increase cost from those that can afford it. It is currently the same thing as a tax but only truly benefiting a few people. This is where the current bill will fall flat as it does not address this situation. Largely because it is being written by lawyers for lawyers.

Buy more saws.

Yeah, the legal departments of insurance companies are dens of thieves. That is largely a problem with legal education where the emphasis was placed on the letter of the law vs. right and wrong. Once the first crops of these law students started hitting the bench it was downhill. They allowed lawsuits to go forward merely because they met a legal criteria, as opposed to being the right thing to do. At first business fought back, but the cost became overwhelming, so settling out of court became the norm.

Now a single lawyer can get very rich running a business suing other people. A bully gets a law degree and just by making a slick packaged claim he gets money. Little effort with huge profit. This bully attorney does not produce anything of value to society, he is a parasite in its truest form.

That is why chainsaws are so expensive. A good percentage of the cost of a chainsaw goes to lawyer proofing it. Add in the EPA proofing and the idiot proofing and it is no small wonder chainsaws even run.

Mr. HE:cool:
Considering the level of health care is rated by the WHO as being as good, and in some categories better, than that in the US (life expectancy is higher, and infant mortality rates lower, for example), and <i>that the US spends more per capita than Canada on healthcare</i>, I think the US are the ones that should be focusing on getting better care at a cheaper rate.

Do a search on "medical tourism"'s actually an industry in Canada because the savings are 20-60% over the US.

AND Canadians have more chainsaws.

The healthcare tourism does not go through the government run system. Another country that gets even more healthcare tourists from the US is India. Have you checked how the WHO rates them lately? The health tourists are merely paying a more market based cost for the care they recieve because it is competition based. It is also largely lawsuit proofed.

There are some clinics opening up in Canada that run outside the government system. So far everything I have read about them is very positive. We have a similar movement starting here in the US. If it could get some protection from bully lawyers I would predict it would take off big time. They are both based on the novel concept that when you go in for care you pay your own bill.:jawdrop:

Mr. HE:cool:
While I'm no expert, I've lived in both countries. What amazes me is that the people with the most to lose have convinced the people with the most to gain, that they do not need these "gains" and these "gains" make them less "American". Hogwash.
Since no one took the bait I will point out that comparing countries with 10% of the US population to the US for the sake of debate over health care is pointless. Especially when they are countries like Canada with a wealth of natural resources to be leased off for trade(cheap pills, technology,etc.).

What industrialized countries with socialized health care have at least 300 million citizens that are all eligible to receive Canada quality care?

Man it is a slow day when I read a thread about chickens and health care.

How about this, when a US citizen buys a chainsaw and injures themself we send them to Canada for treatment. Compromise being we charge an extra 5% on the saw for Canadiean medical expenses and invest that 5% in reasearch to squeeze more oil from shale that we will sell them when the sand runs dry.
While I'm no expert, I've lived in both countries. What amazes me is that the people with the most to lose have convinced the people with the most to gain, that they do not need these "gains" and these "gains" make them less "American". Hogwash.

Black helicopters are on the way to your house. Delete last posting or you are going to Mexico.

Marketing. We can do that. Unless you want to reform profiteering. Then no, we cannot do that.
JS, think you might have that backwards. The greater the population, the easier National Healthcare becomes.
On a side note, I saw this signature once that read "nobody wants to make a living, everybody wants to make a killing." Well, that is surely the case here with the insurance companies and on down the line.
(particularly when the cost of educating US md's is sooo much higher....)

In my honest opinion, I think protecting life is of the upmost importance, it's the single most important thing a government can do. This includes everything from protecting a nations sovereignty, enforcing laws, to providing the means to live a healthy life.
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Since no one took the bait I will point out that comparing countries with 10% of the US population to the US for the sake of debate over health care is pointless. Especially when they are countries like Canada with a wealth of natural resources to be leased off for trade(cheap pills, technology,etc.).

What industrialized countries with socialized health care have at least 300 million citizens that are all eligible to receive Canada quality care?

Man it is a slow day when I read a thread about chickens and health care.

How about this, when a US citizen buys a chainsaw and injures themself we send them to Canada for treatment. Compromise being we charge an extra 5% on the saw for Canadiean medical expenses and invest that 5% in reasearch to squeeze more oil from shale that we will sell them when the sand runs dry.

The 10% thing makes no difference. The USA spends more per person on health care than Canada spends per person on health care. So its not about money.
Never mind that...the Riders won! And...the Stamps are kicking a mudhole in the Eskimos...

hey now....I was raised in Edmonton. Take it easy man

Mr. Fatguy, is Hamilton going to stink it up next time they play Saskatchewan? I'll betcha a nickel.....

the game is Oct 31 at high noon.
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hey now....I was raised in Edmonton. Take it easy man

Mr. Fatguy, is Hamilton going to stink it up next time they play Saskatchewan? I'll betcha a nickel.....

the game is Oct 31 at high noon.

I'm in. All you gotta do if you win (which you won't) is come down to Cincy to collect. I'll pick up the tab for the room and board.