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bio diesel

1st no mods needed to run bio 2ond mr. diesel desinged his motor to run on veg. oil as a fuel 3rd recycling cooking oil(filter and thin with alcohol) also bio[except in alabama where its consumed as a fine sippin whiskey] exhaust smells like fast food joint so-so. big thing its renewable[like wood] and it frees us from the sand fleas and puts alot of farmers back to work.also lets my brothers father inlaw change his tee shirt{crime dosent pay - its like farming} right now sthil&husky sell bio bar oil and i run a saw on nitro and castor oil - thats stinkey but runs like hell! [when i grow up i still want to be me] 0 :blob2: :blob2: :blob2:
Tom's right on the mark, good post!

BD and his Rush Limbaughian attitude is pretty scary.
If we all act as environmentalists and the enirnmental concerns are false, there's not much lost, in fact we have a cleaner place to live. However, if we pollute the planet to the point of no return, and the environmentalist were right, then we're screwed.

Do you all have Ozone alert days?
We get more and more every year. How can a warning that it's not safe to go outside and breath, not concern you?

Now WAIT just a minute! You can't be correct. Why on earth would they have bothered to come up with it in the first place... much less putting it on license plates if the true figure is half again as large? Why would anyone think that "Land of 10,000 Lakes" would sound better than "Land of 15,000?"

And with displaced ice, it doesn't matter how much air the ice contains. Like the root of an iceberg to support its height above water. The weight/volume by 'floating' is already in the water. Melting it won't effect the water's level. (allowing for slight differences in the water's salinity.)

And you forgot abou the armadillos. I hear they are all the way up to Kentucky now. Most likely its's the armadillos that the opussums are running from.
But that's what animals do. I'll admit that animals could be quite sensitive to changes that we don't understand, but that doesn't change the fact that we are unable to discern a measurable difference in temperature.

... and again, those glaciers have been melting for the last 18,000 years or so.

Climatically, are we getting warmer? Everything points to, "Yes!" As a matter of fact, we are on the 'warm' side of a 500 year cycle of warming and and cooling of the earth. Remember when the vikings first landed in "Greenland" (like, why name it that?) it was a very nice place. It was during an even warmer cycle than we are in now, obviously. When they returned several hundred years later to check on them, it was far different.

I just don't believe in not using (and developing) resources that we can responsibly manage with minimal effects for the good of all mankind.

I'm thrilled about Bio diesel! Acutally, I've been aware of hybred gasolines but didn't know about the diesel. Hey, that's what humans do. Always thinking, always improving!
If we all act as environmentalists and the enirnmental concerns are false, there's not much lost, in fact we have a cleaner place to live. However, if we pollute the planet to the point of no return, and the environmentalist were right, then we're screwed.

AMEN! and AMEN!! the way, Mike. I don't know what could be scary about my views. I advocate everything that you've stated. So... I'm scary becasue I agree with you? I am an environmentalist, also. Of course we pollute and pollution is bad! It's allarming to look at some of the conditions we live in and even make worse, but Just look at how much cleaner and more efficient cars are because of just these concerns. I'm amazed and thrilled over that! I have always had a positive attitude about human ingenuity improving such things.

The issue I have a problem with is the hype and alarmists making unsupported claims. (such as a 300 foot rise in sea level if I don't start riding a bicycle, NOW!)
Originally posted by buckduck
(such as a 300 foot rise in sea level if I don't start riding a bicycle, NOW!)

Hyperboli does not help you cause. Even a 6-18 inch rise in median sea level would wipe out a huge portion of the tidal wetlands and plains.

Some of the current warming events are degrading ice that has been around for thousands of years.

Yes there have been other short trends and mini ice-ages (some attributed to tectionic activites some to manmade, like the london fog beign attributed to peat burninga nd later coal).

To say that there are no events that are directly attibutable to man as the tobbacco companies of the past that cigarretts did not contribut to higher mortality in users.

In the scientific community the neysayers are in a distinct minority, and there is a perponderance of evidance leading the majority to concur that human activity is influancing the current warming trend.

Hey you brought up the heat island effect, those huge heat sinks have got to have an effect on the whole.
Most times, I can find some clarity by listening to one of the Bruce's. Maybe Cockburn can shed something here:


Rain forest
Mist and mystery
Teeming green
Green brain facing labotomy
Climate control centre for the world
Ancient cord of coexistence
Hacked by parasitic greedhead scam -
From Sarawak to Amazonas

Costa Rica to mangy B.C. hills - Cortege rhythm of falling timber.

What kind of currency grows in these new deserts,
These brand new flood plains?

If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
Anybody hear the forest fall?

Cut and move on
Cut and move on
Take out trees
Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day
Take out people who've lived with this for 100,000 years -
Inject a billion burgers worth of beef -
Grain eaters -
methane dispensers.

Through thinning ozone,
Waves fall on wrinkled earth -
Gravity, light, ancient refuse of stars,
Speak of a drowning -
But this, this is something other.
Busy monster eats dark holes in the spirit world
Where wild things have to go
To disappear
If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
Anybody hear the forest fall?

January 1997 "[Interviewer: The decimation of the forest is something many of us here are very concerned with. A trip to Brazil,
no doubt, compelled you to write "If A Tree Falls."] "Actually, it wasn't a trip to Brazil. My exposure to rain forest, with the
except on one brief day in Australia, has been in the Northwest, the western coast of North America, which is as much rain forest
as anything else. It's just not tropical. So a lot of the time when people talk about the rain forest, they don't realize that they are
also talking about the large groves that grow on the west coast of Canada and North America.
But I was aware first hand of the destruction of these forests and aware through many sources of the destruction of the tropical
rain forests."

10k has a better ring than 15k. Desides, when the legislator from the Lake Wobegon district brought up the point of not being boastful or overstating, he carried the day.

Sure there are alarmists on both ends of the spectrum. The choice is to decide to make up your own mind rather than listening to only one source.

BD wrote:

just don't believe in not using (and developing) resources that we can
responsibly manage with minimal effects for the good of all mankind.

You need to define two words, responsibly and minimal.

It all gets back to the fart in the elevator.

The polar ice sheets are thousands of feet thick, and thousands of square miles wide. That's a chunk of ice, pal! And you don't think that the ocean's will rise? They already are. It may be hard to notice but the studies on the Pacific Islands are valid.

If you still don't believe in climatic change, do some reading on dendrochronolgy. The climate record is written in tree growth rings. If you have a basic understanding of tree physiology you should be able to grasp the value of this information.

I can see how some people may not believe that human effect on the Earth is leading to global warming. I can't see how our impact isn't acknowledged. There is a possibility that we are going through a natural warming cycle. If so, the effects are becoming more evident, faster, than any other time. How is this known? By listening to scientists from many disciplines. Geologists, botanists, ecologists, archeaologists, glaciologists, marine scientists. If you choose to not believe the overwhelming bits of information because there isn't one large bit, you're living a life with a bag over your head.

Oh, well...

well, I'm not certain howwell i'l type with this bagg over myhead but here goes....

I'm so glad that (as I stated before) we are in 90% agreement. I'd hate to be in this discussion if we were actually disagreeing. I was the one who brought up climatic change, remember?

I too, have been to the blue mountains, as well as the rain forests of puerto rico. It would be a travesty beyond imagination to lose those beautiful places, as well as having an impact on our earth.

Global changes are increadibly complex. Rarely are answers as simple as we would like to make them. Many forces determine sea levels as well as temperatures. (funny, you didn't mention where the sea level is dropping in Alaska as well as other parts of the world)

But trust me guys... I'm agreeing with you!! It's just a difference in arguing for inevitable catastrophic changes and admitting that we don't know nearly as much as we'd like.

It's been fun.. but I've got to get this bag off my head... I feel folks are starting to stare here at the hospital... besides, I think they found out that I've chewed through my straps!
Biodiesel isnt all the greenies would have you believe it is. The fuel itself has less btu's per gallon which leads to lower mileage and decreased power. It also attracts water in a major way, is corrosive, will not work in cold weather, increases certain emmisions(but decreasees NOX), isnt economical to produce, requires alot of petrol to make and has some toxic waste as a by product of its mfg.
For those making the stuff in your garage. Be careful of how you dispose of the lye and methyl laced glycerin that is a by product of bio disel mfg.
BTW the earth is warming and has been since the last ice age. To suggest that because the last 50 years or even several hundred years are warmer than usual means that we are headed for a disaster is reactionary and naive. Where these same people not saying a new ice age was coming in the 70's?

b walker if you read what you wrote first 3 lines -you describe petro-diesel to a tee, up north anti gel & 50/50 diesel-karo mixs in the tropics fungas grows in diesel that it has to be treated ,btu is a wrong form of comparison-fuel under compression-and to say production of bio takes a near 1 to 1 use of petro is off by a long shot ,ben this is just a start,farmers rely on diesel as you know and any way we can become more self sufficient along with the use of a renewable resource is the way to the future.and as far as by products even your turkey dinner produced waste!:blob2: :blob2: :blob2: when i grow up i still want to be me ZERO
Zero, the things I listed are well known facts. Does bio diesel really promote energy independance when it relys on soo much dino diesel to make it? Real energy dependance will come when we get back into nuke power and start producing hydrogen fueled motors.

Mike, We dont buy oil from Iran FWIW.

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