Go Fund Me Fundraiser For Adirondackstihl

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ArboristSite Guru
Sep 19, 2013
new jersey
Knowing what I know now. I realize your health is the most important thing in life. It's a shame that other venues won't help in your time of need. I donated but I wish to say if this falls short of your time in need (of good health) I can possibly help more. I don't have much to donate. But I am there for any support I can give. God knows Ive done my wrongs and I've been put on the better path to recovering. I wish you Both the best in your Iives and if You are fortunate enough to be given the opportunity I was given I'm sure you won't squander it. I pray for the health of your family to prevail. And to all the folks that have put aside the value of money for someone's health. You're the true definition of friends. I hope this works in favor of the recipients. My prayers, however short they maybe will have you included. God bless.



European Westcoaster
Aug 7, 2013
Already at $4800 in just the first day!!! This is such an amazing group of friends to have! :)

Sometimes, I think it's more than that. You know, I'm from France, and we have a really good national health insurance for everybody. It's apparently different in the USA, but it seems that a lot of guys learned how to help each others in your own way. That's awesome.


Work Saw Specialist
Nov 21, 2009
how long does this raffle run?

We're gonna roll along for about one month Steven. I figure as we move forward, a good ending date will present itself.

.......even the most serious threads need some relief.


Thank goodness someone said, "Banter".

Now I can start posting in this thread................LOL!

View attachment 451537 View attachment 451538

What you did there Jonathon...........I see it. :)
angelo c
Dec 3, 2008
Peoples Republic of North Jersey
Here we go folks.

I know everyone here knows Jeremy (Adirondackstihl). I found out he was selling off his saws......and heard that it was because his wife was sick. I contacted him, and asked what we could do to help. Well, in classic manly fashion, he said we could pray for them. I asked if a fundraiser would help........Jeremy said that he would never be able to pay it back, so no, he didn't want to do that. At this point I reminded him that he had been paying it forward for a long time now.......and that this is how it works. You help others with no expectations of return. When you do that though, it does end up coming back to you.

Well, here we are my friends. Jeremy needs some help.

I got this message from him a little while ago when I asked for some details.....

"She has several auto immune diseases.
Lupus would add to that list. We are hoping at this point for lupus.
The X rays today showed a mass in her chest which is indicative of lymphoma. "

I know they have insurance, but since Monday they have had to pay out 350.00 in co-pays. :(

Here's the Go Fund Me link. Be sure to make a note of your user name. Every 10.00 gets a raffle ticket.

Thanks guys....

Click Here To Donate

What about a " A few Morons tryin to help out" two idiots logging t-shirts ?
maybe those would raise up some funds as well.
angelo c
Dec 3, 2008
Peoples Republic of North Jersey
They probably would. Everyone loves though shirts.
any graphic designers on board ?

should be simple to take Jeremy's "two idiots" theme and modify slightly to add " a few Morons" eh ?
or maybe " a few Midgets" instead ?

e'ry body loves Midgets right ???

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