Damaged saw protocol?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jul 5, 2008
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United States
Today, my cutting partner made a comment about his saw being to small to fell trees. So, I asked if he wanted to try out my 3 week old Solo 681. Well, on the third tree he managed to get the saw stuck when the tree twisted on him. Anyway, the tree toppled over sideways with the trunk landing on top of my saw, causing extensive damage. From what I can tell, I need a new bar, side cover, top handle, gas tank, and AV springs.

Who should pay, and in what percentage, for the damages?

Also, after the parts are replaced, will the saw be as good as new?

My understanding is that those saws have a 5 year warranty. Turn it in! Ok that wasnt funny. Personally i guess it depends who were you cutting the wood for? If it was for him, i think he should pay, if it was for you, sorry. I personally think if that was me that loaned a cutting buddy my saw, i wouldnt worry about it. Would i be p!22ed yes, would i ask him to pay no.
Take a look at the cost to repair it may be cheaper to replace. From the cost of the stihl parts i have priced, if it was my saw i would replace it and sell the busted up one on flee bay or on here.
YOU asked him if he wanted to use your saw.... So, I think the damage is on you. Now, if HE asked you to borrow the saw....then its on him...JMO
your saw your problem, if he was a real friend he buck up for killing your saw, you were the one that asked him if he wanted to try it.
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i can imagine how you feel. Sad news.

Anyway, in your or his situation i think it might be more sensible to go for a new saw. 3 weeks old is new, why make the repair if it is so extensive; might cost less.

Who should pay is a matter of agreement that you have with your friend. For me it is simple:Accidents happen and if i am holding your equipment i am also responsible for it. (therefore i dont lend my tools to anybody)

Besides cars i dont consider anything to be insured for my damage.
Tough call. If I broke it I would pay for it. If I loaned it I wouldn't press the guy to pay for the damages but I would hope he would be responsible enough to buck up and make it right. Hopefully, he will work something out with you. Being a brand new 681 makes it even worse, they are nice saws.
Today, my cutting partner made a comment about his saw being to small to fell trees. So, I asked if he wanted to try out my 3 week old Solo 681. Well, on the third tree he managed to get the saw stuck when the tree twisted on him. Anyway, the tree toppled over sideways with the trunk landing on top of my saw, causing extensive damage. From what I can tell, I need a new bar, side cover, top handle, gas tank, and AV springs.

Who should pay, and in what percentage, for the damages?

Also, after the parts are replaced, will the saw be as good as new?


Nah j/k. Make him pay for the lot. If you listen to plantbiologist, he'll tell ya to smack him in the nose too
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Tough call. If I broke it I would pay for it. If I loaned it I wouldn't press the guy to pay for the damages but I would hope he would be responsible enough to buck up and make it right. Hopefully, he will work something out with you. Being a brand new 681 makes it even worse, they are nice saws.

+1, If it were me and I broke your saw I'd fix it or at least help you out. I damaged my buddies MS180 last winter and I paid for the parts even though he said not to worry about it
It is indeed a tough call, I have a feeling that he doesn't know much
about dropping trees, so it is good that no one is hurt.

Offering a new large saw to a guy that does not have much experience
handling it is not a good idea, and with you being right there with him,
makes me feel the greater burden should be on you as far as
responsibility for the charges, but that is my opinion, but that is what
you asked for.

Just out of curiosity, do you guys just cut firewood for some extra money?
Do either of you have any real experience felling standing trees?
What kind of protection gear do you all use?
Felling wedges? Any other gear?

Just curious.
way to bust his balls FISH he just lost his new saw and not everybody that cuts down a tree needs to be a ISA certified arborist loaded down with PPE. I did have a chance to run that saw at the Michigan GTG and it cut like a molested ape. Tough break literally, hope every thing works out for the best and just remember a saw is easier to replace than a friend..
way to bust his balls FISH he just lost his new saw and not everybody that cuts down a tree needs to be a ISA certified arborist loaded down with PPE. I did have a chance to run that saw at the Michigan GTG and it cut like a molested ape. Tough break literally, hope every thing works out for the best and just remember a saw is easier to replace than a friend..

Good Words !! I have felled quite a few with no PPE except my sunglasses which are ANSI spec and really no experience!:rockn: I always managed to drop them exactly where I wanted them.
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Man That Sucks !!

You offered it up.It's your baby.
A good friend would at least offer to go halves on parts.

At least you can consider it a lesson to never loan your good saws.

But man that still sucks...............my condolence's.
It really does suck.... If it was me... I would bite the bullet and pay out of my pocket...because it was my call to offer it...I would hope he offered to help with the fees but thats it! I only loan my **** out to a select few that I know.
You offered it up.It's your baby.
A good friend would at least offer to go halves on parts.

At least you can consider it a lesson to never loan your good saws.

But man that still sucks...............my condolence's.


If he had come to you and asked to borrow it by him self it would be on him, but you offered it up and of course he said he:censored:ll yeah I'll try that bad MoFo out as would anybody with a pulse. Spit happens sometimes, as bad as it sucks you can't really hold it against him.

Buuuut, if I were in his shoes I would offer to pay for the parts to fix it or just buy the saw from you for what you paid and let you get a new one. :cheers:

Tough though, chances are one or both of you are gonna leave this deal with a bad taste. :(
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regardless of if its offered or borrowed, if I break something i fix it. But us kiwis have principles i suppose...

If someone voluntarily buys you a round of beers and you accidently knock the lot on the floor, do you make them buy another round? Or do you go to the bar with a red face and buy a replacement round :cheers:

if he didnt know what he was doing he should have said so and refused the offer :D:D:D
Mate with tree biz , 066, blew up >then used one of his workers personal new (pride and joy ) ms 660 to fill in .HE blew that one up (new cost here $1700 au ) Pays employee \\\$300 compensation and buys the screwed MS (told my mate not good enough in front of the crew ).Hmmmm....sends old one for total rebuild ( $1100) ... 3 weeks later the rebuild does a couple of weeks work,with the crew, and is screwed for the second time.....he's making good dollars , shrugs ,goes out an buys another one for the biz...........
Moral of the story ......don't lend your saws.
If someone screws you or your saws,tell them what you want as compensation.Don't be agro just state it clear >If you work together I guess theres always intimidating factors but unless your straight up, it will at some stage effect your future relationship and in this case, saws .
He owes you a saw . Give him the rooted one to sell off
on ebay to cover some of his outlay for the new saw for you.
Good luck.
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