Bar Oil

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Two Cents. Soybean oil worked well on short bars(20" and smaller) mounted to low RPM(7000) saws. 35 pounds(a little more than 5 gals.) cost $16.00. Used 1/3 to 1/2 more for similar lube effect. Savings not enough to compensate for stink(fishy) and yellow jackets(allergic). Corn oil costs more with no gain in effect. High stability oils worked better but cost more. Oils stratified during cold weather. High RPM saws burnt oil to chain and bar. I still use it with certain saws with adjustable oilers and good oil output.

Environmental impact, priceless.

If I sprayed a gallon of 30 weight motor oil around my yard I could be subject to a large fine. Put it in a saw and it is all better. What crap.

The science will get better and bio-oils will improve. Until then, you can use petro chemicals, they are vastly superior for the saw and horrible for the environment. Dilution is no longer the solution. We have more important reasons for consuming petro oils, Hummers, sports cars, plastic, almost everything.

Gear lube for bar oil, sure thin it down with corn oil. LOL. I have used it mixed 50/50 with type F transmission fluid. Worked great on small bars.
Not worth the expense unless it was free such as mine. Couple of old cases of each in which all of the bottles had been opened.

Good quality bar lube is not expensive use the best you can afford. If you like nature use a seed oil. Just like petro oil quality improves with price.
Justsaws said:
Environmental impact, priceless.

And there is the crux of the matter, right there.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not comfortable spewing petroleum oil all over the land I own, or for that matter anywhere else. And neither do I like it when I see others doing it with little or no regard to the mess they leave doubt for someone else to worry about and/or clean up.

With corn oil (or other vegetable based oil) I don't have that problem. It doesn't hurt the environment, and that (for me) more than makes up for its possible deficiencies in other areas. There's a responsibility that comes with owning land, or operating machinery on others land...and that is not to turn it into a dumping ground for toxic materials.

I suppose it won't really change until landowners start suing chainsaw operators for the cost of cleaning up the environmental damage they leave behind. Then wait and see who jumps on the veggie bandwagon.
I think the argument for vegetable based bar oil is a very good one. It will lessen the immediate impact of fossil oils being spread around the land. I can see how important that can be when working on land that supports food crops, or is landscaped, or has a pond...

But there are more things to consider before jumping whole hog on any bandwagon... If the vegetable oil is not as good at lubricating the bar as fossil oil, and you burn up more chains, it takes energy to mine the iron ore to make the steel to make your chain. In addition there is the fuel used in the manufacturing of the chain. More chain = more energy used = more fuel burned.

Another thing to consider is the exhaust from the chainsaw, sure we can lessen the spray of fossil oil around the land by using vegetable based oils. But the burned by products of internal combustion are being spread in the air, the oil in the fuel causing smoke... etc etc.

I think any bandwagon that touts my chainsaw is more eco friendly than thou is BS. Untill someone invents a bio-diesel chainsaw motor that is small enough, light enough, and powerfull enough to compete with a modern chainsaw, nobody can say "my chainsaw is eco-friendly". The only eco friendly way to take down a tree would be to use an obsidian bladed axe, or hire some beavers to chew it down.
For those who are afraid of 'spreading fossil fuels' throughout the land, where do you think fossil fuels come from? They come from the land. There is oil underground and on the surface everywhere you go in our great country, and it is natural. Oil is natural and a little bar oil splashing on the ground won't harm the environment. This is a silly argument of the looney left.
Next thing you know, we will be talking about how chainsaw exhaust is causing global warning.
Interesting thing about the has seen 5 ice ages come and go (In simple speak: the earth's climate has changed five times) BEFORE industrialization and combustion engine. How about that?
The earth is very resiliant and knows how to change and adapt on it's own.
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coveredinsap said:
And there is the crux of the matter, right there.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not comfortable spewing petroleum oil all over the land I own, or for that matter anywhere else. And neither do I like it when I see others doing it with little or no regard to the mess they leave doubt for someone else to worry about and/or clean up.

With corn oil (or other vegetable based oil) I don't have that problem. It doesn't hurt the environment, and that (for me) more than makes up for its possible deficiencies in other areas. There's a responsibility that comes with owning land, or operating machinery on others land...and that is not to turn it into a dumping ground for toxic materials.

I suppose it won't really change until landowners start suing chainsaw operators for the cost of cleaning up the environmental damage they leave behind. Then wait and see who jumps on the veggie bandwagon.

You have got to be kidding me....
I have never read so much nonsense in my life. Have you ever cut anything outside of your back yard?
Cut a oak down. See what happens in two years thats right NEW GROWTH.
Clear cut Aspen what happens the next year? NEW GROWTH.
If your saw is dumping that much oil on the ground to do any enviromental damage. You have no business running it. Fix or get a new one.
MY Dogs do more damage pissing on the ground the my saw does. Maybe I should put dippers on them so the won't kill the grass.
Hope you live in a plastic house. If not look at all the damage that was caused building it. like that backhoe dripping oil all over your yard. For shame.
And all those trees cut down to build it. Did you ask if veggie oil was used?
Don't tell none of your vehicles leak oil. I mean never.
And whats the viscosity rating on veggie oil. what kind of tacken agents are added to it to stay on the chain.
Show me a tree that was damaged by using bar oil. when you cut a limb off.
As a matter of fact. Oh Never Mind.. :angry:
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not comfortable spewing petroleum oil all over the land I own,
Dont start your saw then as it spews out 30% of the fuel ran through it unburnt.
The small amount of non heavy metal additised bar oil that flug of the bar of a saw is pretty environmently benign. It will also quickly biodegrade.
With responses such as this is there any wonder that amphibians such as toads and frogs ...the harbingers of something being amiss...are disappearing at such an alarming rate?

By the way, notice the increase of mosquito-borne diseases such as west nile virus? Think that may have something to do with the disappearance of mosquito eating frogs and toads?
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coveredinsap said:
With responses such as this is there any wonder that amphibians such as toads and frogs ...the harbingers of something being amiss...are disappearing at such an alarming rate?

By the way, notice the increase of mosquito-borne diseases such as west nile virus? Think that may have something to do with the disappearance of mosquito eating frogs and toads?

Jesus already.

Yes, the is alarming indeed. :dizzy:

Better put on your tin foil suit, your spaceship is coming soon to beam you up as we enter the 6th climate change in the earth's history. I kind of think that the previous 5 ice ages the earth has gone through came long before liberal, tree hugging idiots discovered 'global warming'.

Uhhhh, in case you didn't know, mosquitos have carried many diseases for eons. Nothing new. One theory for disappearance of dinosaurs was a strain of disease carried by mosquitos. That was long before my Stihl polluted the mosquito's venom.
...and, nothing like a pollution spewing 747 to carry a few air borne pests county to county...

Hey, so that's what's wrong with Minnesota (sorry Brad :biggrinbounce2: ) - not enough toads!
JPP said:
Yes, the is alarming indeed. :dizzy:

Better put on your tin foil suit, your spaceship is coming soon to beam you up as we enter the 6th climate change in the earth's history. I kind of think that the previous 5 ice ages the earth has gone through came long before liberal, tree hugging idiots discovered 'global warming'.

Uhhhh, in case you didn't know, mosquitos have carried many diseases for eons. Nothing new. One theory for disappearance of dinosaurs was a strain of disease carried by mosquitos. That was long before my Stihl polluted the mosquito's venom.

Riiiiiiight, global warming is all just a coincidence.

I believe the mosquito-borne dinosaur extinction theory was thrown out the window quite a few years ago when they discovered huge impact craters like the one offshore the northern edge of South America. Particularly when the impact debris was found in the same sediment layer as dinosaur bones.

When I was a kid there were frogs and toads all over the place. Not so any more. You're not curious as to why that is?
JPP said:
Yes, the is alarming indeed. :dizzy:

Better put on your tin foil suit, your spaceship is coming soon to beam you up as we enter the 6th climate change in the earth's history. I kind of think that the previous 5 ice ages the earth has gone through came long before liberal, tree hugging idiots discovered 'global warming'.

Uhhhh, in case you didn't know, mosquitos have carried many diseases for eons. Nothing new. One theory for disappearance of dinosaurs was a strain of disease carried by mosquitos. That was long before my Stihl polluted the mosquito's venom.

I wonder if dino bar oil has any neg. effects on Crickets? :hmm3grin2orange:
They keep me up late some nights :laugh:
coveredinsap said:
When I was a kid there were frogs and toads all over the place. Not so any more. You're not curious as to why that is?

Let's see now... there are only two facts here - you and the frogs.. but you are are still here... so...???? :hmm3grin2orange: sorry, just couldn't resist.

The bottom line is that people are the problem - too many people...
coveredinsap said:
Riiiiiiight, global warming is all just a coincidence.

I believe the mosquito-borne dinosaur extinction theory was thrown out the window quite a few years ago when they discovered huge impact craters like the one offshore the northern edge of South America. Particularly when the impact debris was found in the same sediment layer as dinosaur bones.

When I was a kid there were frogs and toads all over the place. Not so any more. You're not curious as to why that is?

Yeah, when I was a kid I remember people were smarter and more practical. They had common sense that wasn't swayed by mass hysteria of fringe kooks.

Don't you ask yourself how the world went through at least 5 climate changes before the first smokestack ever spewed pollution into the air?
Or before the first combustion engine fired a cylinder?
Or before the first time Stihl bar oil killed the toads?
Even the example of dinosaurs disappearing shows that NATURE makes changes happen. It wasn't the high polluting factories in China, it was NATURE that wiped out the dinosaurs.

What I am curious about is where the spaceships are landing in this country dropping off their tin foil clad rejects???? We need to stop them now!!!!

Yeah, it is best to reduce pollution. Of course. But the US is about the only country doing anything about pollution reduction. Have you ever seen how much factories in China and Mexico pollute???? We are doing our part to reduce pollution, nobody else is. I can now catch nice trout in rivers that were dead and barren when I was a kid.

Earth evolves, climate changes, ecosystems change. Do I miss a toad I know NOTHING about? Nah, I don't think so.
JPP said:
Yeah, when I was a kid I remember people were smarter and more practical. They had common sense that wasn't swayed by mass hysteria of fringe kooks.

Don't you ask yourself how the world went through at least 5 climate changes before the first smokestack ever spewed pollution into the air?
Or before the first combustion engine fired a cylinder?
Or before the first time Stihl bar oil killed the toads?
Even the example of dinosaurs disappearing shows that NATURE makes changes happen. It wasn't the high polluting factories in China, it was NATURE that wiped out the dinosaurs.

What I am curious about is where the spaceships are landing in this country dropping off their tin foil clad rejects???? We need to stop them now!!!!

Yeah, it is best to reduce pollution. Of course. But the US is about the only country doing anything about pollution reduction. Have you ever seen how much factories in China and Mexico pollute???? We are doing our part to reduce pollution, nobody else is. I can now catch nice trout in rivers that were dead and barren when I was a kid.

Earth evolves, climate changes, ecosystems change. Do I miss a toad I know NOTHING about? Nah, I don't think so.

Hmmmm. Funny how that reads much like what people said when told that the world wasn't flat, but was instead round.
coveredinsap said:
Riiiiiiight, global warming is all just a coincidence.

I believe the mosquito-borne dinosaur extinction theory was thrown out the window quite a few years ago when they discovered huge impact craters like the one offshore the northern edge of South America. Particularly when the impact debris was found in the same sediment layer as dinosaur bones.

When I was a kid there were frogs and toads all over the place. Not so any more. You're not curious as to why that is?

global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The earth seems to change temp from century to century there has been warm ones and cold ones(ice ages).... Its just a warm one. I think we should kick in the afterburners and spend alot more money and time in the space program, earth is not going to last for ever.
Frogs and toads as you got older did you play with frogs and toads did you go around where frogs and toads live????? Do you have any real truth to this or is this some thing you """think""" is going on????? I really like to know this stuff so any one that knows alot about this teach me. Thanks Jack
coveredinsap said:
Hmmmm. Funny how that reads much like what people said when told that the world wasn't flat, but was instead round.

And a philanthropic idea would bring ideas included the world being flat?

Something that has always puzzled me is the notion of humanistic idealism, or in this case frogs and toads, vs pure common "horse-sense"

I just gave a quote to a young couple that wish to convert from propane to natural gas, they had mentioned the environmental impact of natural gas being better then propane (and I always thought it just cost less?)

From there home too the road, the shortest line would need about 500' x 8' cleared to run a trencher for the gas line, or about 30 Lodge-Pole pine.

Giving them a $600 dollar quote, just to tip n top the trees and cut them into lengh so they could place them across the trencher track to hold erosion down. I also mentioned that for an extra $20 bucks, I would use Boi-oil in my saws, there look was as if i just doubled my quote, and the response was that there not that silly!
French Fried Frogs

Are you missing your amphibians?
Has anyone considered the "French"?
They like um'...fried, sauteed or cooked over an open fire.
I'm surprised that some of you haven't blamed the French for the amphibian decline.
Now the facts...ozone depletion...that and George W. Bush!
Yep...look it up.

<img src="">
WHEW!!! Amazing.

I cant believe someone is worried about the bar oil spit off a chain and bar, yet has no qualms about firing up ANY internal combustion engine. Its all about the convenience of the user, plain and simple.

As for Global Warming...I too, would like to know how the previous Ice Ages occurred without any of the current mass polluting devices available.

EDIT: I use the Stihl oil....Same price as the oil at TSC, HD, and Wal Mart. Havent tried any Bio oil, or veggie oil, so I cant comment on those. Regualr oil works for me, so if its not broken.......... I would say, though, I would have no problems using a Bio Oil if it was requested.
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