February Blizzard

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We seem to have gotten off easy. Only about 3-4" and only 1 branch down so far. It's set up pretty hard and I'm wondering if it would have been better to plow last night. 90 percent of what I plow is crushed rock and most of that gets piled on turf, so I hate plowing when it's wet and rolling it up - just means cleanup after the thaw.
I've been "snowed in" on my birthday a couple times over the years which is the 2nd week of march,,winter aint over 'till it's over...
Last nite severe thunderstorms/damaging winds and today 33 degrees with 35 mph winds and "possible" snow showers/flurries,,
I'm hoping for lots-o-trees down where I cut me far'wood,,,
We are having a REAL old time winter here, with 100" of snow so far and even more than that around me! It takes a bigger MFWD tractor just to get out to my wood lot,


And even then, I'm pushing snow up on the grill at times! SO, I finally got tired of that and got the dozer out and pushed some of my roads open,


Biggest reason I did that, was because of a predicted big rain coming for yesterday, it did get up to 40* and it did rain/thunder/lightening, but I wouldn't call it a BIG rain.

Right now it's 31*, snowing and EXTREME winds out, with the temps falling back toward zero!

Winter sucks! lol

Got about 6-8" of heavy wet stuff that stuck to trees and powerlines, after dinner the winds came up and gusting to 50mph - power outages all over and ours went down a little after 8pm and stayed out for about 6 hours. Sure was nice to have the Fireview cranking at 500F when the power was out. Really could hear those winds howling with nothing running in the house. Outside there were no lights to be seen anywhere except for the occasional crazy out driving around..
2 hours for a 45 minute drive home. Made it THIS CLOSE before I got stuck in the driveway. Drifting has lots of roads close to shut down locally.


Trees are taking a beating too. One down at the edge of my driveway, another looks like this:


Gonna be busy on the tractor in the AM.
Holy Smokes!! That night would have been a good time to make a call to the neighbor to make a pass on your driveway before you get home.
Holy Smokes!! That night would have been a good time to make a call to the neighbor to make a pass on your driveway before you get home.

My driveway wasn't any worse than the roads were at that time of night, I just didn't have any momemtun left after I turned in. It was a balancing act the last 15 miles or so between enough speed to get through the drifts, and going too fast and hitting the ditch when the snow came over the hood and visibility went to slightly less than the edge of the windshield wipers.

I actually had to back down one hill on the way home, and go around to another crossroad. Had I been working 3rd shift, I'd have called in for the first time in many years. Watching the mid day news, roads in the 'Cities are all ice, lots of spinouts and stuck tractor trailers in the middle of the freeway. Gonna be fun again today.
This sucks sour owl crap...
After this last one it's near impossible to do squat. It came down wet and heavy on top of the other, now it's frozen... ya' can't walk on it without fallin' through, and ya' can't walk through it because of the frozen top 8 inches. I dug-out the snowshoes last night... that's gonna' be the only way to move around for some amount of time now.
I've got cabin fever so bad I've even lost interest in scratchin' my nutz :D

It's gonna' be a tough month for the deer... coyotes and wolves will be eating well.
We lucked out with it turning to rain that's for sure but now it is a crunchy crusty mess. The wind is so bad right now that when I throw the frisbee for the dog it will stay in the air forever, riding the crazy currents. It is quite fun to watch although it is driving the dog nuts because he can't figure out where it is gonna land and trying to run through snow that deep is tough for him! Sun is out though! I'll take it.
Hang in there guys, it'll end eventually.
I'm not particularly religious, but you'd think that even God would get tired of hittin' the 'suck' button.
When I came home from plowing snow this morning, none of the roads were plowed except the freeway. Many cars stuck in the middle of the road, but none in the ditches. I guess they didn't need to be in the ditch to be stuck! A couple spots on the way home were nearly too much even with 4 wheel drive and a third cord of wood in the back. Guessing we got around 11 or 12 inches. Hard to tell for sure with the wind blowing and all the drifting.

One side of my driveway has 3 ft of snow, the other side has about a half inch. So, I must be right on the line between not so bad and really bad! Or, a lot of drifting. Gee, which is it? It's so hard to tell! lol Maybe I could just say that according to my estimation, I got 3.5 ft, using gov't voodoo math!

Around my house and on my drives, I use this to keep them cleaned out,


It really kicksazz!


And even after a heavy snow, it gets everything cleaned out in no time! For lighter snows like above, you can move right along...

On the plus side, this crusty stuff is great for X country skiing. My Plott mix needs to run and skis are the way to go in winter. I've scrounged the widest pair I could find and still felt like snowshoes would have been better most days. Hoping to sneak out before work tomorrow and glide over the polar landscape.
I got the big plow truck stuck yesterday, it is a 5 yard single drive axle dump truck. Now that was fun shoveling out. the deep snow now is like granulated sugar. My fire number sign in the front yard by the road that stands about 4 ft. high off the ground is buried. We didn't get that much snow from the storm maybe 9 inches, but the wind gusting to 30 mph has the snow drifts ridiculously high.