. . . I have a ton or two of Western Red cedar from the neighbor's logging and I'm looking for some kind of machine that takes a small block of cedar and turns it into multiple pieces of kindling in one stroke. . . Maybe I have to find someone (inventive engineer) to create something that goes on the ram of the log splitter?
First off: Welcome to A.S.!
If you do a search on this site for 'Firewood Processor' you will find several threads such as this one, that share members experiences:
You can also do a similar search on Google for product information.
This level of automation was new to me (hence the thread above). While looking through the vendor info, some of the processors had multi-section wings that split rounds into 4, 6, 8 pieces, etc. Some had concentric dies that split up the rounds concentrically as well as radially.
I don't know what size wood you are splitting, or how much you are willing to invest. But these threads and vendor links should at least give you some ideas of what is commercially available, and provide some good ideas if you are looking to design something to work with your existing splitter.
Let us know what you come up with!