box elder ?

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New Member
Sep 4, 2001
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Hi , i hope you can help us with a box elder problem. The tree is huge
and a beautifull shade tree and the pride n joy of the patio ok . It has this
problem, the center of the tree appears to be dieing and i dont know if its
age or a disease problem.My girlfriend whos property the tree resides on says
that a few years ago it had i think whats called slime disease or wet bark i
think its called. Is there any thing we can do to save it ?
There are other posts about slime flux here, seach and you'l' find on that.

Box elder tend to loose limbs regularly. Any fast growing tree is short lived reative to the slower growing ones. Box elder is programed to grow fast, creat alot of seeds then fall aprt and die to give back to the soil. The last maybe 50-75 years.

Oaks on the udder hand put energy into fighting decay and growing slowly so that they can live a long long time.

Have several arborists look at the tree to see what should be done. If there is no central defect that gives a big risk of it falling on you while sun bathing, then regular dead wooding may just be what is needed.

If there is a defect you may be able to have some cable installed to keep it longer and then have it inspected regulary to have the decline prosses monitored.
sick box elder

:)Hi ,
If i understand correctly sumone lives in st.louis right? i would sure like to hook up with one of you guys to advise me on this shade tree situation," you know the local tree people would say u mite aswell taker out itl die anyway" thats not what we want to here ya know .
thanks Steve 314-650-8145 anytime:) ;)