Eeeeeek! Ticks! Yuck!

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The ticks here get so bad that they invite themselves in for supper.
They actually crawl under the crack in the door to get into the house.
Sometimes you can see many of them crawling on the siding.

I hate anything that has 8 legs!!
Found one on the couch, probably off me, and one on the pickup seat, probably off the Used Dog. Why are we ticky? I started taking walks behind the house. There are nice views to be had.



If it were clear, Mt Adams would be visible. (a classic PNWer line about our volcano viewing.)


The classic Tick Magnet.
Found one on the couch, probably off me, and one on the pickup seat, probably off the Used Dog. Why are we ticky? I started taking walks behind the house. There are nice views to be had.



If it were clear, Mt Adams would be visible. (a classic PNWer line about our volcano viewing.)


The classic Tick Magnet.

Igot down on one knee and proposed to Mntngal at the summit of Adams. Didnt see any ticks up there tho.
Ick, yuckers! Time to move. Are there ticks in Alaska?:jawdrop:

There are Moose ticks,but they dont dine on humanoids.Ive personally never seen one,and spent bazillion hours in the hay fields/back woods with the devil dawgs.
While ive never had the fortune to experience leeches,ticks so far are the worste.High summer in OR was tick season and meant you had to alter dog walking/hiking.

Is Sherburne close to Oneonta? We've been working in that area, haven't worked in a week though. We log for Gutchess lumber on their property.

yup about 45 minutes away depending on which way ya take to get there. gonna send you a PM in a couple minutes.
I assume that many of you are aware of the dangers of Lyme's disease but for you that have never heard of it its worth posting a link to THIS page.

Now obviously, not all ticks carry it but if all you need to do is remove the tick properly (none of this burning them or covering them with surgical spirits that causes them to regurgitate their stomach contents along with Lymes disease into you either) then its worth reading.
I would rather spnd quality time with Ticks ANY day over Chiggers!!

Are there Chiggers here in the PNW?
:agree2:When I lived in Texas there was one summer I had 32 chigger bites all at the same time. It drove me nuts! The only way I deal with them is to take my pocket knife and scrape them out. This leaves a scar later; however, it beats itchin for a week.
deer tic

i have been bit 250-300 times by deer tic,s. had lymes 1 time maybe 2. had it cleared up.not something to take lightly.many people i know have stage2 or 3 and are permanently damaged.k
gotta love finding one of those nice eight legged grapes belly up on the house floor (from the dogs). Yuck.
Went fishing at the river with my tick magnet as a puppy, found about 50 of the critters on him and couple crawling on me. Couple of brook trout helped ease the frustration. Next week I went to that same spot, used watered down Skin-so-soft (original oil product) in a spray bottle on him and myself. Ladies were even more attracted to the mutt were ever we stopped, and only 2 ticks crawling on the top of his fir by the river. Went home with a couple more trout and a smile on my face.

The good old free range chickens do a great job on tick control (they love to eat them buggers). With front-line in use we were finding a couple a day on the pup last year, only about a half dozen this year. The fresh eggs are delicious.

With large deer population and warm winters the ticks #'s are rising.:censored::censored:
Permethrine 0.5% spray on clothing only defense against the tick attack. You can buy it at Outdoors shops or most hunting stores.
no laughing matter

Have had ticks on me before,having worked in the woods for 35 years.Last summer i fell on my face while working. off to the hospital. Vomiting,so disoriented,I couldn't sit on the ground ,back against a tree.Misdiagnosed with vertigo in two e room visits.After a month my p c physician tested me for Lyme,positive.The bacteria destroyed the vestibular nerve in the back of my ear that sends spacial positioning and balance info to the brain. needless to say it was scary. couldn't stand with my eyes closed.Would get dizzy turning my head ,riding in the car etc.I'm told there's nothing that can be done and hope the body adapts. it's been since june 17'08.I never did see a tick or a telltale bullseye.there is a three to four week incubation period ,so if you see a tick and go to the doctor they'll hit you with doxycycline.If someone has had vestibular problems and has info they could pass along regarding any remediation,it would be greatly appreciated.This has been a real mf. Gary
I don't think Lyme disease is very common here. But I could be wrong. I don't think I had deer ticks either.

A vet told me that he had not seen it in any dogs, so it probably wasn't a problem, but that was a few years ago.
Out East here, we eat ticks for breakfast! Particularly if you're a hunter!

Dog ticks, deer ticks... no problem! But now there's a newcomer.. the Lone Star tick.. and this SOB will put the fear of God into ya'!
Can't see 'em or feel 'em until the damage is done.. And it don't take long.. Last year looking for woodcock with the dog, I must have had 200 to 250 bites, mostly on the legs and ankles. Like to scratch your legs off, and the itch lasts three to four weeks. Some people report they've near gone outta' their minds. gotten me the last five years or so.. since their arrival, but the numbers seem to be on the increase..
If you've only got dog ticks.. Thank your lucky stars! If you've got deer ticks also, you can still look on the bright side... When the Lone Stars show up... Get outta' Dodge!
Ticks rate right up there with Poison Oak, and Yellowjackets, but ticks are more insidious, the others you have a chance to spot them first. My worst tick adventures were in second growth Redwood, very nasty.
Take a team of Guinea Hens along on a leash. They eat them like candy.