"Bad sellers dispute" thread needed

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Anybody can and will LIE, except me, of course. A liars' thread? We've already got a good number of them.
In yesterdays, fiasco, you didn't get to hear the "other side" because he knows he is guilty and didn't have a leg to stand on, therefore just shut up.

In Fish's above example, he did have a leg to stand on, had photos and a story of the whens, wheres and whys and that saved him, and gave him a leg to stand on, and like he said, he immediately got into the fight to clear his name, because he had evidence that would support his side and position.

In yesterdays, fiasco, the seller didn't not have any of these legs to stand on, therefore guilty, due to lack of evidence to the contray, and plenty of evidence, including other members who have witnessed the crap parts who spoke up.

I'm all for hearing both sides, but just because someone doesn't defend themselves does not make them not guilty just because they are silent ............. it justs makes them silent.

Selling items on this forum takes a certain amount of trust and some give and take, that said if you look at the overall statistics you would find that an overwhelming majority of buyers/sellers are happy. I purchases a stock 441 from a guy on here and had nothing but positive to say about the experience, we might as well have been in the driveway exchanging saw for money, as all was up front.

But not everything goes so smooth, therefore, photos need to be taken and sent and traceable emails or posts need to be made, so as to be able to "hang" wrong doers, if caught lying about something.

My opinion,

Cant say that it would work here (perhaps it would), but I have frequented other forums that it has worked well for. It isnt a dispute thread, but a feedback thread. Very rarely is there dirt in there, and typically it is smothered out pretty quickly by others who have had positive transactions with the called out member.
It is its own forum section, and each member (as they are given feedback) are given their own thread. Some guys have threads 20 pages long from so many dealings.
I do feel that there needs to be something, and no doubt there will be some bad that comes with it too. I personally feel that there is much more good to be had from the setup. Open feedback does keep a handful of folks honest (I feel), as the rest already are.
Non Sponsor selling rules put the K abash all most of these efforts. Few people will wish to use it solely for the AS classified, and you will see redundancy from the feedback from eBay.
Hey, why don't you hit the ignore button, its easier for me, LOL.



yeah bud.. talk all you want actually. it's all good. it just find you telling folks to shut-up about it sort of ironic. does give me fodder for my quips though - so have at it.
I think that some kind of feed back system in the classifieds would be good

Back when the classifieds were called the Trading Post (I'm not sure when AS made the change), there were separate threads, one for positive feedback & one for negative feedback. IIRC it worked pretty well, lots of good info, very few nasty disputes.
I started a thread a while back called "the don't insult anybody thread." A place of solace for the gentle spirits who detest arguments.:D

I just prefer to take my gentle spirit with me wherever I go. Don't go mofo trying to ####ing hem me in with some BS thread title I need to conform to. That #### just pisses me off.
Do you really think that a group of guys on an internet forum can really give a fair decision one way or the other? I was involved in the mess that took place. I tried very hard to resolve the problem. I have a lot of information that none of you have,I got very frustrated and upset that we could not find common ground. I got more experienced people then me
by the looks of things it is still not resolved.
I have been a Mod for a little over 6 months,honestly I have tried to do whats right and not take sides. I have found that being a Mod is a growing experience,you learn a little more
each day. Have I made mistakes,you bet I have.I undoubtedly will make mistakes in the future. But one thing is for certain,I will try to never get involved in a buyer seller dispute
I have found that everyone one this forum are not good guys(most are)but some are not.Almost every day I ban spammers,people that are here only to try to get some of your hard
earned money. I can not stand spammers and actually enjoy getting rid of them.They usually only get one or two posts in with their ad and we ban them.
I do not like posting your laundry on the forums,I was busy yesterday and did not follow either,I see that both got locked and that is a good thing.I actually am not down on either
member,I know both sides and feel this could have been resolved but it was not. Both had valid points,the decision was made not to resolve the issue and as a Mod I could not make
them,change their minds. In that regard I failed. I came out of this with a better knowledge of buying and selling here. The # 1 rule is:
I actually have had dealings with different members,everyone I have met personally at GTG's.All I have dealt with have been great. But I would not air any bad deal in the open
threads,this does not solve anything. This thread is going no where and I am going to close it. I will close any thread like it in the future. Thanks Dave
I have been thinking of asking about this ever since DH1984 called someone out about a Ebay deal gone bad which turned out to be a lie. Anyway, Pirate 4x4 is another forum that i frequent for offroading info, its basically the equivalent of Arboristsite for the offroad community. In a off topic section there is a "Bad Sellers Dispute" thread where people can commit or argue about deals gone wrong or companies that dont deliver whats promised. Basically its a way to warn others of who to avoid when buying or trading parts based on their personal experience. It seems like there has been alot of this going on lately in the chainsaw thread which is not were it belongs. I understand why they put it here because theres no other place to put it and this thread gets the most traffic. I am not asking for this post to become a sticky nor do i want people to start replying to it with there problems, just wondering if there should be a place in the "Off Topic" section for something like this to take place so it wont clutter up the chainsaw threads and maybe warn others of who to avoid dealing with. What about Mods?

I understand where you are coming from but eBay has a rating and dispute system. It needs to stay there. If the buyer feels that they were wronged but the outcome from eBay is that they were not then they come over here bad mouthing the seller that may not have really done anything wrong? That could lead to lawsuits from the seller. We at AS can't protect users that make statements that may be false. I don't think it's a good idea and if you made a purchase on ebay then you need to go through them to work it out and not air the dirty laundry here.
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