Finished up the first 084 build

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That they are expensive :hmm3grin2orange:
Ain't that the truth!

Have you started it yet?
Yes sir. The one I got from Freakingstang is done and running.

Today I tore the one I got from eBay down to a bare short block. I did not split the cases. I removed the seals and cleaned out the bearings real good. They're nice and tight and smooth. The cylinder looks like new. The piston looks great too. All that it needed was 3 of the 4 annular buffers. It's all back together and running as well. This one came with the later model HT-7A carb and spring driven oil pump. The only thing I've painted so far is the muffler, after sandblasting it. I'll likely paint the recoil housing and bar cover Monday, as well as sand and clearcoat the plastic. I will not be painting the case. It's really in quite good condition. No cracks in the plastic. I got a bargain with this one.
That 084 looks REAL good. But, someone (who has to remain anonymous) showed me pics of a KILLER 084 today. Yall may already know, but iffin ya dont I cant spill THAT 084 is NUTS!

That 084 looks very good!! I'm sure there is a lot of money in her huh? I also have been looking for a 084. I've been looking on ebay, no wonder there is none, you bought them all!LOLOLOLOLOL Very good job blsnelling!!! I'd rep you if I could!:greenchainsaw: :chainsaw: :cheers:
Be very careful on ebay with big saws... See my post an 084 evaulation I did few pages back..

Of course, should I sell mine on ebay, you can be assured it's not a dog ;)
This saw is going up for sale. A couple of you have inquired but i don't remember who all. What would be the best way to handle it? I think I would get top dollar selling it on eBay but would rather someone on AS have it. How about listing it on eBay with a post in the Tradin' Post with a link to the eBay auction? If I eBay it, it will have a reserve, so let's not argue that point. That's just how I do eBay.
This saw is going up for sale. A couple of you have inquired but i don't remember who all. What would be the best way to handle it? I think I would get top dollar selling it on eBay but would rather someone on AS have it. How about listing it on eBay with a post in the Tradin' Post with a link to the eBay auction? If I eBay it, it will have a reserve, so let's not argue that point. That's just how I do eBay.

Better sell it on ebay.............If it blows up down the line you'll never hear the end of it...

If you didn't publicize your rebuilding projects it would have been a lot easier to list it on ebay without anyone knowing ;).
Sharing the rebuild is a lot of the fun for me. Nothing to hide here anyway.
Yeah I can understand that...but thats why your in the dillema you are now. If I was you I would just list the saw on ebay with no reserve and let er rip. IMO reserve listings are a lot less appealing and it prevents some competiveness amongst the bidders. If it starts out low with no reserve people start competing with each other from the the get go.
Yeah I can understand that...but thats why your in the dillema you are now.

I don't consider this a delima nor regret sharing my build. I enjoy sharing the progress with you guys. I won't change that. Hopefully it will help someone out in the future. I just want to make sure I do this in the most amicable way so as to not create any ripples. As I see it now, I will be listing it on eBay and providing the link in our Tradin' Post.